Chapter 42

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*Re uploading because I realised that not all of the chapter was published for some reason, but the good thing is that I had uploaded it on AO3 so I didn't have to write it from the beginning again. Sorry this happened *

A couple of weeks had passed since we got back to Hungary and little by little I started feeling better. When I was awake at least. Me and the girls got even closer and we kept going on random walks, which was an opportunity for both me and them to take some new pictures. Henry was being more open about our "relationship" and I was pretty sure that everyone knew by now that something was going on between us. I was spending every night with him, we would always sleep snuggled up and at that moment I felt safe, at peace. And as much as I loved it I also hated it. Hated the thought that one day I might lose that as well. And I hated the fact that I got so close to him, because I knew that letting go would hurt like hell.

Joey joked that he and the girls had put a bet whether or not me and Henry would get together, because apparently we're made for each other. Everything was slowly returning back to normal, I was being more focused at work, either Freya or Anya kept me company until they had to go shoot, and we even continued our usual barbeque nights. 

But everything would take a 180 degree turn when I would go to sleep at night. Even though I would lay snuggled up with Henry, I kept dreaming about Steph and the amazing times we had together. But the dream always ended up with her on the plane and I had to watch the plane crash. It kept replaying in my head until I would wake up crying. I was trying to be quiet so I wouldn't wake Henry up but he somehow always knew when I would be up and he would hold me close to him. I would bury my head in his chest and I would cry for hours. But not once he let go of me, he kept hugging me, rubbing my back and just wait for me to cry it all out until I fell back asleep. After that, I would just always drift into a dreamless sleep. 


Turning off the alarm on my phone I let out a grunt and rubbed my eyes. The space next to me was empty, but on Henry's pillow was resting a note and a rose. A smile escaped my lips as I picked up the rose and started reading the letter. 

Good morning beautiful, I'm sorry that I'm not there, but I had to get the makeup done before we start shooting, and you know how long that takes. I didn't want to wake you up. You had just fallen back asleep and you looked so peaceful, I'd be damned if I ruined it. Anyway, I've prepared you some breakfast since I've noticed you haven't been eating properly. I'll see you later.

P.S I saw that rose in the garden and it reminded me of you, well your hair to be exact. I hope you like it.

Sniffing the rose I take one better look at it. It's almost burgundy color with the small bright red highlights looked almost exactly like my hair color. I was never fond of receiving flowers, especially roses, I found it too cliché. But getting it from Henry changed my mind slightly, only because of the thought that went through his mind when picking it up. Getting up I got stretched and headed to the bathroom. I picked my hairbrush from the counter and started untangling my hair. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, my eyes still red and puffy from last night's usual crying session. I washed my face as I heard a small growl coming from my stomach and I went straight to the kitchen.

 On the counter were resting pancakes with strawberries and chocolate, next to them another note saying that there's coffee in the machine and orange juice in the fridge. Taking a cup from the cupboard I pour myself some coffee and then open the cutlery drawer getting a knife and a fork. I let out a loud yelp as I heard running and a bark. I thought Henry had taken Kal with him, he tilted his head at me in confusion and I patted the back of his fluffy head. "I'm sorry little one, I didn't know you were here." Putting my cutlery and cup on the counter I head to the pantry to get Kal's food. He was wagging his tails and was jumping excitedly but I ordered him to sit and he waited for me, with his tongue out and saliva was almost dripping, so I could fill his one bowl with food and the other with water before I told him that he could eat. He started ravaging the food and I let a dry chuckle at the sight before sitting on the tall chair of the counter and started eating the pancakes Henry made. He was such a good cook it was unbelievable.

As I was eating I sent away some orders I had and taking my antidepressants and contraceptives I want to wash the dishes. Getting back in the bedroom I changed to my comfy jeans and my black bodysuit and getting my camera bag before calling Kal so I could put his lead on. Henry had given me an extra pair of keys so I locked the door behind me and we headed to the set. 


For the past week, we had been shooting the strigga episode. Most of the first Witcher game was about the strigga and how to lift the curse, so I found amazing how they managed to shrink an entire game into just one episode. Henry would appear shirtless in a couple of scenes for that episode so he was dehydrating himself to make his muscles more visible. I was so against it at first telling him that this was so unhealthy, but he wouldn't listen. I understood why he wanted to do this when I saw him shirtless for the scene in the inn with the prostitute. I had seen him shirtless before but his now extra toned physique made me feel things that I hadn't felt in a long time; but I tried to shrug the feelings off as we promised we would be taking it slow. 

Getting on the set I can easily spot Henry, he's in full costume. If we wanted to get game technical he was in full Kaer Morhen armor, something which made him look bigger than he already was. He didn't notice us as he was heading straight to the studio. His leather trousers were fitting great around his bottom and I couldn't help but stare. Kal then let out a bark making Henry turn around to face us while I was blushing. He smiled widely as he headed to our direction. His amber contacts and white wig making him even more intriguing. "Good morning." He kissed my cheek as he scratched the back of Kal's ears. "Why are your cheeks red?" He grinned taking a better look at me. I rubbed my cheeks "I don't know what you're talking about." I answered sarcastically as I started walking quickly into the studio. Henry chuckled but didn't question it further and we walked into the studio with his hand around my waist. He kissed the temple of my head as he left and I got my equipment ready.  

We were now shooting the scene where Geralt had a talk with King Foltest in the dining room. They had made a separate room in the studio for just this one scene. The big wooden table was almost empty. Just a long blue table cloth running across it with some prop food and four candles around it. Candle holders filled with candles were scattered around the windows and a fireplace behind king Foltest's chair. Geralt had just driven everyone away from the dining room, closing the door and starting the dialogue with Foltest. And then one of the candle holders fell, breaking the glass window. The glasses scattered all over and Lauren shouted to see if everyone was okay. I quickly turn back to see if Kal was ok because the glasses flew all the way to where we were standing. He and his tail were shot up in alert when I felt a sharp pain on my thigh. 

"For fuck's sake." I yell looking down at my leg.

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