Chapter 25

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* Warning : smut* 

I felt a sharp pain in my heart as soon as I heard Henry murmur these words. And I don't know what hurt more, the fact that someone like him would fear being abandoned or the fact that it was me in his place a few years ago.

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I woke up and rubbed my eyes to start to get used to the lighting when I felt the space on the bed next to me was empty. I was confused because it was Saturday and Alex wasn't working and if he woke up before me he would always stay in bed until I woke up.

I got up from the bed and the sudden change in temperature made my naked body shiver. I put on my Marvel pajamas and Alex's grey hoodie which I ended up wearing more than he did. I get out of our bedroom and I see hear him shuffling something in the living room. I notice that his clothes were scattered all around and then I caught a sight of his figure further down the living room, his long brown hair covering his naked torso. I saw him putting clothes in his suitcase only to take them back out in desperation. He hadn't heard me sneak up behind him.

"Alex? What is going on?" I ask him, my voice was soft but concerned.

"Mia" he seemed startled as he walked towards me cupping my elbows.

"I need to talk to you" he sighed as our foreheads touched.

"Is this where you break up with me?'' I questioned as I walk away from him crossing my arms underneath my chest.

He sighed deeply as he looked for something on his phone, as soon as he did he handed it to me. It was an email.

"Dear Alex Pagnolla,

We are pleased to tell you that you have been offered the role of the chief engineer at Tesla Motors. The role you have applied for is based in Athens, Greece. We are aware that you currently reside in the United Kingdom so we would like to find out if two weeks is enough time for you to finish your affairs. We are so happy to welcome you into the Tesla Motors family and we are hoping to see you soon".

I felt my eyes tear up as soon as I read the email, so I dropped my head to the ground so he wouldn't notice. That has been his dream for years now. To be back home in Greece and work for Tesla. I should be happy for him.

"Can't they transfer the position to here?" My voice was gentle but I still couldn't face him.

He seemed deep in thought for a moment ."Come with me, we'll be back home and you're gonna be happy again" he spoke softly shortly after.

"What do you mean be happy again? I am more than happy to be here with you, sharing this wonderful house together. It is you who makes me happy, not a place" I stated as I looked up to meet his eyes.

"We can still have that in Greece, we can still be together and live together but the only difference is that we are going to be with our friends and family again." His voice was hopeful as he cupped my face with his one hand and with the other he wiped the tears that I couldn't hold any longer.

"You know I miss them terribly, and I know that this is your dream. And I would be the worst girlfriend if I didn't let you follow your dreams because I didn't want to lose you. But babe Greece has no place for someone like me." I admit to him, not being able to control my tears any longer.

"What do you mean ?" He asked confused as he kept wiping my tears away and planting small kisses on my forehead.

I gathered all the strength I could have so I could answer him without breaking into tears.

"Love, look at me" I uttered pointing at myself. "Not only I haven't attended university, but I haven't even finished college. That is a no-no for Greece and you know it. I am nothing to them. No matter how much work experience I've got, the only thing they care to see is someone having a university degree." I paused for a moment. "Also, I'm an artist, people like me starve in Greece, there's no future for me there. But there is for you." My voice started to crack. "I know it will make you happier being in Greece than being here, I love you, so I need to let you go."

His eyes were teary as he cupped my face and crashed his lips into mine. I placed my hand between his long hair and kissed him back, my face now wet with tears. "So we only have two weeks left together, so I think we should make them worthy." I admitted lustily, breaking the kiss.

He got my cue and started planting small, sloppy kisses on my neck, making me moan in pleasure. With a swift movement, he picked me up bridal style and led us to the bedroom, kissing my lips passionately all the way. He placed me gently on the bed as he worked again on my neck and took my top off. My hands kept drawing circles on his back as I was gently biting the crook of his neck, the way I knew he liked it. He started teasing my clit on top of my panties, drawing small circles around it until it drove me weak. I could not take any more of the teasing, so with a swift movement, I took his sweatpants along with his boxers off. I started playing with the tip of his cock, moving slowly further down, tucking his balls in my hand, making him groan. He promptly took the remainder of my undergarments off and he was now on top of me, his elbows sinking deep in the mattress as he slowly moved himself inside me. His thrusts were so agonizingly slow but he quickened his pace soon enough which made me moan in desire. We were both nearing our ends when I grabbed his back, my nails digging deep into his skin as he came inside me and I felt explosions going off in me. He pulled himself off me and dropped himself on the bed, I cuddled him, planting soft kisses on his neck and chest.

"Don't go" I murmured to him.

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Kal pushed me off my thoughts as he got on the bed next to me

I giggled and started petting him until he fell back asleep.

I wrapped my one hand again around Henry's neck while the other was playing with his curls.

I didn't realize that I had fallen asleep when Henry's voice drove me back into consciousness.

"Mia? Are you okay?"

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