Chapter 15.

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What was he doing up this late?
What did he want?
Was it something to do with what Anya said earlier?

I kept trying to find reasons to say no but then Steph's words kept ringing in my head.
I need to stop running from it.

So I found the courage and texted him back.
"Hey, I couldn't sleep either. I'm so up for a walk. Meet outside your trailer in 5?". I pressed enter and after not even a minute I heard my door knock.

I opened and saw Henry with Kal smiling cheekily.
I couldn't help but smile back.
"I thought I said meet you at your trailer in 5" I said sarcastically.
"Yeah, but I thought you were already asleep so I started going when you texted me, so I figured I'd come " his voice innocent.
"So shall we go?" I ask as I grab my jacket and get out my trailer, locking it behind me.

We decided to wander the empty streets of Hungary.
It was dark outside and the only thing out was us, with the street lights illuminating our way.
For some reason I always found calmness in the night, everything was just more beautiful after dark.

"So why couldn't you sleep ?" He asked concerned.
"I had actually just hung up with my best friend and we may or may not had a coffee while video calling " I replied smiling at the thought.
"Aww, she already missed you after a week apart ?" He joked.
"I haven't seen her in two years actually. She stills lives in Greece and were both so busy he haven't managed to fly to see each other ". I sighed.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know " he was apologizing with the cutest puppy eyes.
What the hell was he doing to me?
"It's fine, she has free time in two months' time so she was thinking of coming to see me, of course, I have to ask Lauren first, but it might be the only chance we will have in a while " I was so excited at the thought.
"That's awesome, I really hope she will be able to come" he returned my excitement.

I decided to slightly change the subject.
"So now that we know why I was up, you need to tell me your reason for being up so late "
" I really don't want to be hangover tomorrow, so I may have chugged a few coffees as well" he laughed, as did I.

We kept walking until we were in the town's center. He signaled me to follow him and he led us to a small round park covered in trees. A park that if you didn't know it was there you could easily miss it. There was this marble water fountain in the middle of it. It was beautiful, I wish I had my camera with me.
He dragged me to the fountain as he took a penny out of his pocket.
"Make a wish" he was smiling like a child.
I rolled my eyes "do you seriously believe in this stuff ?" I chuckled.
He shook his head "no, but its fun. Plus what do you have to lose?" He smirked.
"A penny" I stated, trying to contain my laughter.
Now it was his turn to roll his eyes.

I couldn't get away from this, could I?

I huffed "okay, I'll do it only if you do it " I took a penny from my pocket.
He nodded his head in excitement "okay, close your eyes, and on the count of 3 we throw them in the fountain okay ?"
"Okay" I replied as I closed my eyes.

Please don't make me regret this

I made my wish and then I heard Henry counting.
And with that, we opened our eyes and threw our pennies in the fountain.
"So what did you wish for ?" He was grinning.
"If I tell you it won't come true" I replied sarcastically.
"I thought you didn't believe in this " he raised an eyebrow as he chuckled.
"I don't" I declared as I took a seat on the bench nearest to the fountain.
Henry soon joined me, sitting so close to me that our shoulders were touching.
I swear I could feel a touch of electricity as soon as he came near me.

We were silent for a while, just admiring the view and Kal running around.
"So, why did you chose to become a photographer ?" He broke the silence with a question I never actually gave proper thought, all I knew was that I loved doing it, so that should be enough right?
"Because it's something that I love" I try to reply to him but he could sense my obvious confusion.
He chuckled "yeah, but what was your moment? We all have a moment where we realize this is what we're supposed to do".
"I guess I didn't have a moment then" I replied as I shrugged my shoulders, trying to remember if there ever was that moment Henry was talking about.

He seemed disappointed.
And to be honest, so did I.
"If you'd tell me 10 years ago if that's that what I would be doing, I wouldn't believe you " I chuckled, trying to lift the mood.
"What would you think you would be doing then?", now his full attention was on me.
I laughed at the thought "by now I would be at Oxford University, doing my studies in religious art and history ".
He raised his brows "that's impressive, what happened with that career path then?"

"Life" I let out a big sigh remembering everything that led me here

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