Chapter 39

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I start walking towards my house and Henry followed right behind me.
Storming in the house I get to my room and throw all my clothes in my suitcase when Henry grabs my wrist, turning me around to face him. "What happened?" concern rested on his face. "I, just don't want to see her again. I'm going back home in England to pick up my stuff and find somewhere else to live. I've had enough." I hissed at him, still angry at my mother's words. "You won't have anywhere to live?" he came closer to me helping me pack my bag. I shook my head in disagreement "not yet, but we have more months of shooting so I guess I will be able to find an apartment before we finish."
Henry grabbed my wrist softly to make me stop and look at him "you know you can stay with me right? Until you find your own place. Not that I would mind having you around all the time. But it up to you." His voice was soft and full of hope.
"Henry, I don't want to be a burden, and right now I'm a mess to be around." Letting out a small sigh I continue packing, but Henry grabbed my wrists again placing them on his hard chest "youj promised you would let me help you." Desperation was taking over his facial features as I remembered our night walk, the night I told him that I trust him. He kept looking me with his soft puppy eyes and I just couldnt say no. "Fine, but only until I find an apartment of my own." I exclaimed and he smiled wide, placing a soft kiss on the palm of my hand while murmuring thank you.

We were on a taxi on our way to the airport when I texted Martha an my friends that I left, apologizing for leaving in such a rush, and telling them I loved them. The taxi driver let us know that we were there, so I paid him and rushed to buy tickets for the next flight to the UK.
It was about an hour until the plane left so we were resting on the gate's lounge. Henry's hand never leaving mine "so are you gonna tell me what happened between you an your mum?"
I huffed at his question "it doesn't matter anymore."


4 hours later we landed at Heathrow airport. The weather was gloomy and it already made me miss the sunny and hot weather of Greece. We called an Uber and in about 45 minutes we were outside my door in Reading. I take me keys out and as soon as I unlocked the door I stormed to the kitchen to grab some black bags and then headed straight upstairs to my room. The first thing I threw in the bags were my books, Harry Potter, Mortal Instruments and every Dan Brown novel were now at the bottom of the black bag. Next came my suitcase like turquoise turntable along with my Iron Maiden, Metallica, Nightwish, Motionless In White, Epica and Evanescence records. On my wall a framed poster of Motionless In White with all the band members' signatures, along with the laminated VIP card and the guitar picks I managed to catch during one of their concerts; opening another bag I put the black framed poster in. Looking at my shelf on the wall I see the little Sons Of Anarchy bob heads my sister had bought me for Christmas, so I put them in along with my photo albums, cushions, jewellery, the rest of my makeup, and the little giraffe teddy Steph had bought me. On the last bag I put the rest of my clothes and gave Henry my car key so he could put them in. When he was out of sight I lifted up my mattress, revealing an envelope. 3 years now I had been saving some extra money to help my mum buy the house she always said she wanted. I quickly counted the money and saw that all the £5,000 was still there, I sealed the envelope and grabbed a pen. Use it wisely. Having one last look at the envelope I knew I made the right choice. Lifting up my sister's pillow I put the white piece of paper under it, knowing that she would notice it sooner or later. I'm going to miss you little one.
I went downstairs to have one last look at the house before picking up a pen and a paper writing down that I left and I wouldn't be coming back and that I left my keys under the door mat. I left the note on the dining table and got out, slamming the door behind me and locking it. I put my keys under the brown door mat like I said I would on the letter.

Henry was waiting for me on my black and white Mini Cooper, already on the driver's seat. I get around to the passenger's side, closing the door behind me and letting out a sigh of relief. "Let's get out of here."


The ride to Kensington was quiet. We parked outside Henry's apartment and I couldn't help but notice how richer his neighbourhood seemed contrary to mine.
Henry placed his hand behind my back leading me to the house.

He opened the small black front yard door which was leading to a narrow path towards the white building. Taking out his keys he unlocked the black metallic door and led me inside.
A narrow light oak hall led the way into the living room, where a double blue sofa and a TV was were resting.
I was drawn to the brown tiled kitchen and the beige marble kitchen island. I looked outside the kitchen window and noticed his huge back garden, filled with flowers, trees and bright green grass.

"It's not much, but it's home." Henry exclaimed from behind me, his arms wrapped around his middle while he was resting himself gently on the black fridge.
"It's great, though now I understand why you asked me to help you decorate the house back in Hungary." I joked and he put his hands on his waist acting like he was offended "what's that supposed to mean?".
I giggled at myself and moved towards him wrapping my arms around his waist, my head  nearly reached his chin, so I went on my tip toes and planted a soft peck on his lips. "Doesn't mean anything." I answered him sarcastically while he kissed my forehead.
"It's getting kind of late, do you want to go to bed?" He asked after a while checking his phone.
"Yes please." I let out a yawn and Henry ushered me to follow him.

Going upstairs he showed me to the guest room. I still wasn't comfortable actually sleeping the whole night with  him and he was understanding. He cupped my face and gave me a peck on the nose before showing me where his room was and telling me goodnight.

Taking my socks and bra off I tried to get comfortable to the double bed of the guest room, but I just kept tossing and turning. Thinking about Steph, and Martha and my mum. I got up as I felt a headache coming and got out of the room.

I softly knocked on Henry's door.
"Come in." I heard him saying behind the door.
I stuck my head through the door trying to meet his eyes.
He was laying on the bed shirtless and the concern was resting on his face.

"Can I sleep with you?"

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