Chapter 21.

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"There hasn't been anything against Henry in that way " I cocked my brow at her realizing what she was saying.
Henry could never hurt someone, right?
"Or maybe she's blackmailing him somehow ?" Anya seemed deep in thought.

That would probably make sense
But why would she blackmail him?
Has he done anything?
Or is it just smoke?

Freya pushed me off my thoughts as she let me know that they would be going as it was getting late.
We hugged goodnight and then I was alone again with my thoughts.

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A week passed and Henry seemed to be getting better.
I kept looking after Kal and we continued going on our walks as usual. But I could feel that he still wasn't back in his usual self.
"Hey, so I need to show you something " Henry spoke with excitement.
"What is it ?" I tried to copy the excitement in his voice.
He grabbed me softly by the wrist "follow me".
He led me not very far from the set and we stopped in front of a house. Well more like a flat actually.
A black fence was covering the front but the flat was all white with red bricks. It had windows scattered all over. A small wooden staircase was leading to the front door.
I was confused, who's house was it?
"I've been having trouble sleeping in the trailer so I may or may not have bought a house " Henry stated noticing my obvious confusion.
I lifted my brows at him " you couldn't sleep, so you bought a house ?". I couldn't help but have a sarcastic tone in my voice.
"Basically" he put his hand in his waist clearly enjoying it.
He grabbed my wrist again and led me inside.

The inside was pretty empty, only the necessities filling the rooms.
The living room was painted in a light shade of red, a black leather sofa sitting in the middle of it, and just a small glass coffee table in front of it.
I walked further into the house getting to the kitchen, which was a different room. The grey in the walls mixing great with the white marble counters and the dark wooden kitchen island.
It was still a bachelor's house you could obviously tell but with some work, it could become a home.
"It also has two bedrooms, the main and the guest, do you wanna have a look?" Henry spoke softly as he rested himself on the kitchen door.
"Lead the way" I smile moving closer to him, and started following him.

He led me to the master bedroom first.
The dark red walls were illuminated by built-in lights towards the ceiling.
There was this huge grey walk-in closet. It was so big where the only thing I could think was who was that many clothes?
But I think my favorite part of the bedroom was the queen-sized bed with the black velvet sheets.
I couldn't help but jump in it, laying on it in satisfaction.
"I bet you're gonna have the best sleep of your life in this bed " I chuckle caressing the mattress.
I look up to see him smiling and moving towards me until he comes to lay on the bed as well.
"You think ?" He moves to face me and I could swear that his usual smile was back.
"Yeah, Damn I'd have a good night's sleep on this bed " I joked as I closed my eyes.

There was a peaceful silence for a while.
"You can if you want to" his voice was soft, like a whisper even.
I shot my eyes open to look at him, confused at what he was saying . I sat up on my elbows resting my face on the palm of my hand.
"What do you mean?" I narrowed my eyes at him letting him know I was confused.
He gave me a reassuring smile as he sat up and ushered me to follow him.
He led me to the guest room.
It was way smaller than the master bedroom but it fell way comfier.
The walls were in a shade of lilac. A white twin bed on the one corner of the room, and on the other a desk. There was this huge window with the view of the backyard and the rest of Budapest. It had lots of space in front of it so with few cushions and blankets it could become a great reading place.
I moved towards the window and sat down crossed legged admiring the view.
Henry rested himself on the wall close to me.

"The house is still quite empty, and I have no sense of decoration, so I was thinking maybe you could help me make it more of a home ?" His voice soft but I could also sense the nervousness in his tone.

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