Chapter 43

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*Warning: Mentions of blood and injury detail(?)

Putting my camera down I started putting pressure on the wound. A big chunk of glass had sliced open not only my jeans but the skin on my thigh and blood couldn't stop gushing out, staining my clothes and hands. Kal was circling around me trying to find out what the problem was before he ran away barking, only to come back seconds later with Henry. As soon as he saw me he ran straight to my direction applying pressure to the wound and making me sit down on one of the extra prop cabinets. I felt his hands trembling but his grip remained strong. Few seconds later everyone else came around me and I heard Lauren call the medic.
I kept hissing from the pain and cussing under my breath when the medic ushered to me getting to his knees so he could examine the wound. "This is deeper than I thought." The tall dark medic said anxiously. "I will need you to take off your trousers so I can have a better look." I narrowed my eyes at him but did as he asked with Henry's help. Everyone was around us watching our every move but I didn't pay much attention to it as the pain on my leg was getting worse.
"Here take these for the pain." The medic gave me some painkillers and then started cleaning my wound making me hiss again at the stinging it brought. Kal kept getting in our way trying to see what was going on but luckily Anya got him away making him stay on her side. "Okay, we're going to do some stitches and bandage it up." His eyes looked up to seek for my approval and I just gave him a weak head nod.

Looking up at all the people staring at me I spot Lucy. She had this mischievious and proud look on her face as she grinned at me before she walked off the set.

"You motherfucker!" I growled at the medic as I felt him stick the needle into my thigh. "You could have warned me first." I heard him let out a small chuckle but I just glared at him, making him get back to his serious face, as he continued stitching up my thigh and cleaning it once again before bandaging it up. He gave me some more painkillers and then he got on his way.

"My jeans are ruined!" I pouted while I traced the ripped fabric. Henry kissed my temple "I'm gonna buy you some new ones, now let's go and get you dressed." I slowly got up despite the stinging on my thigh when I heard Anya from behind me shouting that I have a nice ass, which only resulted in me flipping her off jokingly.

I tried to walk by myself but Henry would have none of that. Placing his one hand behind my knees while the other rested around my waist he picked me up bridal style. I wrapped my arms around his neck trying not to fall as he lead me to my trailer. "Where are your clothes?" He asked putting me down on the sofa. "On the bottom drawer of my cabinet." I showed him the way to my room letting out a soft yelp as the stinging came back. Henry came back moments after and got on his knees in front of me trying to put my trousers on. "You know I can do this myself right?" I grinned sarcastically at him. "That doesn't mean i'll let you." He answered sternly as he started putting my black trousers on and momentarily stopped to caress my wound and giving it a soft kiss over the bandages. His touch sent shivers down my spine and small fireworks in my stomach. He finally managed to help me dress back up and sat down on the sofa next to me, his hand on my thigh. "How's the pain?" He eyed me concerned. "With some more painkillers I'll be fine." I fake admitted, to be honest I was in a lot of pain but I didn't want to worry him and plus I had to get back to work. "You need to rest." he ordered. "No can do." I joked pecking his nose. "I'm serious" his voice now softer. "So am I." I mustered to say between the pecks I was giving  him all over his face. I heard him chuckle and then cupped my face so he could gaze at me, I was lost in his ocean eyes when he crashed his lips into mine, deepening the kiss with every second that was passing. His tongue was fighting for dominance which I gladly gave him. He slowly broke the kiss and he stared back at me. "Mia I don't want you to get more hurt. Please take a break for just one day." His voice soft but demanding. I rested my forehead on his as I let out a big sigh. "Hen, I took a break when we went to Greece for..." I paused for a moment as it was still hard for me to talk about it. "For Steph's funeral. I can't take another break. I don't want to think about it during the day as well, the nightmares are enough." My voice almost cracked and Henry kissed the top of my forehead. "Just promise me you won't do anything stupid to hurt yourself even further." He exclaimed in desperation. "I can promise I will try." I let out a small chuckle but Henry gave me a warning look which made me huff. "Okay, fine. I promise I won't do anything stupid." With a small victorious smile he gave me a kiss on the cheek as he helped me get up and go back to the set.

They had already fixed the broken window and they were ready to start shooting again. Kal never left my side once and he didn't even go to take a nap, he was alert at all times; like his owner. Henry would check up on me whenever he had the chance and I tried to reassure him that I was fine even though I was hurting like hell. I got tired from standing after a while so I slowly sat down on the floor, not wanting to rip the stiches. Kal tilted his head in confusion but soon after rested his head on my lap. I felt someone stopping right behind me but didn't pay attention as I was more concerned in taking pictures.

"Why the fuck are you still here?" Someone almost whispered, but as soon as I turned around the familiar female figure was already walking away.

A/N Heyyyy everyone, how are you all doing? So what do you think so far? I really hope you like it. But I just wanted to let you know that from Monday I'll be starting work again so I might not be able to upload as often, so please bear with me. I might or might not put the work on hiatus until I see how work is going.

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