Chapter 13.

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It was time filming started so we all went to the studio. Henry helped me carry my gear to the set and then left me with Kal.

To be honest I forgot he was even there. He was so calm and so well trained that I didn't need to keep making sure that he was running around. He chose a spot to sit and he stayed there until filming ended.
I was proud of myself as I again managed to take really good photos.

Henry walked towards us and I gave him a genuine smile.
"Did he give you any trouble ?" Pointing at Kal as he gave me a concerned smile.
"Nope, he's the goodest boy ever" I returned the smile while getting down on Kal's level and started petting him. It was at that moment Freya runs towards us all excited.
"Guys, Lauren suggested we do a barbeque since it's Saturday and we have plenty of time. She wants you both there " she was trying to catch her breath.
Me and Henry both looked at each other and let Freya know that we would be there.
"Great, we're all gonna go for some shopping so you can come with " she was so excited.
"Awesome, I'll take the costume and makeup off and me and Mia will go shopping " he looked at me seeking my approval.
I nodded and with that Freya left and we went to Henry's trailer.

"So we will definitely need beers," I said trying to make a list of what we need.
"Aren't you too young for beers ?" He chuckled.
I gave him the most offended look "I'm 23 you know " and raised my eyebrow at him.
"My bad" he lifted his hand in the air in defeat.
So I just stuck my tongue out at him and he mimicked my response.

We were on our way to the shop with Kal as we saw Joey on his way back to the set carrying two dozen beers.
He gave us a weak smile, he was obviously tired of carrying them.
"Please tell me these are not all for you" I asked with a joking yet concerned tone.
He laughed "maybe they are " he answered sarcastically.
"You need help with that?" Henry was pointing at the beers.
"No mate, I've got it, thanks though. Now chop chop go shop so we can start the barbeque " he was all excited.
And with that, he left.

We got to the shop and we started looking for everything on our list.
We got everything but I felt something was missing.
"Dessert" I exclaimed out loud. Henry was taken aback by my sudden exclamation which made me laugh. And after a while, he started laughing as well. After we wiped out tears from the laughter Henry spoke.
"Dessert? You're hungry ?" He was trying not to laugh again.
"Not now, no. But what is a barbeque without a dessert for after ?" I answer him as I head to the freezers.
"And what better dessert than ice cream?" I finished my sentence as I showed him the chocolate and vanilla ice creams.
He chuckled and we need up getting ice creams as well.

We headed back and saw that they had already started getting everything ready. And then I spot Anya walking towards us.
"Hello lovebirds, Mia I need you with me, we need to start cooking ." She turned her attention to me but before I could say anything back she grabbed me gently by my wrist and dragged me by her trailer where Freya was waiting.
I gave Freya a warm smile but I glared at Anya.
"Lovebirds? What was that about ?" I was really annoyed.
"You look like a couple so I couldn't help myself " she admitted.
"But we're not though so can you stop it please ?" I let out a big sigh.
"Okay, I'm sorry " she apologized as she pulled me into a hug.
"Now let's get these burgers ready for grilling, shall we?" Freya was still so excited about the whole thing.
So we got to work.

After we got everything ready we joined the others so we could start grilling. Joey and Henry took the role of the cook. Joey was trying really hard to prove that he was a better cook than Henry but he was failing miserably. Which led me, Anya, Freya, and Lauren to burst out laughing.

After they were done cooking we all sat around the fire eating, drinking, and talking about life. I also found out that Joey was actually 31, and all I could think about was Damn what kind of moisturizer is he using? He's looking younger than I do and he's older.

As soon as I told them there was ice cream both Freya and Joey cheered like children, which earned a burst of laughter from all of us.

Henry and I kept exchanging gazes throughout the night and I was hoping Anya didn't notice.

We were all getting tired so we decided to call it a day and we started getting back to our trailers.
Henry walked me to my trailer starring me all the way there.
I tried not to pay attention to it .
As soon as we reached my trailer Henry turned to me.
"I had a great time tonight" he admitted as he gently grabbed my waist gently with his one hand and kissed me softly on the cheek.

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