Chapter 51

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                                  *Warning: Extreme fluffiness and smut (fucking finally!) 

I felt shuffling and two arms wrapping around my waist. I let out a small grunt as I tried to turn my head around without waking Archie up. But before I could do that, Henry started kissing my neck and cheeks.

"Hey there." my voice still raspy from the nap. "How was the challenge?" I whispered so I wouldn't wake the toddler wrapped around me.

"It was good, many people came, and I had to stay another half an hour because everyone just wanted a photo." he managed to mumble through the kisses he was giving me and I just chuckled, not only because his stubble was tickling me but also because I knew he would have so many people thirsting over him.

"Also mum and Heather may or may not have taken many pictures of you two while you were sleeping." I felt his hot breath on my neck as he let out a small giggle.

"I need to see these pictures." I admitted and Henry just turned around to get his phone, unlocking it as he showed me the picture.

Archie was wrapped like an octopus around me while I had one of my hands around his head carefully and my mouth was on his forehead, like I was feeling his temperature.

"You know this is gonna be my new lock screen right?" he admitted as he started kissing me again.

"Mia?" Archie softly spoke as he rubbed his eyes.

"Hey big guy." I exclaim but as soon as he saw Henry, he just jumped on top of him.

"God, you're heavier than last time. Did Mia give you lots of food?" Henry grunted at his nephew's sudden movement.

"Yeah, we had soup, and juice and we played with my legos and my cars!" he was mumbling as he jumped up and down on the bed.

"Archie!" Heather yelled at him and he turned around to face her, jumping on her as soon she was close enough.

"Mummy!" he exclaimed as soon as he felt safe in her arms.

"Was he a pain?" Heather looked back at me but I just shook my head at her. She kissed her son on the forehead and then walked out, closing the door behind her.

On that cue, Henry just snuggled next to me and started planting small kisses on my neck. 

His hands were wandering around my waist and ass. I bit my lower lip before cupping his face and bringing him in for a deep kiss, which he gladly returned. His tongue was fighting with mine for dominance and not long after, he won. 

He climbed on top of me, touching and grabbing every inch of my body he could reach. His hands wandered under my shirt grabbing my waist, but then his movements became slower until he stopped.

"I want tour first time to be perfect, and not worry about some toddler walking in."his laughter was evident and I couldn't help but giggle back, nodding my head in understanding.

We went back to cuddling and Henry quickly fell asleep while my hands were wrapped around his back. As he was sleeping he kept hugging me tighter when he felt me moving and he would let out silent moans. Which was adorable and hot at the same time.

I never thought I would get this far with him. I was so afraid of getting close to anyone, but he changed everything for me. I can be myself around him and he is so understanding. He doesn’t pressure  me to do things I don't want to do. It has been a long time since I felt like this about anyone. 

Whenever he kisses me I get butterflies, when he's cuddling me I feel safe, and when we watch movies or cook together I feel at peace. 

I haven't felt at peace with someone like this besides Steph.

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