Chapter 24

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Me, Henry, and Kal were strolling the streets of Budapest. Walking through the colorful alleyways. I kept stopping at the antique stores as Henry kept giving me a flower for every time I stopped. I had a whole bouquet by now, filled with blue, white, yellow, and purple flowers. In the middle of the bouquet, a blood-red rose that Henry bought for me from a street merchant. Kal could not contain his excitement as he kept sniffing every flower on our way, along with all the people that wanted to pet him. Throughout our stroll, Henry never moved his left hand from my waist, as his right was holding the fluffy little bear with his leash.

We decided to visit the Fisherman's Bastion, a fort with seven towers arranged in a T shape.

Walking up the ceremonial, wide stairs we ended up on the top of the Bastion, looking down at the river Danube. I could not help but take my camera out and capture the scene beneath me. Henry smiled at me, his curly hair got messy from the wind. I smiled back at him as I took a strand of hair out of his face and he gently kissed my forehead.

It had started to get dark so we decided to take a walk on the riverside. The warm yellow color was illuminating on the river's surface.

I sat on a bench with Kal as I waited for Henry to bring some ice creams. He got back a while later with an ice cream cone on each of his hands. The smug smile on his face was visible from miles away. I could not help but sneer at the sight of him as I grabbed the vanilla ice cream from his hand and planting a kiss on his cheek.

We stayed by that bench until the only thing that was out in the streets were us and the flying seagulls. That was our hint to start getting back to the studio. We kept walking with our hands intertwined until we got to our trailers.

That is when he pushed me off and started walking towards Lucy, his one grabbed her waist while the other the back of her neck as he kissed her passionately, as his life depended on it.

And Lucy kept her gaze on me with a hint of satisfaction, but I could not walk away, I was stuck having to watch them.

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That is when I woke up panting, I wiped my face with the back of my hand. It was wet by either sweat or tears, or maybe both, I didn't try to find out. After some time I was able to control my breathing again and the dizziness started to fade away.

I got to open the curtains and the window to get some fresh air. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath of the cold night's air, a mix of jasmine and petunias. I slowly opened my eyes again trying to focus on the view in front of me. Tall and thick trees were surrounding the house and on top of the hill, the Bastion from my dream was illuminated by the warm yellow lights. I tried hard not to think of my dream, but the more I was staring at the yellow fortress the more I tried to explain what I saw.

Was I jealous?

Why do I dream of Henry in such a way?

As if I didn't suffer from enough nightmares, now I have to deal with this.

But it's not the same as the others.

On my other nightmares, I kept seeing moments that have already happened.

What is going on?

The more I kept thinking about it the closer I felt another panic attack coming, so I decided to go to the bathroom to pour some water on my face.

I put my socks on and I opened the door as silently as I could and I tip-toed to the bathroom so I would not wake Henry up.

The bathroom was between the master bedroom and the guest room, as I opened the restroom's door I noticed that Henry's door was slightly opened. I did not want to wake him by turning on the light before I entered, so I got in, closing the door behind me and trying to find the light switch in the pitch black. As soon as I found out and turned it on my eyes got surprised by the sudden change in lighting, so I squeezed them shut, trying to get used to blinding light.

After a few moments, I decided to open my eyes and look at myself in the mirror.

My eyes were red and puffy, making a clear contrast to my pale skin. Which made me think that the wetness on my face earlier was probably from crying in my sleep. My hair was a mess, so I tried to brush it with my hands and put it on an equally messy ponytail. I turned the water faucet to cold and started pouring the water on my face. As soon as I felt awake and refreshed I turned it off and dropped my hands to the edge of the sink and taking deep breaths. I noticed that the puffiness and redness on my eyes started to fade away, so I decided it was time to go back to the guest room.

I turned the light off and started walking towards my room when I heard soft whimpers from Henry's room. I was immediately concerned so I tip-toed towards the master bedroom.

From the small crack in the door, I noticed that Henry was still sleeping but he kept tossing and turning.

Was he having nightmares as well?

I slowly opened the door, trying to not make a sound. Kal heard me and let out a small woof but I shushed him so he would not scare Henry. I patted his head and he went back to sleep. Henry kept whimpering and grabbing the sheets. As I got closer to him I saw that he was not wearing a top, his hairy chest visible along with his muscles.

I put my one knee to the bed and then slowly my second followed. I was not laying on the bed with Henry, he was sweating and his breathing was fast.

Is that what I look like when I'm having nightmares?

I started slowly playing with his hair and massaging his scalp, something which did not seem to calm him down.

I lied down so he could bury his face in my chest and I wrapped my arms around him, caressing and drawing small circles on his back.

His breathing started coming back to normal as he hugged me tight and sighing deep.

"Don't go" He murmured in his sleep.

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