Chapter 34

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"Your game, how is it played?" Freya asked with her mouth almost full with the hot dogs she and Henry made.
"It's quite simple. Let's say a make an assumption about you." he motioned at Freya "if it's right you drink, if it's not I drink. It's the easiest way to get drunk." he clapped excitedly.
We all looked at each other nodding approvingly.
"Bring on the shots then" Lauren raised her beer in the air.
"Yes ma'am" Joey got up to bring the drinks and shot glasses. He went around giving us our small glasses and a bottle to each person before getting back in his seat.

"Okay, I'll start" Joey stated, "Freya, I bet all the boys in school would be head over heels for you".
Freya seemed to be thinking about for a second before taking a shot.
"Now, it's your turn to ask someone." he explained to Freya.
"Hmm, okay. Anya. I bet your boyfriend is jealous of you having to show your boobs on TV" she giggled.
Anya let out a hearty laugh and shook her head "drink my dear".
"Damn it, that didn't start well" she chuckled as she proceeded to take another shot.
"Lauren, I bet you've lost sleep many times just to try and find new things for the script." Anya turned to the director.
"Didn't know that was a secret" Lauren chuckled but still drank.
"Alright, my turn. Uhhh, Mia. I bet your family is really proud of you for coming such a long way with photography at such a young age." Lauren gave me a heartfelt smile but I just felt my heart sinking.
"Fuck no." I tried to not make it seem like a big of a deal so I chuckled to lift my spirit "drink".
I saw her face getting concerned but thankfully she didn't question it and drunk instead.


We were playing this game for quite some time and Joey was already drunk and Freya was tipsy.
"Oh come on, stop being boring and ask more personal questions" Joey moaned childishly while playfully punching Freya's shoulder.
Anya's eyes glistened as she heard that "okay, Henry. I bet you have a crush on someone here." She smirked.
Henry quickly looked at me and took a shot. Everyone looked at each other murmuring awws but he just stuck his middle finger up at them.
"Mia" he turned to face me "I bet the only reason why you are not doing relationships is because just one guy broke your trust and after that, you just felt like everyone else would do the same."

Oh, no he did not just go there.
Is that really his way of finding out the rest of the stuff I hadn't told him?
Now I'm pissed.
But two can play this game.

I took my shot as what he guessed was partially true and I cleared my throat. "Mr. Cavill, I've always wondered what your deal is with Ms. Cork and my guess is that she's holding something against you, blackmailing you somehow." I asked him bluntly and sat back waiting for his response.
He starred at me with teary eyes and with a deep sigh he took a shot.

I knew it!!!
Now the only thing left is to find out what she was blackmailing him with.

My thoughts were distracted in the sound of Joey retching and then vomiting. Anya and Freya muttered some ewws and got up to leave.
"Okay, I think that's enough for today. Can someone take him to his trailer?" Lauren asked both disgusted and concerned.
Me and Henry nodded at each other and got up getting Joey by his sides.
Getting his right arm I helped him stand up while Henry put his hand around his waist helping him stay up.
We managed to get him to walk, well, he skipped and danced to be fair. But me and Henry still had to hold or he would lose his balance.

"Toss a coin to your witcher, oh valley of plenty, oh valley of plenty" Joey started singing loudly off-key. I tried to shush him but he ended up mocking me.
"Look at you two being so caring about a friend. You're like a mum and a dad. Ohhh your kids would be smart and beautiful" he exclaimed excitedly while hopping on in his trailer, earning confused looks from me and Henry.
I helped Joey get to bed while Henry waited in the living room. I got him a bucket in case he wanted to vomit again and tucked him in.
"Aww, look at how cute you are. I can't wait until you and Henry get together and finally go smooch" Joey said in a high pitched voice before drifting into a deep sleep.

I got out of his room slowly closing the door behind me trying not to wake him up. I saw Henry pacing back and forth with his arms crossed on his chest.
"Is he asleep?" he asked as soon as he saw me stepping out of his room.
I nodded at him and motioned that we should be getting out.
Henry closed the door behind him and I turned around to face him.
We gazed at each other before saying sorry in unison.

Henry took the lead "look I'm sorry that I brought it up this way but you always change the subject whenever I try to bring it up." he admitted.
"It's the same with me, you always changed the subject when it came to Lucy and it bothers me because I can clearly see that it's making you upset." I paused for a moment. "And now I know why."
"Do you want to tell with what she's blackmailing you with?" I asked hopefully.
He started walking and motioned me to follow him.
"We met on the shooting of Mission Impossible and we hit it off quite quickly. She seemed so into me and to be honest I was into her as well, and I would get her everything she wanted, I'd even recommend her in various jobs. But she was only into me because of my fame. When I found out I broke up with her but she wouldn't have it, because she knew that if I left her she wouldn't get into jobs that easily." He let out a big sigh. "After she realized that I wouldn't take her back she started to blackmail me. She was saying things like if you don't get me into jobs I will destroy your whole career in a way only a woman can. So that's when I realized that she meant she would say that I hit her or sexually assaulted her or whatever. Something I never did but I could not risk it. So that is why she is here. My manager told me to just stick to her good side because I don't want to end up like Johnny Depp." He kept looking at the ground while admitting all those things to me.

I grabbed him by the waist embracing him in a tight hug allowing him to bury his face in my neck and I didn't let him go until he was ready.
I heard him let out a small chuckle as he broke the hug cupping my elbows "well I told you the thing I've been avoiding for so long, so it's your turn"
I let out a big sigh "it's a painful story which I'd prefer not to admit until Steph leaves. It will make me really depressed and I don't want to be in a bad mood when she's here."
"That's fair, so can I have your word that you'll tell me when she leaves?" He asked hopefully.

I raised my pinky at him wriggling it playfully "you have my word."

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