Chapter 56

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^ That's the song mentioned in this chapter if you wanted to look it up.

             *Warning: smut(just brief description), some dirty talk, not too much really

"I literally have no idea what you're on about." Mia muttered almost angrily at her raven-haired best friend. But Anya just let out a long, angry sigh as she slammed a ten-pound note on the table.

"When you decide to tell us what's wrong, give us a call." Anya expressed sharply before she walked away, not even glancing once behind her.

"She's just trying to make sure you're okay." Freya sighed in desperation and tried to chase Anya. Mia just sat there, not knowing what to do, her arms were wrapped around her middle as she was staring into nothingness. She was contemplating whether or not she should tell them, after all, she hasn't heard from her blackmailer in so long. But what if that's what they wanted her to think? What if that mysterious blackmailer wanted Mia to think that they gave up, only to hit her harder next time? She couldn't put her friends in danger.

"Are you done with these love?" The friendly, elderly owner of the shop shook her off her thoughts.

"Oh yes, sorry." Mia gave him a warm smile as she gave him the empty coffee cups and the money for the bill. "Keep the change, and I would like to just sit here for a while, if that's okay." She gave him her best pleading eyes.

"It's a joy to have you around, so help yourself." He smiled warmly at Mia and gave her a little pat on the head, before putting the cups on the tray and disappeared inside.

Mia sat on the outside table by herself for what felt like forever. Being alone with her thoughts was never a good thing, she kept watching all the people passing by, just thinking about what kind of stories they had to tell, but also kept observing them just in case her blackmailer was near. Since the last letter she had shivers down her spine that she couldn't get rid of, she was still scared, still afraid that something terrible would happen.

Mia got shaken off her thoughts once again as she heard her phone ringing, it was the chorus of Love You To Death by Type 0 Negative, and it was the ringtone she had put for when Henry was calling her. She smiled to herself every time she saw Henry's name because she hadn't changed it since Budapest, it was still DC Douchebag.

"Hey babe, you're still at the coffee shop?" Henry's voice was excited.

"Yeah, just observing people." Mia replied jokingly.

"Weirdo." Henry chuckled as he turned the engine on. "Well, I'll be there in ten minutes, are you ready for our date night?"

"Yes sir." Mia snickered.

"See you in a bit." Henry smirked.

"Byee" Mia replied childishly and hang up the phone.

She put her denim jacket one, waved goodbye to the coffee shop owner and waited for Henry by the sidewalk. A couple of minutes later, he turned around the corner, and Mia quickly got in the car. She put her seatbelt on and gave him a peck on the lips.

"Wanna put some music on? We have quite a long way to go." Henry gave her his phone and started driving.

"Where are we even going?" Mia asked him as she searched through Spotify to find the right playlist.

"Surprise." Henry smirked at her and put his hand on her thigh as he kept driving.

Mia finally found the playlist she was looking for with some of their favourite artists, like Kings of Leon, Foo Fighters and Queens of Stone Age. They spent most of the time singing their lungs out, at one point Henry asked why Mia was alone, and where the girls had gone. But she didn't want to tell him that they argued, because then she'd have to explain the reason for the argument and she didn't want to mess their relationship up now that it's been going great.

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