Chapter 28

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After what felt like forever Steph finally picked up, it looked like she was in bed but it was too dark for me to tell.
She turned on the lights and my suspicions were true as soon as I saw her yawning.
"Hey, Mia, what's up?" She asked mid-yawn.
I cocked my eyebrow at her in disbelief "You first spam me with messages saying that you have something urgent which made me worry and then you just go to sleep?" I ask her sarcastically but annoyed at the same time. I was relieved though, I thought something bad had happened to her and I wouldn't have been able to be there for her.
"Oops, sorry love I didn't mean to make you worried." She let out a small chuckle as she started walking towards her kitchen.

When I was back in Greece I used to just walk in her house uninvited and going to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee before going upstairs to Steph's room.
It was funny at first because she wouldn't expect me and she would get so scared that she would start punching me. But after some point, she got used to it and she didn't even question my presence there.

"So what was that urgent thing you needed to tell me?" I asked Steph letting out a sigh of relief.
She put her gold locks on a messy ponytail and smiled at me while starting to make coffee.
"I feel like such an idiot now" she replied to me with a guilty tone in her voice.
"You are an idiot years now but tell me" I cocked my brow at her sarcastically.
She picked up the custom made mug we made before I left for England. It was me, Steph and 3 other friends on it.

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It was a week before I left and my group of friends decided that we should spend as much time as we could together. John's mum would drive us to the town's center to meet Steph, Sophie, Christopher, and Nicholas.
Me and John had been friends since we were 6 years old, mostly because our mothers became best friends but we hit it off quite well together. I watched him grow from the shy insecure kid to the badass with the long brown hair who knew everything about computers.
I met Nicholas when I was 8 or 9 through Taekwondo. He was the blond silent kid who was always going to church. Whenever we had the chance we were sparring together because we would just push each other to be better. I would also always make inappropriate jokes and I turned him from an innocent boy to him having a dirtier mind than I did.
Me and Christopher met when I was 12, in secondary school. Me, John and him were in the same class. I would cling to John because he was the only one I knew when he started hanging out with Christopher. He was a tall and slim boy with light brown curls, he was so fun to be around and he had the same humor as I did which made me like him even more. But for what in would always love him was the fact that he would always be honest towards me. He wouldn't try to sugar coat things or situations.
I met Steph two years later, we may have been going to the same school but we never spoke. Christopher though had been friends with her for years and he spoke so highly of me that she wanted to meet me. I remember her being shy and keeping everything to herself but we ended up bonding over our love for ballet and after that, we just kept spending every day together.
Sophie was the last person I met. I was 15 when me and John went to the same college. Again we were inseparable as we didn't know anyone. And then this 5'1 petite brunette girl comes up to us to show us around the school. She was a year older than us but she still has a baby face so it came as a surprise when she told us that she was listening to heavy metal. I think that is what brought us together, our love for music. We had even planned to book tickets to go see Slipknot but that never happened.
Before I knew it I brought everyone together and we became inseparable.

Me and John got off the car and got to our usual place. 'The Moon' was a small modern cafeteria in the center of the town facing the big churchyard where kids of all ages used to gather. The town center was not very big, it was circular and consisted of the cafeteria, the church, the secondary school and the umbrellas and coffee tables around the churchyard.
We spotted everyone sitting on the outside coffee tables and we rushed to join them. After we hugged each other Steph came behind me closing my eyes.
"Okay, we have a surprise for you are you ready?" She squealed with excitement.
I nodded and she proceeded to open my eyes. They were all holding a white top which was not so white anymore because of everything they had written on it.
It varied from funny and inspirational quotes to a goodbye letter.
I started crying like a baby because it was at the moment when I realised I would miss them like hell.
Steph wiped off my tears, while Sophie gave me a tight hug, but I could hear the boys laughing in the background so I gave them the middle finger.
Steph started tickling me to make me laugh which always worked.
"Selfie time" Sophie yelled while she took out her phone and pointed the camera towards us. We all moved close to each other smiling while I was holding the top they made me proudly.

The day before I left, Steph came to visit me. I saw her holding something behind her back.
"What are you hiding ?" I ask her confused.
She gave me a small purple bag with a white ribbon on it "a last present so you won't forget us" she admitted.
I opened the bag and saw a white mug with the selfie we all took the other day. I started to tear up again as I pulled Steph into a tight hug.
"I'm going to miss you so bad" I uttered to her trying to hold my tears .

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Steph placed her hand on her chest trying to seem offended but couldn't hold it for long and she burst into laughter.
"Okay, so what I wanted to tell you was that I booked the tickets for the 5th until the 12th of April. I will be there at 4 in the evening" she proceeded to tell me after she stopped laughing with a huge smile on her face.
I lifted my hands up in victory "finally" I exclaimed almost yelling.
Steph started laughing again and I couldn't help but laugh back.

After what felt like ages we managed to stop laughing and Steph spoke again.
"So how are things with you and Henry?" She asked while wiping a tear from her face.

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