Chapter 6.

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"You look great together"

I rolled my eyes on her remark

"Don't start" I almost begged.
She lifted her hands up in surrender. "Fine I'll not talk about it again" she said zipping her mouth.

The day went by quick and everyone had finished shooting for today.

I was glad because there was still light outside so that meant I could go out and do a small photoshoot to put some new content on my portfolio.

There was this huge park near the studio so I decided I would go there.

It was really amazing, it was a park but it looked more like a forest, huge trees, many animals, and so many ponds scattered all over.

I thought I had seen all of it until I took a wrong turn which ended up being the best decision ever.

Hidden behind bushes and branches there was this amazing scenery lying in front of me.

There was this waterfall with the clearest blue waters and despite that, the rest of the water of the lake was really calm. I could clearly see all the different types of fish. I climbed up to the sides of the waterfall just to have my breath taken away once more.

I was so surprised that I could see the whole park from up here.
I took a big breath as I closed my eyes, I thought I was in a dream, but fortunately, I was not. For as soon as I opened my eyes I saw this great landscape again, and a smile escaped my lips. I always felt calm being close to nature, and this time it wasn't any different.

I got down again by the level of the lake. I was satisfied with the number of photos I had taken so I decided to take a break.

I took my shoes and socks off and I got greeted by the touch of cold grass which was my absolute favorite. I raised my jeans up to my knees and put my legs in the lake. It was cold but so relaxing at the same time. I closed my eyes and tried to relax.

It was easy at first, there were birds chirping but there was an overall peaceful silence. But that moment didn't last long as I then started to think of Anya's words and the time I spent with Henry earlier. As soon as I realized that I had started overthinking this I took my phone and earphones out, put some loud music, and headed back form the studio as it was getting dark anyway.

I was always trying to keep busy so I wouldn't end up thinking things that would make me a mess, I couldn't deal with that again. The nightmares were enough.

As soon as I walked in the studio's parking lot I got greeted by a really concerned Anya.

"Where have you been? I've been calling you, I got worried" she runs towards me as she hugs me. Damn these hugs.

I hugged her back uncomfortably and checked my phone. I realized I had put it on airplane mode as I didn't want to be distracted. I gave Anya a sorry look.
"I was out shooting, I always put my phone on airplane mode," I say apologetically.
"It's fine, just let me know next time so I won't die from worry ." She huffed.

She was acting like my big sister. I wasn't used to this as I've got a younger sister so I was the one to always worry about her, I never had someone worry about me.

I nodded back to Anya, letting her know that I would inform her next time.
"Okay, now we should go to bed, we have a 7 o'clock shooting tomorrow " She hugs me again and them waves goodbye.
I wave back and head to my trailer.

I took my shoes off and turned on my laptop so I could transfer all the photos I had taken today organizing them in separates files.

And then someone knocks on my door.

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