Chapter 41

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                                                            *Warning: Mentions of rape, angst

Unlocking the trailer I got in and went straight to get my gear so I can start shooting. I feel two strong arms on my shoulders pushing me back "Nah ah, they can go on one more day without you." Anya tsked as she sat me down on the sofa before she joined me. I didn't try to fight it so I just rested my head on her lap while she stroked my back and hair. "Okay, I think we need some coffee" Freya exclaimed while she ravaged around the cupboards trying to find cups, when she found them she turned on the coffee machine and let the dark liquid pour on the cups before handing them to us. Getting up I rested my back on the sofa and got the cup before mouthing a silent thank you to Freya. Anya rested her hand on my thigh giving it gentle squeeze "how are you feeling?". I placed my hand on hers while I buried my head on Freya's shoulder, they were the next closest thing in my life right now, after Henry of course so I decided to trust them enough and start telling them how I really felt. 


"I don't know, I just feel empty I guess. She was the only constant in my life and now she's gone." I shrugged my shoulders and was trying really hard to control the tears forming in my eyes. "Why don't you talk to us about her?" Freya was half whispering and she was seeking my approval. Taking a small sip of my coffee I let out a nervous chuckle "where should I start?"
"From the beginning." Anya was smiling at me, playing with my hair.
"Well, the funny thing is that she used to hate me at first because I was dating her ex, but at that time she couldn't imagine how lucky she was for not going out with him anymore." I suddenly got interrupted by Freya "why was she lucky?" I started nervously fidgeting my fingers while my legs were frantically bouncing up and down "Uhm, he raped me." I heard them both gasping so I decided to continue before they wanted to know more details about it. "But one of my friends kept saying good things about me to her so she decided to give me a chance. And then just one day we just started messaging each other on Facebook nonstop. It was summer break so I couldn't meet her at school so we decided to go out for a coffee and that's when she changed my life." I chuckled nervously before continuing. "She was doing gymnastics, I was doing Taekwondo, so she would always help me improve my flexibility only for us to end up sweating our asses off. I would always just show at her house unexpected, scaring the crap out of her at first, but then it felt like I was living there. She was the only one that I could talk freely with. She wouldn't make fun of me. She wouldn't say I was overreacting. She would just listen and understand. There have been so many times that we just laid on the bed and we just burst into tears because we expressed how we felt." My voice cracked and I wiped the tears that were now flowing. "But more were the times that we burst out laughing." I composed myself and let out a small giggle. "Like the time we went bowling and I accidentally moved past the cautionary line and I slipped and she took the piss out of me for the rest of the week. Or the time that I tried to teach her how to play pool and she couldn't hold the stick properly and she kept missing. Or the time that we went to the beach and she was wearing a strapless top and she decided she didn't need sunscreen. She ended up getting burned and losing her top so we had to leave early. The time she ran around Primark buying lingerie, or the day me and my friends planned her a surprise birthday party." I start sinking into the sofa not being able to control my tears anymore. "She was the ray of fucking sunshine in my life and now she's gone." I mustered to say through my whimpers and the girls both hugged me trying to calm me down. I hugged them back as best as I could, now sobbing on Anya's shoulder.

Cupping my shoulders Anya softly pulled me away from her. Placing her warm hands on my face she wiped the tears from my face. That's when Freya stood up in front of us, grabbing us by the hands and picking us up "come on we're going on a walk." Me and Anya both cocked our brows up in confusion but didn't fight it. "Just let me get my camera." I exclaimed while I quickly grabbed my camera bag while Freya was almost pushing me out of the trailer. Wrapping her arms around ours she started leading us to the town center. We started walking through the floral alleyways and they kept stopping so I could take pictures of them, most of them were funny as they tried to recreate Instagram influencers. But I took some really nice pictures of Freya when we were in the alleyway with the all-red flowers. Her golden locks were making a perfect contrast with the red floral background as she was holding a white rose near her lips. We heard Anya let out a happy yelp and we turned around to see what she was so excited about. Kneeling down she was petting a big, fluffy, ginger, stray cat. The cat was so friendly that it let Anya pick it up "Look at the kitty" she whispered in a puppy voice, but it turns out that in the end the cat wasn't too fond of hugs and jumped out of Anya's embrace. "Noooo, come back, here kitty kitty." she let out a small fake whimper and we couldn't help but laugh at her reaction, which only resulted in her flipping us off.  Freya shrugged her shoulders and ushered us to follow her, leaving the colorful alleyways she leads us to the riverside where on the other side we can see the Fisherman's Bastion. She takes us to a nearby bench and orders us to wait for her as she would be back in a minute. We shrugged our shoulders and proceeded to take a sip of our iced coffees that we had bought earlier. "Gelato time!" We hear Freya shouting behind us and Anya claps her hand in excitement. "That's for you" Freya carefully hands the ice cream to Anya. "And some extra red sprinkles for our favorite red-haired Mia." Winking she gave me my ice cream and hopped down next to me. 


At that time I felt at peace, they really knew how to make me feel better. Looking at the Bastion in front of me I remembered the dream I had about Henry and how I haven't told the girls yet about what has happened. After everything they've done for me, they deserve to know. "I have something to tell you" I licked my vanilla ice cream and my face fell on my lap. "What is it?" Anya was concerned and she started gently rubbing my back. "Me and Henry kissed." I admitted softly under my breath. "WHAT?" They both exclaimed loudly, Anya spit the coffee from her mouth while Freya almost dropped her chocolate ice cream. "When did that happen?" Freya was almost shouting by now and I giggled at her excitement before dropping my head low again "the day of the crash, he followed me to see how I was, and then it just happened." I confessed before continuing "but don't get your hopes high, we don't know what we are yet, we're taking it slow." Both of the girls clapped their hands excitedly and hugged me and Anya patted my head proudly. 

We started heading back when we saw the sun setting and I actually had a message from Henry asking me when I would be back so the girls rushed us to the set. Getting through the gates I hear a faint bark and paws running. Around the corner I saw Kal running frantically towards me, his tail was wagging uncontrollably and his tongue was out, his mouth forming a smile. Getting closer to me he jumped on me licking me and trying to hug me. I giggled and started scratching the back of his ears until he calmed down. "Seems he missed you more than me." Henry put his hands on his waist trying to seem offended. "It's because I give him all the treats." I joke back at him. Wrapping his hand around my waist he pulled me closer to him and planted a soft passionate kiss on my lips. Feeling him smile between the kiss Kal broke us off getting in between out legs wagging his tail frantically. "Should we get home?" He asked me and Kal jokingly, nodding back at him he intertwined his finger with mine and we headed to the house. 


Getting in I immediately took my shoes off and run to the master bedroom, jumping on the bed and getting comfortable. Henry followed me shortly after laughing, turning on the lights while crossing his arms under his chest and rest his side on the door frame "did they tire you that much?" he joked. I nodded my head and buried myself further into the duvet "I just want to go to sleep" I pouted and rested on my side slowly closing my eyes. I then feel the lights turning off and the space behind me getting heavy. Henry's chest softly crashed on my back as he put his one hand around my waist pulling me even closer to him.

"Goodnight beautiful." I felt a kiss on my shoulder blades.

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