Chapter 11.

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"Wanna talk about it ?" I gave Henry a reassuring smile letting him know that he could talk to me.
"Maybe another time, if I give too much away too soon you'll get bored of me" he replied jokingly trying to lift the spirits.
"Yeah, that's probably true, I mean you like DC so I am not convinced yet that you're an interesting person" I chuckle sarcastically while he furrowed his brows seeming offended. "And I was thinking letting Kal under your supervision tomorrow" he sighed "guess that not happening after this comment" he exclaimed with a snarky smile.

I raised my brows "okay, okay, I'm sorry, I take it back, there must be something interesting about you." I really wanted to take care of Kal, he was the most amazing dog I had ever met.
He raised his brows in return "not buying it, you have to show me that you're sorry" he was smirking.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, what could he want ? was he moving too fast? For fuck's sake, Mia stops overthinking this.
"How?" I was going with my response.

He came closer to me opening his arms "give me a hug". He had the most innocent look on his face. I had to get used to people here being intimate with each other, but still, I couldn't refuse to that face.
I smiled and hugged him.
He held on for quite some time like his life was depending on it, and I didn't push him off until he was ready. But to be honest I may have needed it too. I hadn't been intimate with someone for so long. I forgot what it was like to be embraced so tight and feeling like you're needed. I forgot the warmth and the peacefulness that brought. Plus he was so big that I just got engulfed in his embrace.

Henry pushed those thoughts aside as he broke off the hug.
"Okay, I believe you now. I'll bring him to you at 6:30, does that sound good ?"
I nodded in return while smiling at him.
"Okay then, goodnight Mia, we'll see you tomorrow" he smiled as he gave me a shorter hug this time.
I returned it without thinking.
"See you tomorrow " I smiled back.
And with that, he walked off.

I got in my trailer and fell on the sofa just thinking of today.
As soon as I realized I got panicky and started having an anxiety attack, I couldn't breathe, there was this heavy weight on my chest and I felt dizzy.
This can't be happening, I haven't had an anxiety attack in so long. What's happening?
Why is it happening?
Why am I letting him get close to me?
Why am I even thinking about him?
There's nothing to think, we're just friends.
But are we though?
The way he hugged me meant he needed me.
Or did it?
What is up with him and Lucy?
Why doesn't he want to talk about it?
Why am I overthinking this?

A knock on the door snapped me off my thoughts and tried to calm myself, I couldn't have someone see me having an attack. The questions would start and I really didn't want to answer them.

I opened the door and saw Freya and Anya with the same childish smiles as before on their faces. I'm sure they would be asking for what happened with Henry, I really didn't want to deal with it as I was having a panic attack about it just seconds ago. But I couldn't just leave them with nothing, they were nothing but nice towards me and so friendly.

So I invited them in.
"So how did it go?" Anya spoke first.
"Tell us everything " Freya continued.
Anya nodded in agreement "yes spill the tea sis".
They chuckled as they took a seat on the sofa as I sat on a chair facing them.

I sighed "well we went to the park and we were playing with Kal and we were arguing about Marvel and DC. That's all we did, we talked about some games we are playing as well ." I tried to make it as short as I could.
"We then came back and -" I paused for a moment, not sure if I wanted to mention the Lucy incident, after all, it was nothing. Right?
They furrowed their eyebrows in confusion.
"And what?" Anya exclaimed.
"Speak woman" Freya continued.

I sighed louder this time.
"Then Lucy walked past us, and gave me this disgusted look ..."
Before I could continue Anya cut me off "that bitch! I told you she's up to no good."
Freya agreed with her "I also have this bad feeling about her. Did Henry say anything about it ?"
I shook my head in disagreement "we didn't mention it, but I did ask him who she was, and I swear he had the most painful look on his face when he told me she is his ex"
"We must find out what is going on, Henry seems like such a nice person and he doesn't deserve to feel like that" Freya said.
"I agree, so that was all?" Anya continued somehow knowing that I didn't tell them everything. I didn't want to mention the hugging because they would go nuts and start imagining things that are not there.

I nodded and gave a fake smile "Yup that was all"
"Bullshit" Anya cut me off, "you're clearly not telling us everything".
She was acting like my big sister again, she was giving me this stern look which gave me no option but to tell them.
I huffed "okay we may have hugged longer than normal after that" My reply was really fast, hoping that they didn't understand what I said.

"No way," they both said in unison having the biggest smiles on their faces
"Fuck "

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