Chapter 2.

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The area seemed like a giant parking lot, there were trailers all around, each for a member of the staff.

They all had names on them so you could easily find yours.
After some time I found my trailer. I remembered the emails, Lauren, the show's main executive producers had sent me. She told me that trailer would be unlocked until I came and got my key from her.

So I got in and put my bags in a corner. The trailer was quite small, but it had everything it needed to have. Restroom, kitchen, bedroom, a dining table, and even a small living room with a sofa and a small TV on the wall.

I wasted no time and headed to the studio to meet Lauren and the rest of the staff.

I get in the studio and I'm amazed at how great work they've already done.

"Mia!" I hear a woman's voice calling at me excitedly. I turn and see Lauren.

"Hey, Lauren" I say smiling. She comes to hug me. I wasn't really fond of hugs, or any type of touching, to be honest, but I didn't want to be rude, so I hugged her back.

"How was your flight? Did you find the studio easily ?" The care in her voice was obvious.
" The flight was great, and yes I did find the studio really easy, you're good at giving directions " I couldn't help but chuckle.
" I'm glad, now come let me meet you to everyone " I swear she might have been more excited than I was.
I nod and follow her.

After about 45 minutes she greeted me to every single one of the staff and explained how she wanted everything done.

"Okay, I will have to leave you now as we have the script reading with the actors, but feel free to wander around. Tomorrow you will have the chance to meet them as well. Also, we will start shooting tomorrow, nothing too much, just to get the grasp of it really, so you can start working from tomorrow " she was looking at her clock and smiling the whole time, she then embraces me in a hug again, which I returned.
"Awesome, I will see you tomorrow then, " I say smiling back at her.
"We start at 8 o'clock sharp ".

And with that, she left and I did as she said.
I wandered around the studio trying to see where everything is and trying not to get lost.
After some time I felt pretty comfortable with my surroundings so I headed back to my trailer, organizing my clothes and preparing my gear for tomorrow.

After everything was set I changed to my velvety burgundy pajamas and went to brush my teeth before heading to bed.

I had a look at myself in the mirror. My long red hair was tied in a ponytail, the bags under my hazel eyes were clearly visible from the tiredness. I hadn't put makeup in over 2 years, and all of the exhaustion was visible, but honestly, I could not care less.

I let out a big sigh and untied my hair knowing that if slept with it tied I would regret it in the morning.
I decided to check my Instagram before going to bed. my business profile had tons of messages, most of them saying how good photos I was taking, and others wanting a collaboration. While my personal account was quieter. Only a couple of memes my best friend Steph sent me. After I quickly replied to everyone I tucked myself to the bed and closed my eyes.

"Tomorrow is going to be a big day ".

A/N So that's what I picture Mia looking like

A/N So that's what I picture Mia looking like

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A/N. So the above picture is how I picture Mia to be.
Also please excuse if any grammatical errors are made. English is not my first language.
Anyway hope you're liking it so far and would appreciate any feedback.

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