Chapter 7 .

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I get up to open the door.
"I'm going to bed in a sec An-" I cut my sentence midpoint as I see that it wasn't Anya at the door.

I couldn't tell who it was, I hadn't met this person before. Or had I? I paid more attention to his face. That chiseled, slightly bearded face. I knew he reminded me of someone.

Then I realized.

It was Henry.

"Sorry, I thought you were Anya " I chuckled, trying not to show my obvious confusion.
"It's alright I get mistaken for her a lot" he said jokingly.
I couldn't help my laugh at his remark
"Can I?" He was pointing at the inside of my trailer, and I just now realized that I had left him out in the cold.

What a dick.

"Sure, yeah " I replied as I opened the door fully for him to enter.
"Everything alright ?" I ask confused as to why he came.
"Yeah, just wanted to make sure you were alright, you left in a hurry after the shooting " he seemed concerned.
"The shooting was over for you, but not for me. I wanted to shoot the park before the sun went down" I smiled remembering the scenery I had just captured.
He chuckled "I see, a photographer's life never stops does it ?"
I nodded in agreement.
"So what did you shoot ?" He asked playfully.

He was really cute I must admit, but I wouldn't go down that hole again. So I try to shake the feeling off.

"Wanna see?" I was smirking at him.
"Go on then" He as mimicking my face as he makes himself more comfortable on the little sofa.

I pull my laptop and start showing him the photos I had taken. I could sense his gaze shifting from me to the laptop but chose to ignore it.

After I finished showing him all the photos he seemed really surprised.

"What?" I chuckled turning to face him.
"You are actually really good, I can tell why Lauren speaks so highly of you"
I felt myself blush.

There was silence after that.

"Mia?" He spoke breaking the silence.
"Hmm?" I turn to face him again.
"Did I make you uncomfortable earlier and that's why you left in such a hurry without informing anyone ?"
I raised my eyebrows in confusion wondering why he was thinking that, I didn't know him long but he seemed like a genuinely really nice guy.
"No of course not, quite the contrary actually, I have someone to geek out with " I smiled at him and he chuckled.
"What makes you think that ?" I ask with a both concerned and saddened tone in my voice.

He seemed to be in deep thought, like memories kept flashing in the back of his mind.

He managed to break a smile "just I may have been told that I can be a bit too forward and sometimes that can be uncomfortable to some " I could hear the sadness in his voice.
"Bollocks" I say trying to lift the mood and I heard him chuckle once again.

He turns to face me and now I could clearly see his eyes. They were that ocean blue, no, blue like the waters of the lake I saw earlier with a hint of brown in the top right corner of his left eye.
They were beautiful. It was so easy to get lost in them.

Mia, get your shit together, you're not doing this again.

Henry snapped me out of my thoughts.

"You seem like a great person Mia, I would love to spend some more time with you " he spoke again as he felt more comfortable.
"Well you've got 10 months " I chuckled at him.
"Yeah, I guess I do " he was smirking as he checks his watch and getting up.
"Well I must be going, it's getting late and we have an early shooting tomorrow" he says as he gets up and starts heading to the door.
I nodded in return and opened the door for him.

"Goodnight" I waved goodbye at him.

"Sweet dreams little red" he looked back at me, smiling.

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