Chapter 18.

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Lucy came rushing to us, well Henry. She seemed furious. Pacing closer and closer to us by the second, her hands on her waist.
"Where were you last night ?" She screamed, so loud that it seemed like she wanted to cause a scene. She gave me the disgusted look she gave me few days ago and just ignored me after that. As did I.

I wanted so badly to leave, I didn't want to be part of their fight. But I couldn't get Henry's face out of my head when he told me that Lucy is his ex. That pain in his eyes broke my heart.
Did he still have feelings for her?
Was there something more going on?

"I was out for a walk, I couldn't sleep. Can you keep your voice down please ?" His voice was so calm and soothing but I saw his fist clenching on the cup of his coffee. I could tell he was upset.
"Of course you couldn't sleep with all the drinking you did last night, you're supposed to be a professional and you're acting like a child ". Her voice now lower but she was still lecturing Henry.

Did she really just call him a child?
He's here now, and more ready than ever to start shooting so what is her problem?

It was like she read my thoughts and she shot me a death glare.
"And who the hell is she? Really Henry? You can't keep your cock in your trousers for more than a month ?".
Now that was my limit, I couldn't hear her talking like that to either Henry or me, she was basically saying that we fucked, and I was not having it. Something inside me snapped and I couldn't control the words that were coming out of my mouth.

"She has a name. She's Mia and she's a concerned friend. Now as far as I know you're an ex, so why do you care about what Henry does and who he hangs out with? The point is that he's here and he's ready to shoot. He doesn't have to answer to you, but Lauren. And as far as I know, Lauren is completely fine with it "

Henry seemed impressed at my words, and to be honest, so did I.
I mean I've stood up for friends before, but 3 years now I had no friends, so it was weird standing up for someone again. But it felt good, Henry didn't deserve to be treated like that.
He then placed his hand on mine gently, giving me a reassuring smile.
"Mia is right, I'm here now so I don't see the problem. But what did you want last night and you were searching for me ?" He asked bluntly, obviously wanting to end the conversation.
She obviously wanted to Fuck you, what other would an ex want in the middle of the night?
Lucy glared at me once again but turned to Henry instead. "I've had some new ideas for the battle scene that I wanted to talk to you about, but it doesn't matter now," she said sarcastically and then started walking off to the training area.

I turned to him placing my hands on his trying to comfort him and trying to look at him .
"Are you okay?" I ask with almost whispering.
He kept looking down, but after a while he found the strength to look back at me. His eyes showing a mix of pain and relief.
"You didn't have to do that" his voice low.
"Shouldn't I have done it? She was being rude towards you, I couldn't let that pass". I was trying to explain to him my actions but I was also afraid that this might cause even bigger problems between him and Lucy.
"T-thank you, no one has done that for me before. But she also insulted you, so I should have said something, you don't deserve to be treated like that either ". I could hear the guilt in his voice. He was facing down again, too shy to look at me.

I cupped his face trying to make him look at me , relieved when he did.
"Well, one, get used to me standing up for you because I do that a lot. Two, don't worry about her, I'm used to these kinds of comments so it's so easy to shrug them off, it's not that bad " I chuckled at the last remark.
But Henry seemed confused , I didn't want to explain to him why I was so used to these comments, so I decided to talk before he had the chance to.
"Plus there seems to be more going out between you two that I can't seem to understand yet, so I didn't want to say things that would maybe put you on more trouble ".
He seemed relieved at my words and he gave me a warm hug .

"I'll tell you everything one day, I promise " he barely whispered

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