Chapter 45

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Kal ran between our legs breaking the hug as he stormed off the back door, he was tapping his feet excitedly waiting for us to open the door for him so he could go to the garden. Henry unlocked the door and the fluffy dog pushed him off as he jumped around on the overgrown grass and rolling around. We followed him soon after as we sat by the chairs looking at him. Henry had this massive garden that was left neglected over the time we were away. The grass had become incredibly long and weeds were scattered all around. The deck we were on now was the best thing about the garden at the moment. Metal chairs and a fire pit table were resting on the dark wood deck.
"It has seen better days I must admit." Henry chuckled motioning at the garden. I started tapping my index finger by my chin thinking "I could maybe return it to its former glory." I grinned at him. He raised a quizzical brow at me "the garden takes a lot of work, it's going to be hard, I can just hire someone to do it." he tried to reassure me. "Nooo" I pouted and playfully hit his chest "I want to do it myself." He chuckled wrapping his arms around my neck "why's that?". I swaddled my arms around his middle "cause it's something I always wanted to do and never had the chance." "You always wanted to clean a garden?" he asked with a sarcastic grin. He earned another playful slap on the chest "not just clean it, decorate it as well."  I exclaimed. "Didn't you have enough of decorating in Hungary?" he tried to suppress his giggle. "That was different!" I argued. "In Hungary you made all the final decisions. This time I want to make all the decisions."My lips formed a pout. "Pretty please?" I tried to make my voice as childish as possible, holding my hands up to him. He let out a hearty laugh "you know I can't say no to you." he murmured kissing my forehead. I jumped up and down excitedly clapping my hands and Henry giggled at the sight as he going an arm around my shoulder. "So where do we start?" He asked leading me further into the garden. Taking his arm of my shoulder I got on my tippy toes so I could look at him. "Nahhhh, I'm doing this by myself." I pointed my finger at him. He widened his eyes in surprise "by yourself? Why?" He questioned. "Because it calms me down, and if I have you wandering around I'll never get anything done." I admitted crossing my arms around my middle. He got closer to me engulfing me in a hug. "And why's that?" the grin on his face was obvious and I couldn't help but bite my lower lip. "You distract me." my voice almost a whisper as I was drawing circles on his biceps. He lifted his eyebrow in mischief as his lips met mine "is that so?". I felt his smile in between kisses as he continued kissing me, going lower with every kiss. He reached my neck and I could barely control the moan coming out of my mouth. His lips against my skin were warm and intoxicating. "That's what I mean when I say you distract me." I managed to muster without moaning. He let out a hearty laugh as he stopped his kissing. "You sure you don't need help?" He questioned cupping my face. "If I need your superman muscles I'll let you know." I chuckled sarcastically. He let out a big sigh but ended up agreeing with me, trying to make sure I wouldn't get hurt in the process.


I made a deal with Henry that he wouldn't come and see the garden until it was done.
So the very next day I started taking out the weeds and cutting the grass, which took longer than expected. But after 3 days I was finally done. I decided to put fake grass as the real one would grow very tall when we were away and it would be hard to deal with. There were two really healthy willow trees on the two edges of the fence so I decided to hang string lights along them. I put the lights on small glass bottles and tied them along the two green trees. In between the trees I put on a grill, since Henry loves to barbecue so much I thought to buy that as a present.
I wanted to plant some flowers but I thought that Kal would probably run them over and destroy them. So I decided to put grow some jasmine on the fence because I loved the smell and the furry bear wouldn't be able to destroy it as easily.
The fire pit table that was resting on the deck was pissing me off so I put it in the middle of the garden and surrounded it by light cedar wooden, straw cushions.
I made a small spot for Kal as well, putting all his toys in a wooden box and installing a small sprinkler so he could play with on hot days.
On the deck I put on a white strawed sofa, along with chairs and a coffee table, and a black parasol for the hot and sunny days.


After 3 weeks I was finally done.
It wasn't much but it felt comfy and I finally felt like this was my home.
Letting out a big proud sigh I wipe the swear of my forehead with the back of my hand and head inside to take a bath.
Henry was out with Kal for his usual running session so I still had some time to myself.

Getting upstairs I take off my grey sweatpants and white tank top along with my black sports bra and panties and throw them on the laundry bin. I turned on the faucet letting the bathtub fill the with the hot water before stepping in. I took a while to adjust to the heat but as soon as I did I felt myself relaxing and started burying myself deeper into the tub. My fingers were playing with my red locks as I was banging my head to the music. Nightwish's Ghost Love Score was playing, one of my all time favourite songs and I just remembered the first time I saw them live.
I was 18 and it was the first concert I had ever been to, I stood outside Wembley Arena for over 3 hours because I wanted to be one of the first ones in. My feet were killing but as soon as the band got on stage I forgot everything and I just enjoyed the show. After that every time they come to the UK I go to see them because the give a magical show.
As the song finished I heard claws tapping on the wooden floor and in a matter of seconds the black and white fur ball was in the tub with me, saliva dripping from his mouth and his tail waving excitedly.
"Bear, I'm supposed to be having a bath now not you." I addressed to Kal scratching him behind his ears. "Love where are you?" I hear Henry yelling from downstairs. "I'm supposed to be taking a bath." I yelled jokingly as Kal licked my cheek. I hear footsteps coming closer to the bathroom and I just used the huge dog as a cover because the towels were too far away. "Need a towel?" Henry grinned resting himself on the door frame. I was still trying to cover myself with Kal but it was too hard because he kept moving. "Yes please." I smile childishly as I lifted one of my arms up so Henry could give me my blue towel. "Why should I give it to you?" His eyes were bright with mischief as he gave me a smaug smile. "Because I asked nicely?" I joked sarcastically at him. "Nahh I need more than that." he stated as he came closer to me grabbing the towel in his way and holding it behind his back. I hugged Kal tighter trying to conceal my nudity as Henry kneeled down on the marble floor in front of me. "I need a kiss" he smiled innocently and I just shook my head in disbelief planting a peck on his lips. "Now give me the towel and shoo." I joke taking the towel from him and he just giggled kissing my forehead and getting out of the bathroom.
Getting out of the tub I wrap the towel around my body and head to out bedroom so I can pick some clothes.
I take my black jeans and white EMP crop top and head downstairs where I see Henry getting ready to play World of Warcraft.

I put my hands on my waist almost scolding him "so you don't want to see the garden then?"

*A/N Heyyyy everyone, God it feels like ages that I uploaded last.
Wanted to update you a bit with what's going on my life atm. I'm gonna try and keep it short don't worry.
So as you know I started work and all would be fine if they could actually stick to the times I told them I can work. I've given my hours to like 4 different people and they still can't make up my rota the right way. And now only that we're only given one week's rota which makes me so fucking anxious because I'm the kind of person who wants to plan ahead. And because of that I've been missing so many lessons and yesterday I had a full on panic attack and had to leave work.
Obviously they didn't think of it as I was sick so I wasn't paid for yesterday.
But yeah it's been a hit shit lately to be honest but I'm doing my best to keep the work and you updated.
I want to thank you everyone for your amazing comments, I see every single one and you truly make my day, thank you.

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