Chapter 35

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*Warning: Mentions of Death, angst, depression, mentions of self-harm

Henry flung an arm around my shoulders while his other playfully messed my hair. I blew away some strands of hair that fell on my face and then with both hands I messed up Henry's luscious curls.
He gave me the you did not just do that look and he grabbed me by my thighs lifting me up to his shoulders with great ease.
I squealed "put me down". I kept softly punching his back trying to get me down but it wasn't working and after a while, I just gave up letting out a big sigh.
I heard Henry chuckling victoriously before setting me down outside of my trailer.
"So we're going to the airport tomorrow at 3?" he was grinning at me.
The airport was only 30 minutes away and Steph wouldn't land before 4.
I nodded my head and went to open my door before turning back around to point him a joking warning finger "don't ever pick me like that again".
"Why, did you feel powerless?" he asked me with those goo goo eyes.
I furrowed my brows at him not wanting to give him any satisfaction because that would only boost his ego even more "goodnight Cavill." I turn to my trailer again, heading inside after hearing him say goodnight back.


I woke up with the most energy I had in a while. I was jumpy and excited, which was so unlike me. Whenever I didn't have to put on an act I was usually grumpy, sad, and an overall pain in the ass. But today was different, I would finally see Steph after 2 years of being apart.
Oh, how I missed her.
It was rather hot today so I put on my high waisted jean shorts and my black corset type crop top along with my black combat boots. I took a look at my bare skin, thankful that my old self-harm scars were now covered in tattoos.


I started self-harming when I got to England. I had just got my heart broken and I was all alone. And the fact that I was getting anxiety attacks because of college didn't make it any better. I felt like I had no control over anything that was happening in my life and slowly I started becoming numb and not feeling anything. Until I caught two birds with one stone. Self-harming was a way for me to regain control of something in my life while also finally being able to feel something, even if that was pain. I started getting addicted to it until Steph snapped me out of it and made me go see a therapist. It was one of the best decisions I had made in a while as I slowly started regaining control over my life, and the fact that my photography business started blooming helped me even more. As I didn't have time to be consumed by my personal thoughts and didn't have time to self-harm anymore. And over time I started getting better and better at gaining control over my life so I didn't have the need anymore to harm myself.


 On my left arm, a small minimalistic starry night was covering the scars on my upper arm. While the right was covered from my wrist up to my elbow in a black and white eerie forest. Most of my scars were there so the piece had to be bigger to cover them all.
I put on my hair on a neat French braid and added a hint of mascara on my eyelashes and hopped out of my trailer.

"Is he still sleeping?" I heard Lauren groaning in desperation so I went to check what was going on.
I found her talking with Joey's manager "hey, what's up?"
"Joey apparently had so much to drink last night and now he can't seem to wake up, he needs to go to the studio to record the song." She huffed pacing back and front anxiously.
I stopped her cupping her elbows and giving them a small reassuring squeeze "don't worry, I will wake him up and fetch him for you."
Lauren let out a sigh of relief as she was muttering thank yous and kissing my cheek before going away.
I returned to my trailer to grab some ibuprofen and paracetamols as he would most probably wake up hangover.

I got to his trailer which was unlocked as we left it yesterday. I got in and grabbed a bottle of water from his fridge and headed to his room.
I slowly sat on the bed and placed the water bottle on his face. Its temperature wasn't freezing but cold enough to startle him to wake up. He squealed at the coldness in his bare skin and woke up rubbing his face to warm it up.
"Wakey wakey sleepyhead" I tilted my head at him offering him the water and the pills.
"What are you-" he got up quickly to greet me but the pain in his head had other plans. He put his hands on his forehead as it would somehow make it better.
He then turned to look at me again, his eyes were red and tired while his hair was a mess. His gaze fell on the pills "give me those" he demanded as he grabbed the pills from my one hand and the bottle from other and chugged them down.
I gently patted his head and walked to the kitchen to make him some coffee.
He followed me shortly after he poured some water on his face and fixed his hair, his eyes still red but that would fade away gradually.
I handed him his coffee mug and he was about to sit down "Nah ah, you've got a song to record, so get your ass to the studio." I scolded him while also grabbing an orange from his fruit bowl and handing it to him.
"Oh, shit" was all he murmured before running to get to the studio.


Henry texted me to meet him outside and as I walked out of the gates I saw him resting on a blue Bentley, his arms crossed, and a smug smile on his face.
"What's that?" I pointed at the vehicle.
"It's called a car" he answered sarcastically, which earned his a playful punch on the shoulder.
"I rented it for a couple of weeks so I can get you to the airport." He continued with that same smile on his face.
"Now I feel bad" I admitted feeling guilty that he went all this way so he could drive us to and from the airport.
"Don't be, plus I wanted for a long time to try this beast so it's a win-win situation" He admitted leading me to the passenger's side and opening the door for me.
"My, my what a gentleman" I joked as soon as he got in the car.
He put his middle finger up and started driving.

"I didn't know you had tattoos" he kept his gaze on my arms in awe.  That is when I realized it was the first time I showed my bare arms. Because I would always wear comfy long-sleeved tops.

"Oh yeah, I have them for about a year now." I looked at my arms proudly.

"I like them." He admitted with a grin on his face but didn't question it any further.

He put on some music and I had to admit that he had some good taste, from Guns N' Roses to Def Leppard, Kings Of Leon and even Rammstein.
'Should I Stay Or Should I Go' from The Clash came on and I just turned it up and started singing off-key on purpose. Henry was laughing at me but he wouldn't sing, so I started poking his dimples "come on, sing with me" I moaned childishly. He smiled at me and when the chorus came back up we both started singing off-key to the top of our lungs.


We reached the airport so he turned down the music and looked for a place to park, we had to go to the third level as everything was taken. After we found a spot Henry let me know that he would wait here as he also had few business calls to make. I agreed and got out of the car and headed to the arrivals, I was almost running by now.
I went to the screens to find out to which gate Steph would come out of, it was 11B which was on the furthest end of the airport.

I started running while repeating the gate number on my head so I wouldn't forget.
Hah! 11B, here we are.

There were many people waiting, mostly were families waiting to be reunited.
I managed to get to the front of the line and started waiting anxiously, she would land any minute now.


It was 4:30 by now and there was no sign of the airplane, it was supposed to land at 4 o'clock, maybe it had a delay. I texted Henry to let him know that there was probably a delay so he wouldn't worry that I was late.
Another half an hour passed and still nothing.
About 5:30 3 staff members came out of the gate, 2 tall dark men with a medium-sized blonde woman in the middle.
The men made the crowd go quiet while the woman talked.
"We're on the unfortunate place to tell you that the flights coming from Athens, Greece crashed just right outside Yugoslavia, we still don't know what caused the crash."
She took a deep breath.  "For the last 2 hours we've been trying to make contact but there has been no answer. Which means that there are probably no survivors."

She paused for a moment "we are so sorry for your losses".

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