Chapter 50

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I looked back at Henry who was coming toward our way and I just giggled and Archie told me to shush as he noticed that his bulky uncle was coming over.

"What are you two whispering?" he raised his brows at us.
Me and Archie look at each other.

"Nothing." we say in unison and the guilt in our voices could be heard from miles away.

"Nothing huh?" he asked sarcastically as he lifted his nephew in the air and then held his small blind nephew against his chest planting kisses all over him, making the child start to giggle as Henry's stubble started to tickle him.

I couldn't help but smile at the sight in front of me. Henry did like kids as much as he said he did, and he definitely would make a great dad. But judging by the way he treats Kal, I bet his kids would be spoiled rotten.
Watching him being around his nephews and niece made me start thinking.

Maybe we could start a family.
I mean, he's seen me at my worst and he hasn't left.
I'm at peace when I'm with him.
And he does really seem to want his own family so he wouldn't just abandon us, right?
He won't abandon me, right?

I got shaken off my thoughts as I felt my phone vibrating in my back pocket. I see that it's Anya calling and I quickly go to the end of the garden where it was more quiet so I could hear her.

"Wazzzup?" I hear on the other end of the line.

"Wazzzup?" I answer her back.

"And that's why I love you." I heard Anya chuckle and I followed shortly after.

"Anyways, what are you doing today? I was thinking me you and Freya could go shopping." she continued.

"You know I'm in Jersey with Henry and his family right?" I answer her almost sarcastically as I recalled mentioning the trip to her just few days ago.

"Oh shit, that was today? I totally forgot." she exclaimed and I could hear the guilt in her voice.
"Well, how's family time going?" now her tone was on the mischievous side.

I looked back to Henry and Archie who were still playing and I smiled to myself. "It's going good." I admitted but then I heard Marianne calling that the food was ready.
"Anya, I need to hang up, food is ready and you know I can't say no to food." I joked and we said out goodbyes.

Henry walked towards me and put his hand around my waist, planting a soft peck on my cheek.
"Who was on the phone?" he asked.
"Anya, she wanted to go shopping but she completely forgot that I was here." I admitted to him giggling and we just headed straight indoors.

Marianne had set the huge table and all the plates and cutlery were set nearly.
Well at least until the kids sat down.
I sat down next to Henry as Luna was right next to me. But Archie came and tried to convince her to move. It didn't take long until Luna gave up her seat, letting out a big sigh and giving me an apologetic look.

Everyone was so bubbly and most of them paid attention to me as I was the new addition to the family. They also loved my side dish and almost a fight broke out about who was going to have the last piece. Colin, Henry's dad, as soon as he found out that I was from Greece he was immediately intrigued. Apparently he loved Greece and mythology and he couldn't stop telling me stories. Marianne, Henry and all of his brothers tried to make him stop but failed to, something which I found adorable.

It was getting late and we all decided to go to sleep, as tomorrow they were all running for the Durrel Challenge and needed rest. Me and Henry would sleep by Henry's old room. Star wars and Lord of the rings posters were still up, a double bed was resting in the middle of the room, which was illuminated by the moonlight coming from the balcony door.

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