Chapter 46

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Henry spun the chair around and looked at me with wide eyes "you finished it?". I gave him a small, warm smile and nodded. "Already?" his brows frowned in surprise. "Yeah" I chuckled biting my lower lip, as I offered my hand to him so he could follow me outside. Grabbing my hand he pulled me towards him, he wrapped his arm around my knees lifting me up and putting me on his shoulder. I let out a surprised gasp and I started playfully punching his back trying to make him put me down. I heard him laugh as he smacked my ass and telling me to shush. I sighed and gave up and then I felt him slowly putting me down. "Damn." was all he mustered to say as his eyes were scanning the area, his mouth dropped as he looked back at me. "How did you manage to finish it in only 3 weeks?" he questioned as his eyes were shifting from me to the garden. "I'm just really good." I grinned sarcastically, wrapping my arms around my middle. He smiled warmly at me as he came closer to me wrapping his huge arms around my waist and leaned in for a kiss "I know you are". I smiled brightly and started playing with his brown curls "so do you like it then?" I asked nervously. I did love how the garden turned out but Henry's opinion was really important to me. "I love it, and that is why I need you to do me a favor." He was looking at me with pleading eyes as he caressed my cheek. I raised my brow at him "what is it?" I questioned. "I just need you to leave the house for a couple of hours." he smiled mischievously as he started pushing me towards the front door. "Okay, okay. Just let me get my camera first." I giggled as I took my camera bag and my leather jacket and headed out. "I'll text you when you can come back." I hear Henry yell as he waved goodbye.


Hyde Park was only a few minutes away.

The Italian Gardens was one of my favorite places to go as it was always so empty. The vintage water garden was always filled with different kinds of animals. The fountains were filled with ducks and swans. While around them squirrels and bunnies were running. I was so glad I brought my 200mm lens because there was this squirrel really close to me who was eating an almond. I didn't want to bother it so I moved further away and got to my knees, zooming in to the small animal. I found a peanut on the ground and waved it to the furry animal so it could look at me. As soon as it did I snapped a few pictures before the noise scared it and ran away with the almond in its mouth. I looked back at the 15 pictures  I took before finding the one that I liked. The squirrel was staring right into the camera and behind it, you can see the Kensington Palace and the small pond.

 The squirrel was staring right into the camera and behind it, you can see the Kensington Palace and the small pond

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Having my fill of Hyde Park and since Henry hadn't messaged me yet I decided I would go to Holland Park. 

I had never been there and I heard there was this Japanese Garden, called Kyoto Garden, and I decided to give it a try. And I was not let down.

The shrine that was crossing through the pond was filled with people and it was surrounded by green trees. Before crossing I took some pictures from way different angles, until I found the one. The shrine and the trees were reflecting perfectly on the water from this angle.

 The shrine and the trees were reflecting perfectly on the water from this angle

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Crossing it I reach another shrine. This time it was red and covered in maple trees. Being autumn every tree was a different color and it was making an incredible contrast with the rest of the landscape. No one was around at that time so I decided to take a moment and just admire everything around me. Sitting by one of the rocks I realised how oddly quiet it was but I couldn't help but miss the small clear in Hungary. It was nothing compared to the landscape that unveiled in front of me but the calm I felt in the clearing I didn't feel anywhere else. Maybe it was the fact that it was so detached from the rest of the world, or the fact that Henry and I had our first kiss there. 

Being with him all these months I realized he is what I needed. He was my calmness. I usually find it hard to let myself relax but with him it came so easily. I never felt like I had to prove anything to him and I was utterly myself. He had seen me at my worst and still stayed. He saw the raw me, the one that was not under the influence of the antidepressants, the one who broke down, the one who felt like all hope was lost. But he never left. He was at my side every step of the way. He would always make sure I was alright and he would put me first. I became so attached to him that I sometimes felt there were similarities between him and Alex. But that's when it hit me, that he was not the same as Alex, he was so different, so much better.

A notification from my phone shook my off my thoughts and I took it out of my pocket.

DC DOUCHEBAG: Hey beautiful, everything's ready, you can come home now. x

I giggled at myself looking up his name remembering that I didn't change it, and to be honest I don't think I will change it anytime soon. I texted him back letting him know that I'd be there in 15 minutes and put the phone back in my pocket. Taking one last picture of the red shrine in front of me I get up and start heading home.

I was on the main street when I thought I saw a familiar face through the crowd

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I was on the main street when I thought I saw a familiar face through the crowd. But as soon as I turned back to look she was already gone. Or at least I thought she was because somehow I could feel her eyes on me.
Trying to shake the feeling off I turn towards the familiar road and spot our house.
Taking my keys off my pocket I unlock the door and get greeted by the black and white bear. He acted like he hadn't seen me in ages, his tail was wagging frantically while he jumped up and down waiting for a scratch.
Scratching him behind the ears I manage to calm him down and take my shoes and jacket off before putting my camera bag on the floor.

"Honey, I'm home." I yelled in a joking tone.
After few seconds I spot the tall muscular man coming towards me. Wearing a white apron and wiping his hands on a kitchen towel. Giving me a warm smile he planted a soft peck on my lips and offered me his hand.

"Come with me." he stated softly. 

*A/N the photos obviously aren't mine, so all credit goes to their creators.

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