Chapter 22.

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I looked up to face him, not being able to contain the smile forming on my lips.
"You want me to help you decorate the house ?" I ask him in excitement.
He nodded his head in response smiling at me.
I jumped up and hugged him.
"Okay, so blankets and cushions are the first things to go here " I stated, but also seemed his approval as I pointed at the place in front of the window.
"Well it's your room so you can decorate it however you want " he crossed his arms as he gave me a weak smile.

My room?
Why would he give me a room?
And why am I excited about it?

"My room?" I murmured looking deep into his ocean eyes.
"That's only if you want " he tried to make up for what he said. He probably thought he was being too straight forward.
"You know I fell in love with this room as soon as we walked in right ?" I reply sarcastically raising my eyebrow at him, trying to make him shake off the feeling he probably had.
"Yeah, I could tell" he chuckled.

My stomach then rumbled, and I remembered I hadn't eaten anything today.
"You hungry ?" He couldn't contain his laughter.
I softly slapped his arm . " oh shush I haven't eaten anything today " I admitted.
His face then completely changed to that of concern.
"Why haven't you eaten anything ?" His voice stern as he narrowed his eyes.
I looked down rubbing the back of my neck "I just forgot ". I admitted as I slowly lifted my face to look at him.
I saw him typing something on his phone.
"What kind of pizza do you like ?". He stopped looking at his phone and starred back at me.
I gave him a stern look "You're not paying for it ".
"Just tell me what pizza you want woman " he chuckled.
"Pepperoni " I admitted in a defeated tone.

We were back in the living room when the door knocked. Henry went to answer it and then he came back with the pizzas.
I clapped my hands in excitement like a child and he laughed at the action.
He put the pizzas on the table and I put some music on my phone.
We sat down and started eating.
"Wait, isn't that cheating ?" I uttered with my mouth half full.
"What is ?" Henry was confused but he was still eating his chicken barbeque pizza.
"This " I point to him and his pizza chuckling. "Aren't you supposed to keep fit?"
He looked at me with a guilty look while eating his last slice "my trainer doesn't need to know, and I trust you not to tell him".
I couldn't help but laugh at his remark. "You put too much faith in me Cavill".

We finished our pizzas and we opened two bottles of beer. As I got more comfortable I put my legs on the sofa and I sat crossed legged.
"So you don't know where to spend your money So you spend it on houses ?" I proceeded to ask him in a joking tone.
"Is that bad? I think of it as having a home wherever I go " he admitted as he took another sip of his beer.
"So you're gonna buy yourself a house in Austria and in Spain when we get there ?" I gave him a sarcastic smile.
He tilted his head slightly to the right "probably " he answered chuckling.

After that, we just ended up discussing how he wanted his house to be decorated.
"So what about the master bedroom?" I ask him looking at furniture on my phone.
"What about it?" He seemed confused.
"How do you want it? Do you want it minimalistic? Do you want it comfy? Relaxed? Romantic? "
He seemed deep in thought.
"Guess I want it comfy and romantic " he answered me after a while, his eyes gazing at me.
"Aww, we have a romantic in the room" I chuckle as I give him the goo goo eyes.
He chuckled again and hid his face in his palms in embarrassment.
I moved closer to him and removed his hands from his face.
"I'm sorry, I was kidding " I was still chuckling.
He didn't answer me, just looked at me with a vicious smile and he then started to tickle me.

I couldn't breathe from the laughter, and I was begging him to stop.
He stopped and regained his serious composure. He rested his face on his hand. "That's what you get when you make fun of me " he managed to break a smile.
Which earned him a playful punch on the shoulder. "You're a dick" I exclaimed.
He chuckled.
But then his serious face came back "well that means that you aren't a romantic person then?"

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