Chapter 19.

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I didn't want to push him even more, he already seemed hurt enough today, so I let it slide. But I will find out what is going on.

I took Kal again with me as I was working, he went to a corner as usual and fell asleep. I couldn't help but notice that Henry had something bothering him, of course, I knew what it was but no one else seemed to notice. He was a true professional.

"Okay guys, let's take a break, be back in 45 minutes " Lauren yelled as she got out of her seat. Now it was my chance to talk to her about Steph coming, so I run behind her after I saw that Kal was with Henry.

"Hey, Lauren " I yelled at her as she was getting further away.
Fortunately, she heard me and turned back smiling at me, something I returned.
"Here's our photographer. How are you? Are you hangover from last night ?" She chuckled.
I laughed at her remark " no, I'm good, I don't get drunk easily. Uhm listen, I wanted to ask you something, more like a favor " I was fidgeting with my fingers again as I was nervous, I really hoped she would say yes to Steph coming.
"Out with it" she said jokingly.
"So I've got this best friend that I haven't seen in over 2 years because we're both really busy and there's this on my chance for her to come and see me in 2 months and I wanted to ask you if it's okay for her to come " I was still nervous so I talked really quickly.
Lauren seemed to be deep in thought and I was pretty sure she would say no.
"Okay, but you need to know that she's gonna have to sign many forms and if she spoils anything to the press you'll know we have to sue her right ?" She put her hands on her waist sighing.
I was overjoyed that I threw my arms around her in a huge hug "thank you, and I promise you, you don't have to worry about her ".
It was true, Steph wouldn't do anything like that because first, she wasn't that kind of person and second she wasn't into this kind of tv shows or any shows in general.
"Anything for our little red" she said chuckling as she hugged me back.

After my talk with Lauren I needed to find Henry, he seemed dozed off when he picked up Kal so I wanted to make sure he was alright.
On my way to his trailer, I saw Freya and Anya and I walked towards them. I had to tell them about what happened earlier.
They had started to feel like good friends, and I didn't want to lose that.
"Freya, Anya" I waved at them.
They waved back and came towards me.
"Hey girl, what's up?" Anya asked with a smile on her face while Freya hugged me.
"I've got some news, come to my trailer after we finish shooting " I commented as I hugged back Freya.
"Oohhh gossip?" Freya said in a high tone.
I shrugged my shoulders "kinda". I reply.
"Now that's interesting, we'll see you later then " Anya said as she winked at me, and then they started walking away.

After a while I was out of Henry's door, gathering my strength to knock, which I did.
And then I heard Kal barking followed by Henry opening the door.
Kal stopped barking as soon as he saw me but Henry just gave me a weak smile and ushered me to get in.
As soon as I got in I turned back to see him. He was still in costume but he looked tired, yes he hadn't slept all night, but it wasn't that kind of tired.
"You okay? You seemed dozed off earlier " I ask concerned as I placed my hands on his, surprised when they were so cold but I didn't take them off.
"Yeah, just tired, I think I need to have another coffee" he chuckled as he tried to reassure me, but I wasn't buying it.
"Bet it's not just tiredness, I bet it has something to do with happened earlier " I said to him as I crossed my arms underneath my chest and raising my brows at him.
He gave me a weak smile and looked down again, slowly going to sit on the sofa, Kal always by his side.

I joined him on the sofa and placed my hand on his thigh.
"Please talk to me about it" my voice no louder than a whisper.
Henry didn't answer, he just kept looking down and at times petting Kal.
I tried to make him look at me but I failed miserably. Sometimes when he slightly lifted his head I could swear that I could see tears in his eyes.
What has she done to him?

After many failed tries I decided to give up, so I just decided to just talk to him even if he didn't look back at me.
"Henry?" I uttered as I shifted my whole body towards him, one hand placed on his thigh, the other on his hand.
"Hmm?" He murmured in return.
"Do you still love her ?"

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