Chapter 32

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I felt myself slightly blushing at his words.

Wait? Why am I blushing in the first place?
What is happening?

"Also Anya is slightly worried for you, so I wanted to make sure you were alright" Henry snapped me off my thoughts with his gentle voice.
"What are you on about?" I furrowed my brows in confusion.
"She feels like you're hiding something or you're afraid of something or both, she's not sure yet." He was shrugging his shoulders.
"Is this about the relationship thing?" I grunted remembering our conversation yesterday.
He nodded his head in agreement "she's got some good points you know".
"Oh really?" I asked him sarcastically. "Can I hear these good points then?" I crossed my under my chest clicking my tongue at the roof of my mouth, tutting at him.
Henry put his mug on the table as he got more comfortable on the sofa. "Well, she's right when she said you are an amazing person who deserves so many things. And from what she made me understand she doesn't know about the things you told me, does she?" He starred at me waiting for my answer.
I only shook my head in disagreement.
"She's also right thinking that you're hiding something. You've told me a few things but I did feel that you were keeping many details hidden. Now, I understand that you may not trust us yet because we've known each other for about a month but what if I give you a reason to trust me?" He continued, his voice so soothing.
"Look, I haven't got close to anyone in 3 years, and there's a reason for it" I admitted letting out a small sigh.
"I understand that, but what if by shutting everyone out you miss some amazing relationships along the way? Either they are romantic or friendly ones." I caught a glimpse of hopefulness in his voice.
"I'm trying you know. No one else but Steph knows the things I told you. And I've got closer to the girls that I would care to admit." I was almost whispering while I started fidgeting with my fingers again.
I could see a small smile forming on Henry's face making his little dimples visible. "Then what are you so afraid of?"
I stared at him for a moment contemplating if I should tell him or not. "I really don't want to talk about it." I guess old habits are hard to get rid off.
I could see the disappointment in his eyes.
"Hey, sir Witcher it's 6 o'clock. Time for your daily makeup." I jumped up from the sofa trying to get him up. I grabbed his soft hands and tried to pull him but he was so strong that I ended dragging myself towards him instead. He was laughing at the sight so he made his grip tighter. "Oh come on, that's not fair" I grunted still trying to pull him up. "It's not my fault you're weak" He joked while gripping my hand tighter and with a swift movement he pulled me towards me. I lost my balance for a second and fell right into Henry's broad chest. His one hand was still gripping slightly on my wrist while the other cupped my face bringing me closer to him. We were so close by now that I could hear his breathing, slow and relaxed, while my heart on the other hand was racing, to the point where I felt that it would jump out of my chest. Henry kept shifting his gaze from my eyes to my lips and I couldn't help but do the same. I slightly tugged the hem of his top with my one hand while the other was exploring the back of his neck.

Then someone was knocking at my door frantically.

I bet that's gonna be Anya
Couldn't she pick a worse time?

I got up giving Henry an apologizing look and got to open the door while Kal was barking furiously at it.
I opened the metal door and I saw Lucy with her arms crossed angrily looking at the inside of my trailer.
"Are you looking for something?" My question blunt but hiding a tone of sarcasm.
She shrugged her shoulders while pushing me off and getting inside my trailer. Kal kept barking at her, almost attacking her but I managed to calm him down.
"I knew I would find you here" She was loud and the sarcasm on her voice was distinctive.
Henry shot up from the sofa "what are you doing here?" he confronted her.
"Looking for you obviously" she deadpanned.
"What for?" I could sense him starting to get upset but I tried not to butt in, for now, I wanted to see how all of this would unfold.
"Cause I heard you were late the other day, and that is so unlike you and you're getting late again today. So I figured you would be with your little bitch." She folded her hands under her chest while glaring at me.
I was about to say something to her but Henry cut me off "Okay, that's enough, I don't know what your problem with Mia is but this needs to stop now. I won't have you disrespect her like that." His voice was a low growl and you could clearly tell that he was angry.
Lucy smiled maliciously at him "now now, you don't want to get angry at me do you?" She raised her brows at him as if to remind him something.
Henry seemed scared "just go please" his voice now smoother.
Lucy started walking towards the door when she turned back to face me "you know he'll get bored of you in 6 months right?" she tutted at me and walked away before I could say anything to her.

Okay, now I can confidently say that I hate her.

Henry let out a big sigh and started rubbing the back of his neck nervously. He was deep in thought and he was staring at the empty wall of the trailer while sinking on the sofa.
I slowly moved closer trying to distinguish what he needed me to do.
I got in front of him, getting on my knees to have a better look at him, I placed myself in between his legs.
I looked up to see if he responded to my movement but I noticed that he was still staring at the wall. So I placed my arms around his waist, embracing him in a tight hug, burying my face on his chest which still smelled like cedarwood. I stayed there for some time with no response from him. I was about to break the hug when I felt his huge arms around me. He buried his face on my neck and just stayed there for a while. He then cupped my face planting a small kiss on the top of my head.

"I'm sorry" he murmured under his breath.

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