Chapter 1.

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I was getting my suitcase ready when I heard my mum calling me with a not so happy tone in her voice.
"Mia! You're leaving again ?" she yelled, her voice almost a scream.
"Great, here we go again " was all I could think about but didn't answer her as I was in a hurry to get my stuff ready and leave for the airport.

I was hired for the photography of a new show that would be in production soon, "The Witcher" it was called. But obviously I knew the plot because I had read the books when I was young and played the games non stop.

The production had already paid for all the flights included so I couldn't miss the flight, and especially not because of my mum's tantrum. I had been working my ass off for the past 5 years to be where I am now and I really didn't want her to ruin it for me.

That's when she bolted into my room, her face red with anger.
"Can't you hear me talking to you ?" She demanded.
"I can, but I really don't have the time for a conversation right now as I have a flight to catch " I was trying to remain calm.
"You always do this, how long is it gonna be this time ?" She says calmer now but I could see she was still upset.

I was a photographer and many times I was either hired for movies, tv-series, or from magazines. It is true I didn't spend much time at home as I was always at someplace different for work. I knew it saddened her not to have me around, but she didn't understand that I needed this. Not only did I love what I was doing but also being always focused at work gave me the chance to not think of anything else.

Because when I ended up thinking of something else rather than work bad things tend to happen.

I sigh, "I don't know, 9 months? A year? It's hard to say " I replied as I was zipping my suitcase shut.
"So we're just a hotel to you aren't we? Just come back for 2 -3 months, have nothing to pay, always have food on your table, and then just leave again. Thanks for using us". She sounded angry and disappointed at me.

But as soon as I heard that something inside me snapped.
"First of all, the hotel? Really? Every time I've been telling to I want to move out and have my own life you make me feel so shit about it because you keep making me think that you can't live without me around. So I stay around for you. Secondly, I have nothing to pay? Don't I keep helping financially when you need me to? How many times have you asked me to pay for something because you couldn't at that time? Did I ever complain? No, because I appreciate all the shit you do for me. And lastly, I do something that I love, you should be proud of me not making me feel like the worst daughter every time that I leave " I was angry and about to break down but I kept it together. I didn't want to feel like that again.

My mum didn't say anything to that.
"I just want you to be proud of me" I sighed as I took my suitcase, laptop, and camera bag and left the house. I called an uber as there wasn't a point of taking my car to the airport.


After about an hour I was at the airport and had already checked in.

I paid some extra money to get to first-class because let's face it, life is better when you're in first class.
I boarded the plane and got to my way too comfortable leather seat. And started drinking my champagne.

2 and a half hours later I landed in Hungary.
It was so sunny and hot, unlike the UK. It reminded me of my home back in Greece.
The hot air hitting my face as soon as I stepped off the plane, the visible sun, and the clear skies were some of the things that I missed most about home.
The rest of the memories started coming back so I pushed them aside.

I got out of the airport and called an uber and gave the man the address of the production studio. It wasn't long after that I was finally there.


I got to the entrance and I got greeted by two square-built, middle-aged guards. One was brunette but the other was bald.
"Name and reason for visiting " the bald one addressed me without even looking at me, quite bluntly but in a clear Hungarian accent.

"Mia Wall, the photography director of the series " I say as I show them my ID.
They quickly checked their computer to confirm what I was saying and they gave me a lanyard letting everyone know that I'm a member of staff
so that they would let me in.

As soon as I crossed the gates I took a deep breath.
"Let's do this "

A/N. Okay guys so that's the first chapter done.
I hope you like it so far.

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