An Update For All Of You

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Hello everyone, sorry I've been MIA for a bit.
I wanted to write this here because I don't know how many of you see my announcements.

I've been in a really bad place lately, both with personal problems and work as well.

Work has been kicking my ass because I'm standing 8 hours in front of the door barely doing anything. Something which makes me feel super unproductive. And as someone with depression I need to constantly feel like I'm productive or else I'm falling deep into the depression hole.
And that's where I'm at right now to be honest.

Also the other thing that has been bothering is that I had to see the love of my life leave for the second time. I thought it would get easier every time (we're kinda in a long distance relationship, I can elaborate more if you wanna know) he left but no, it's so hard every fucking time.

But yeah, without getting into further details I wanted to let you know that the story will be on a small hiatus until I feel better.
Cause obviously the whole thing has caused me a huge writer's block.

Thank you everyone for your patience and understanding, I love seeing all of your comments and it truly keeps me going.

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