Chapter 26

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His voice gentle but concerned. I moved my hands away from him as I started rubbing my eyes.
"Mh-hmm" I murmured to him as I rested my elbows on the mattress.
"I got up to pee and I heard you having a nightmare, so I decided to come comfort you" I admitted shortly after.
Henry let out a small chuckle as he started rubbing the back of his neck "I have nightmares sometimes, but it's nothing you should worry about" he mimicked my position and rested his elbows inn the mattress facing me.
"But I did like waking up cuddled next to you" his voice gentle but also hiding shyness.

My mouth went dry after his comment, I did like being cuddled up with him, but I couldn't go through all that pain again.
I've been trying so hard to keep away from all of this and then Henry just storms into my life and messes everything I've been working so hard for.
I try to shake the feeling off as I rest my back on the headboard and crossing my arms beneath my chest.
"Don't get used to it" I uttered to him after a while, a small chuckle escaping my mouth.
"Bummer" he replied to me with puppy eyes.
I couldn't help but smile at the sight.

Kal then started jumping on the bed and trying to get our attention.
I swear this bear needs attention 24/7. Henry laughed at the sight of him and started rubbing him behind his ears and the fluffy bear started calming down.
I really wanted to find out what Henry dreamt last night so I decided to ask him.
"So, what was your nightmare about? You can talk to me about it. But If you don't want to tell me that's fine as well. Just know that I'm here whatever you need" I muttered to him. My caring side started to emerge again after years of hiding it.
"Promise you won't make fun of me?" He chuckled, still petting Kal.
I stick my pinky finger up in the air and smile at him "I promise".
He stopped petting the black and white bear as he let out a big sigh and rested his back on the headboard next to me.

"Remember when I told you I was getting bullied in school?" He asked me after a while.
I nodded my head in agreement and ushered him to continue.
"So I was sent away on boarding school when this happened, so I was away from everyone I loved. I was all alone. And I guess that has caused me some abandonment issues. I don't always have these nightmares, usually, I'm too tired to even remember what I was dreaming, but when I do I just keep seeing that I'm all alone, and everyone has abandoned me and they don't really care about me but my fame." He admitted to me, with his head hanging low and fidgeting with his fingers.

A familiar feeling hit my gut as I remembered that this is how I felt when I left Greece.
I entwined my hand with his giving him a small reassuring squeeze.
"You're not alone, you have me" I admit to him with a gentle tone. "Plus I hated your superman so I'm definitely not using you for fame." I continued jokingly, trying to lift the mood.
"You nob" he chuckled and then started tickling me. His fingers going from my sides to my underarms, to my feet.
"Please, not the feet" I manage to beg him trying to catch my breath.
"Apologise and I'll stop" he admitted as he positioned himself on top of me not giving me a chance to escape.
"Never" I half yelled at him while I playfully punched his chest.
He raised his brows giving me a mischievous grin and he started tickling my feet. I started kicking my feet in the air begging him to stop.
"Please stop, or I won't be responsible for your injuries" I admitted as I was still laughing.
He laughed at my remark and came on top of me tickling my sides again. "Apologise" he stated, his tone serious as he moved closer to me gazing at my lips.
"Okay, okay I apologize, now get off me you oaf" I uttered to him while I playfully pushed him aside.

I jumped off the bed and as soon as I saw that we had enough distance I gave him a mischievous grin. "I'm not sorry actually" my voice gentle but sarcastic.
He lift his brows at me and started chasing me. So I started running away from him. I was in the living room when I heard him yelling after me "come here, you little Fox".
I laughed and replied to him "You're too slow Cavill".
I kept running until I reached his small back garden and I realized I had no escape.
Shortly after I heard him running up behind me and I got to the end of the backyard with my back facing the fence.
Henry had a mischievous smile on his face "You can't get away you little red".
"You bet ?" I raise my brows at him, challenging him.
I started running towards him with the hope of going fast enough around him so he wouldn't be able to catch me.

But I was not fast enough. I felt his huge arms around my waist, harsh but gentle at the same time as he spun me around to face him.
Our faces inches apart as we were both panting from running.
We just kept staring at each other when he cupped the side of my face and started moving closer to me.

And then his phone rang.

*A/N Hey everyone, sorry I haven't uploaded in a bit, I'm in such a shit headspace right now and I've not been feeling very well. But I realized I haven't uploaded in a while and I felt even worse so here you go. Might not be the best chapter but at least I tried, bear with me please haha.

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