Chapter 17.

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Wait what?
Did I just say that I trust him?
No, no.
I can't take it back now.
I've only known him for a week, I can't possibly say that I trust him.

Henry looked at me relieved and hugged me again.
I hated how good it felt to be in his embrace.
"Thank you " he whispered to me as he was still hugging me.
I broke off the hug and smiled at him.
"Can I ask you something ?" The tone in my voice was so low but he managed to hear what I said.
He hummed in response.
"Why me? I mean why do you want to help me that much? I'm no one " I said with my voice still low, looking at the ground and fidgeting with my fingers.

I always did that when I was nervous, or when I was thinking really hard.
Then Henry placed his index finger under my chin, lifting my face so I could look at him.
It felt like he was staring deep into my soul.
"You're special in your own way, you just haven't managed to see it yet. You're really talented. Trust me. I've worked with tons of photographers and I could barely say that their work spoke to me. No, I'm not saying they're not talented, but there's a difference between talent and making the audience feel what you feel with just a photograph ." He paused for a moment trying to gather his thoughts.
"It may seem like an escape plan for you but I feel that there's so much potential for you out there, and I want to help you discover it ". He grabbed my hands and started rubbing the back of them with his thumb, he looked nervous.
"Also ... I want to help you because when I look at you I see the younger version of me "

I tilted my head in confusion "what do you mean?"
He gave me a silent chuckle "you know, I wasn't always as confident as I am now, I used to get bullied a lot in school. I was Fat Cavill, as they'd like to call me. I was bullied because I liked all things fantasy and history related and because I wanted to be an egyptologist. Also, there was lots of disapproval from my friends' parents that I didn't follow in my brother's footsteps of training for the army. So I was always seeking approval and was always trying to be someone else. And that's how I ended up acting " he gave me a weak smile.

I was speechless. I could have never guessed that someone such as Henry could get bullied for such things that he would want to be someone else. It was heartbreaking but inspiring at the same time because all these years later he has managed to become a well-renowned actor.
I returned the smile and hugged him. I didn't know why.
It's just felt right.
He hugged me back and even tighter this time.

"So will you let me show you how many things you can do?"
I hummed as I nodded.
I don't know what got to me.
Maybe after hearing him speaking about him getting bullied my heart softened a bit.

After that, we ended up talking about our childhoods and what we liked doing besides our day jobs.
"I think we should start getting back," Henry said after a while as he pointed to the sun rising.
I didn't notice how quickly time went by.
Talking with Henry was so natural and he was responding to my sarcasm with even more sarcasm. He understood when I was joking and he wasn't getting offended at the slightest things.

"We should probably get another coffee before though, " I said rubbing my eyes in tiredness. "The last one has started to wear off"
He chuckled "come, there's a Starbucks nearby"

We got to Starbucks and we were impressed when we both ordered the same drink.
I got myself a doughnut with lots of sugar as I was hungry as well.
When I went to pay so saw that Henry had already paid and was holding my coffee.
"You paid?" I was in disbelief.
"Yeah, what's so bad about it?" He laughed as he handed me my coffee.
"I feel bad when people pay for me, even for the slightest things " I admitted to him as I grabbed my coffee.
"Why ?" He asked as we started walking back to the set.
"I don't know, I just feel like I owe them somehow " I reply to him as I took a sip of my warm coffee.
"Okay, coffee's on you next time then " he chuckled.

We kept talking and laughing on the way to the set, but as soon as we walked in we got greeted by the most unexpected person.

"Where were you last night ?"

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