Chapter 9.

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The day went slower than expected and Anya kept complaining about Lucy.
"You know by keep complaining about Lucy doesn't make you better than she is" I gave her a side glare.
She huffed but understood my point so she stopped talking about her.

After a while, the shooting ended.

Joey then comes in between us hugging us both and Henry starring at us with a weird look on his face. I had seen that face before on one of my exes. Was it jealousy?

"How are my beautiful ladies today ?" He said in a flirtatious tone.
"We're good" Anya answered for both of us.
"Good, good. So I was wondering since we finished early today maybe one of you would like to go on a walk with me " he kept that flirtatious tone.
"You know I have a boyfriend right ?" Anya told him raising her brow at him.
He huffed as he took his arm off her shoulder "You're out of the question then" he was pointing his finger at her.
He then turned to me "what about you my dear ?".
"What about me ?" I furrowed my eyebrow
"Do you have a boyfriend or can I take you out on a walk?"

I could sense Henry starring at us, holding on to my every word.

I shook my head "no I don't have a boyfriend but I will have to decline your offer since I will be to busy arguing with Henry" I chuckled remembering the discussion we had earlier.

Both Anya and Joey raised their brows in confusion and I saw Henry letting out a sigh of relief.
"Henry? Can you come here for a sec?" Joey shouted clearly irritated.
Henry smiled and headed towards our direction. I still couldn't get used to how big he was compared to me.
"What's up ?" He asked confused.
Joey put his hands in his waist
"2 days, how did you manage to pick an argument with Mia only 2 days into shooting ?". He was like a mum scolding her child, which was really funny. I tried to keep my laughter.

Henry chuckled looking at me, most probably remembering our talk earlier.
"We need to establish which one is better Marvel or DC, for me that's a pretty good argument" he was smiling and keeping eye contact with me.
Joey face palmed while Anya burst out laughing which made us all laugh in the end.
"Alright seems a good enough reason to decline my offer" Joey wiped a tear off his face still trying to stop laughing.

And with that both Anya and Joey left, leaving me once again alone with Henry.

"So, I'll go get ready and we can go to the park near here so we can argue" he pulled his hair back and chuckled "you better have prepared yourself good explanations as to why you think Marvel is better" he was now raising his eyebrows.
" Oh, you're going down mister " I smiled at him.
"See you outside your trailer at 7" his voice clearly stating that he enjoyed himself, and he waves goodbye.

And with that, he left and I headed back to my trailer. It was 6 o'clock so I had enough time to transfer all my photos to my laptop and get my other camera ready. I didn't even bother getting ready, cause I had no one to impress.

Or did I?

I started panicking as I started thinking if I should get ready, be more presentable. It wasn't a date, was it? No, no, it wasn't. We were just going out as friends, nothing more.
Nothing is going on between us and nothing will.
Stop worrying.

It was 5 minutes to 7 when I decided I would just let my hair down as I had it on a ponytail all day and that would be it.
I brushed my hair and looked at myself in the mirror.
I was still panicky for some reason.
Get your shit together Mia, it's gonna be fine.

I then heard a knock on my door. As soon as I opened I saw Henry, his hair still wet, but forming these beautiful curls. He wore khaki trousers and a white top which was defining his well-trained torso perfectly. I tried not to stare.

I saw he had Kal with him as well and that instantly made me smile.
Henry seemed to notice "I'm starting to believe you're happier of seeing Kal than me" he chuckled sarcastically.
"Of course I'm happier seeing Kal, at least he doesn't make the mistake of being a DC fan at will" I say just as sarcastically as he did before.
He put his hands on his chest acting all hurt and I laughed.
"Nope, not biting it"

"Well, shall we go then?" He said smirking.

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