Chapter 20.

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His face shot up to stare at me.
His eyes were teary.
But before he could answer his manager knocked on the door letting us know that break time was over and that we should head back.
For fuck's sake.

We both got up and I started walking in front of him, but he grabbed my wrist gently making me stop to look at him. He was still looking down, trying to think of his next move. He rushed to hug me. His arms went around my shoulders and he hid his face in my neck. His hot breath against my skin making me tremble. I wrapped my arms around his waist, trying hard to comfort him.
But why did it feel like it didn't work?

He broke the hug and gave me a weak smile.
"Let's go, before Lauren gets furious," he said softly a side smile forming on his lips.
I nodded and followed him.

I couldn't help but stare at him until the end of the filming, I wanted to make sure he was okay.
He kept giving me weak smiles in between the takes trying to reassure me that everything was fine.
But I wasn't buying it.

Filming ended and Henry got back to his trailer to sleep, I hugged him goodnight and headed to my own.
Outside it Anya and Freya were waiting with the biggest smile on their faces.
I couldn't help but laugh at the sight.
"Come on in " I unlocked my door and ushered them inside.
They made themselves comfortable on the sofa while I made them their coffees.
"So what happened ?" Anya spoke first as she got her cup of warm coffee.

I sat down on the chair letting out a big sigh.
"Well, we both couldn't sleep last night so we decided to go on a walk".
I saw both of their eyes lit up as soon as I finished that sentence.
I rolled my eyes at them letting them know to stop what they were thinking.
I didn't want to tell what we talked about so I decided to keep it as short as possible.
"We walked around the empty streets of Budapest and talked for many hours until we realized the sun was rising and we should start coming back. When we walked in Lucy stormed at us furious af. Asking Henry where he was last night, with the excuse that she had some ideas about the fighting scenes, and calling him a child and unprofessional for drinking last night ."

Anya gasped but before she could say anything I cut her off pointing my finger at her.
"But there's more, she also said that he couldn't keep his thing in his trousers for more than a month, obviously implying that we had sex. I then snapped at her saying that I was a concerned friend and it's not her business to know where Henry is and where isn't. And with that, she left ".
I then gave them the look that I was finished and they could speak.

I was surprised when Freya spoke first.
"We need to do a background check on her" her voice stern as she took out her phone typing something.
"I told you she was a bitch, you didn't want to believe me " Anya's eyebrows were raised and her arms crossed.

"Okay, I think I found something " Freya exclaimed after a while.
We both got closer to her to see what she found.
"So apparently they met on the set of mission impossible fallout. Lucy was trying to get close to Tom Cruise, but he could see through her and was keeping his distance. When she realized it didn't work she decided that Henry would be the best option. So they started dating. But apparently Lucy was just using Henry to get attention. And you can see that Henry seemed really miserable " Freya kept reading is the information she found while showing us some paparazzi shots.

"So she was just using him for fame?" I was shocked.
"Apparently " both sighed.
"But they broke up, cause he saw through her lies right ?" I asked still not believing what I heard.
"Most probably " Freya answered as she was still trying to find more information.
I was pacing back and forth trying to think.
"Then why is she here? He obviously doesn't want her here. He can easily say a few words to Lauren and she could have her fired. Why is he insisting on this torture ?" My fidgeting started again.
"Maybe he doesn't have a choice " Anya stated.
Both me and Freya looked at her confused.
"What if she's going all Amber Heard on him ?" She kept her gaze on me.

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