Chapter 5.

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I look back to where Anya was pointing and I could indeed see that Henry was starring at me and smiling.

I decided to shrug it off as I really didn't want to deal with this.
"You're overthinking this " I turn back to Anya as I repeat myself again.

Before she could say anything more Freya cut us off.
"Hey, you're having fun without me ?" She had a fake offended tone. Both me and Anya chuckled at her remark.

Freya was so beautiful, she had those luscious golden locks and blue eyes, she was just a year younger than me but already taller. She was the epitome of beauty.

"We could never " Anya answered sarcastically. Freya chuckled and stuck her tongue out to her. She then turned to me.
"So apparently the witcher is a series of books and games, did you know that ?"
My inner geek was coming out.
"Yes actually, I've read the books and played the games many times ".

Both Anya and Freya seemed surprised.

"What?" I was confused.
Freya answered, "nothing it's just weird meeting a gamer girl in person".

I chuckled and looked back at Henry who was filming the kikimore scene. I was a bit disappointed, to be honest.
The girls both seemed to notice.

"You seem disappointed, what's up ?" Freya asked in a concerned tone.
"I'm not telling you, you'll laugh ". Shyness started to consume me.
Freya sticks out her pinky "we won't" Anya mimicked her moves and nodded in agreement.

I huffed "okay, so in the books and games the kikimore is not supposed to be that big, they're supposed to be 4-5 feet max" I looked at the ground trying to hide my embarrassment.

I could see them trying to hold their laugh and I just raised my eyebrows at them.

"Her inner gamer is coming out". Freya shouted louder than expected.
As soon as she realized how loud she was she instantly covered her mouth with her hands and looked over at Lauren.
"So sorry" was all she could say to both me and Lauren without breaking into laughter.

"Okay guys, take 30 minutes break, you're doing amazing " Lauren said shortly after.
Freya run after Lauren, probably to apologize.

"Who's inner gamer is coming out ?" I hear Henry from behind me say.

I could see Anya smirking and I gave her the don't even look. But she shrugged it off.
"Mia's" she shrugged her shoulders, obviously proud of herself.
"You game ?" He was surprised like the girls were earlier.
I threw my hands up in disbelief "why is everyone so surprised when I tell them that I like gaming ?"

Before Henry could reply Anya spoke again.
"She's really disappointed with the kikimore scene," she says brushing off past me and leaving me alone with Henry.
"Disappointed? Why ?" Henry raised his eyebrows in confusion.
I had to explain to him again about how kikimores are not that big and I saw him thinking for a minute before he spoke again.
"You're right actually, the kikimores were not that big in the games, and also really easy to kill" he nodded his head agreeing with me.

Now it was my turn to raise my eyebrows in confusion.

"You've played the games ?".
"Yup, I'm a big gamer as well, that's why I wanted to get that part so much" he was clearly proud of himself.

We were walking around the studio talking about the games we played and him suggesting good spots to take photographs in Hungary. We also walked towards the barn so he could show me Zeus who would be Roach, Geralt's most trusted companion. He was adorable and really cuddly and I couldn't help but start petting him.

We didn't even realize when the break ended until they had to call us back in.

I got back to work straight away and I could see Anya coming towards me smirking.

"You look great together " her voice childish.

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