Chapter 10.

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I hopped out of my trailer and locked it. Henry had Kal on his left side so I took his right.

"So where is the best place to argue ?" He asked jokingly.
"There's this really nice park not far from here and its quite abandoned, so don't worry people won't hear you squealing like a baby when you realize that Marvel is better" I looked at him sarcastically as I lifted my brow.
"Is that so?" He was smirking again.
"Yup" I bluntly reply while I lead the way to the park.

It wasn't a long walk and most of the time it was me being head over heels with Kal.
We reached the park and I saw the amazement in Henry's eyes.
He took Kal's collar off and started playing with him with a tennis ball he had brought with him.
He was throwing it quite far so we had time to talk while Kal was away chasing the ball.

"So why that hate towards DC?" He asked me after throwing the ball at Kal.
"It's not hate" I chuckle "it's the fact that you don't want to accept".
He put his hands on his chest clearly offended.
"Well Superman and Batman are the most famous superheroes, and that must say something" he raised an eyebrow at me while he took the ball from Kal's mouth and threw it again.
"And so is Iron Man and Captain America".
"Oh, that guy who needed to get experimented on to actually become useful ?" He cut me off while having a cheeky smile.

Now it was my turn to get offended.
"At least he never gave up, he wanted to be helpful and useful no matter the cost and he didn't hide when things got bad. But what did superman do when someone hurt his ego? He kept leaving without giving any explanation. Yeah, he might come around when shit gets crazy, but that little baby wants things his way or he's gonna cry" I was sarcastic but really proud of myself.

"At least that little baby felt bad when he destroyed the town trying to save the planet, as far as I know, your gang went to have dinner after" he replied in the same sarcastic tone as I did before.
"Yeah, that's because the death toll of the civilians in his try to save the world was way bigger than the battle of Manhattan or any other battle ." Now it was my turn to throw the ball at Kal.
"Oh, so killing half the planet was not as bad ?" He smacked his lips together and raised his thick eyebrows at me.
"They didn't die, they got disintegrated, they all came back in the end " I raised my finger at him to correct him.

He laughed at my movement and tried to bite my finger but I was faster than him. We kept walking for quite some time and playing with Kal as we kept "arguing".

"Okay, but all DC does is make remake after remake, I swear I've lost count at how many supermen there are. And let us not forget when they tried to do something different with justice league and ended up in the biggest fail ever." I crossed my arms together.
"I can't argue with that" he had a defeated tone.
"Haaaa, so you agree that Marvel is better than DC" I laughed in a victorious tone.
"Don't get your hopes up, I just agreed with you on one point " he chuckled.
"Whatever" I rolled my eyes at him. "Should we start getting back? It's getting late" I say as I see the sun setting.

He nodded and called back Kal to put his collar on so we could head back. I didn't show him the location I discovered the other day, as I wanted to be something personal and my relaxing ground.

We were back at the parking lot, and I could see Freya and Anya giving me thumbs up and childish smiles, I shook my head and rolled my eyes on their action and decided to shake it off.
He was walking me in my trailer, when Lucy, Henry's ex walked past us. She gave me a face of disgust and then continued on her path, and I could hear Henry sigh.

We got back to my trailer and I thanked him.
"It really was a wonderful time, even though I still couldn't convince you that Marvel is better"
He chuckled at my remark "I don't think you'll ever convince me".
"Just wait, we still got many months on the way, I'll make you a Marvel fan by the end of it."
He smiled and we said our goodnights.

Before he got far I called back at him, I don't know why I had that sudden urge, but for some reason, my mouth run faster than my mind.
He turned back to face me.
"Yes?" He asked a bit confused and worried at the same time.
"Who was that woman earlier ?" I say lowering my voice as well as my head.
Why the hell would you ask that you twat, you already know who she is?
Henry let out a long painful sigh.
"That's my ex"

A/N DC fans please don't come at me , I'm trying to make a story :') . Love you all really .
Also sorry I didn't upload yesterday , and today there's one only chapter , but I'm having serious writer's block at the moment and trying to get through it . Please bear with me .

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