Chapter 57

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A/N I changed the way I wrote this chapter. So I went back to writing in first-person narrative rather than third, cause I find it way easier. But I didn't start making the change until halfway through the chapter. Sorry if you get confused.

                                                               *Warning: detailed injury, blood.

Mia and Henry had already carried all her cameras in the studio. So she put her earphones on and blasted some Queens Of The Stone Age. The slight evening breeze brought the delicious fresh bread smell towards her way, and that's when she knew she had to get something to eat. She still had two hours until the appointment, so she quickly went to the bakery just a block down. The smell was growing more robust, the closer she got. She reached a rather sketchy alleyway, but the bakery was easily spotted. The building must've been at least a hundred years old, and the metallic sign could barely be seen behind the moss covering it. Mia pushed open the dark oak door, and all the smells hit her at once. Intoxicated by the aromas, she got startled by a woman's voice.

"Hey there love, what can I get for you?" Her voice excited, as if Mia was the first customer she had seen all day.

"You must be doing something right, cause I smelled those pastries from a block away." Mia chuckled as she gave the middle-aged baker a warm smile.

"If only everyone else thought like you." Her tone slightly disappointed, but her smile never faded. She wiped her hands on her apron and reached closer to the counter. "So what's it going to be for you today?"

Mia looked around the counter, filled with pastries, bread, doughnuts, cupcakes; everything you could dream of, and everything looked and smelled delightful. "Wait, is that cheese pie?" Mia pointed to the pastry on the further back.

"It is indeed!" She exclaimed haughtily.

That reminded Mia of Greece; her grandma used to make the best cheese pies in town. Even when she was just a toddler, Mia would always try to help her beloved grandma make those infamous cheese pies. She just loved the scent of it as it was getting baked, and the hotness of the cheese as it melted in her mouth. "I'll definitely have one of these then please."

The baker smiled brightly at Mia, and she started packing her pie. That's when Mia remembered that she didn't have any food by the studio, and she always wanted to have a little something for her clients.

"Can I also have a couple of the chocolate cupcakes, a jam and a chocolate filled doughnut, and a couple of pretzels as well?" Mia didn't know what her client would like, so she decided to get a bit of everything.

The baker smiled heartily, showing her wrinkles that she had fully embraced. "Someone's got an appetite. You're expecting?"

"Oh, no, no. I've just got an appointment with a client in a couple of hours, and I don't know what they like." Mia quickly explained. The baker just smiled and gave an understanding nod before she started packing the rest of Mia's stuff. As she was doing that, Mia started thinking.

I have been more hungry for the past week or two, but I can't be pregnant, right? I'm on the pill.

"That's all for you. The total is £12.87." She bagged everything up and processed the transaction through her till.

"Thank you, I'll come back tomorrow morning to grab some bread." Mia handed the baker opposite her a 20-pound note. "Keep the change."

The baker's eyes were filled with gratitude as she took the cash. "Take care." Her voice almost cracked.

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