Chapter 12.

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After what felt like forever I managed to tell them everything and at least tried to convince them to not overthink things as it was just two friends hanging out.
Of course, they didn't believe me. But at least I managed to make them leave so I could sit in peace and maybe try to sleep.
As much as I could anyway.

I woke up at 4:30 and started doing my usual morning routine.
I noticed that I had more orders than usual so most of my time was spent sending orders all around the world.
Then my door knocked.
I checked the time.
Fuck it's 6:30 already?
I jumped up from my seat and grabbed the door. I got greeted by Henry in full costume by now and Kal looking at him weirdly.

I chuckled at the sight "he doesn't recognize you in costume?"
"No he still tries to process it " he chuckles back.
"But at least he recognizes you," he noticed how happily he was wagging his tail.
I smiled at the sight and cupped Kal's face petting him.
"Hey I've got some orders to ship, so do you want to leave Kal here and I'll take him with him when filming starts ?" I ask seeking his approval.
"I don't start before 7 so maybe I could wait for you and then we headed together to the studio ?" I could hear the hopefulness in his voice.
I nodded at urged him to sit on the sofa.

"So what orders do you have ?" He asked after getting comfortable
"Copies of my photographs, either digital or physical. The digital are the easiest ones, while the physicals are a bit more complicated, as I have to process each order individually " I explained.
"Why's that?" He furrowed his brows in confusion.
" Cause I send them with the help of a third party, its more reliable, especially in times like this. I'm away on business so I can't carry a ton of frames and copies of my photographs everywhere I go. So I'm relying on a third party. I need to process each order individually and then they deliver it for me. So I don't need to have all this clutter with me all the time.
Henry nodded in understanding.
"Impressive, you're like a young businesswoman" he was smiling.
I chuckled at his remark "I wouldn't say so, I just try to find the best offer and what doesn't take much of my time and space so I can do many other things in between ."
"Sounds like a businesswoman to me " he chuckled again.
I rolled my eyes at him "Whatever floats your boat Cavill" I say sarcastically.

He just sticks out his tongue at me, and I ended up mimicking his action.
"I would love to see some more of your photography " he spoke again after a while.
I raised my brows in surprise. "Really?"
"Yeah" he took his phone out "what's your website ?" He signaled me to Google my website, which I did and gave him back his phone.

He seemed lost in the photographs as I saw him scrolling through them. There was silence for a while, so that gave me time to finish sending my orders.

He looked back at me "where is that ?" He showed me the picture he was looking at. It was a harbored boat and in the background, you could see a small island with a castle the sky was a perfect shade of orange as the sun had just set.

I smiled remembering the day I took that photo "that's in Nafplio, in Greece, that's one of my favorite photos from home " I say proudly.
I remembered the day I took that photo. It was almost the end of the summer and was the last time I was home. I hadn't been to Greece for over 2 years due to my work.
He raised his brows in surprise "you're from Greece?"
I chuckled "yeah, doesn't it show ?"
He shook his head in disagreement "no, not really " he chuckled.
"It's beautiful though, like you" he continued straight after.

Did he really just call me beautiful?
Was this really happening?
Okay, Mia calm, don't freak out, he meant it in a friendly way.

I tried to shrug off the thoughts in my head.
"It is, but I prefer Scotland" I replied honestly, trying not to mention the fact that he called me beautiful.
He looked surprised once again. "Why's that? I mean Greece is like entering a fairytale "
"Exactly" I cut him off.

I could see him getting confused so I decided to continue explaining.

"Fairytales as just fiction right? Something ideal, something everyone loves, heaven on earth even. But we need to separate fairytales from real life. Scotland gives you raw and real beauty. Not many people will appreciate it because they want to live in their fairytale but once you realize you're not in a fairytale you start to see things in a completely different way ."

Henry seemed impressed.

"Just to make it easier to understand. Greece is Toussaint, colorful, peaceful, fairytale-like. While Scotland is Skellige, huge with many unexplored areas and amazing views". I decided to reference two of the best locations in the Witcher 3 game, which I knew he would understand.

He chuckled "I see what you mean, I never thought about it that way. Maybe one day you'll show me that beauty you see in Scotland " he looked at me with hopeful eyes.
We kept our gaze on each other until I broke it off.

"Maybe one day..." I reply to him


So that's Toussaint

A/NSo that's Toussaint

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And that's Skellige

Thought I'd give you an overall idea of what they look like if you haven't played the games

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Thought I'd give you an overall idea of what they look like if you haven't played the games

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