Chapter 33

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I looked up to face him "why are you apologizing?".
"For...Lucy" it was hard for him to talk about it.
"There's no reason you should apologize for something someone else has done" I admitted.
"Yeah, but she's my ex.." he continued.
"Exactly" I exclaimed "she's your ex, she's not your problem anymore, therefore you shouldn't apologize for her" I continued explaining for him.
He pressed his lips together and tried to give me a weak smile "I should probably get going or the makeup team will kill me" he joked standing up and petting Kal "be a good boy eh?" and with that, he left.

I decided that I needed to talk to the girls about it, hoping they could give me some advice on how to deal with this. I got Kal and we went towards Anya's trailer. I knocked on the door and I heard a muffled come in so I opened the door and got inside. Anya was sitting in a chair with her eyes closed while her makeup artist was working on her. She slightly opened one of her eyes to see who got inside "Miaa" she exclaimed excitedly. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" she asked in a Texan accent.
"What up with the Texan?" I cocked my brows at her quizically.
"I don't know, just felt like it." she admitted chuckling. "So what's up?"


"WHAT.THE.HELL?" Anya yelled grabbing the chair arms and turned back to face me making the makeup artist drop her brushes. She quickly muttered an apology to her and got up to sit beside me, quickly typing something on her phone.
"I told you she must be blackmailing with something" she sighed heavily and after a while, the door opened revealing a concerned Freya.
"What happened? I got your text" she motioned at her phone while panting and moving to come to sit beside us.
"Lucy happened" Anya exclaimed loudly. "Can you do some more of your research on her? She's really started to get on my nerves by now".
"Sure but you need to tell what all this is about" she answered as she started to type on her phone.
Anya explained what happened as she sat back down to get her makeup finished.
What a bitch I heard Freya murmur under her breath before huffing desperately.
"What happened?" Both me Anya asked in unison.
" I can't find anything more on her"


Almost two months passed and Henry and I hadn't talked about the Lucy incident. Every time I would try to talk to him about it he would just change the subject, which I guess was kind of fair because I did the same when he would try to ask me what I was afraid of.
We ended up furnishing his home and it turned out to look better than expected. We spent a lot of time at his house eating and watching movies, just relaxing in general. We continued going on our walks and we almost kissed several times but something always ruined the moment. Something that deep down I was glad about because I wanted to find out if I indeed wanted this.
I was still so confused about the whole situation. I did admit to Steph that I had feelings for Henry but I was still scared.
Me and the girls got even closer and I actually started to trust them.
I also started to hang out with Joey as well and I must admit he was really funny.
Every Saturday we all would have a barbecue and today was not any different.
Well, it kinda was, because tomorrow Steph would be here and Henry offered to give me a ride to the airport. I couldn't contain my excitement.


Henry and I went for our usual shopping and when we went back to the studio we noticed that Joey had bought more alcohol than usual. We shared confusing looks but didn't say anything. So we joined the others by the fire and we started cooking. On today's menu, we had hot dogs. It was Freya's turn to cook and Anya and I were lowkey scared that we would have food poisoning but we wouldn't tell her.

"Nooo, you're leaving it on the grill for too long" Joey exclaimed in desperation as he went closer to Freya probably to show her how to cook the sausages.
But Freya would have none of that, she took one skewer and started chasing Joey around the fire yelling at him not to tell her how to cook her sausages.
"Lauren, she wants to impale me with a skewer are you not gonna say anything?" Joey was yelling while still running away from Freya.
"Nope, I'm enjoying this" Lauren answered as she took a sip of her beer.
"Uhm Freya? I think your sausage is burning" I yelled at the blonde girl motioning to the grill.
"MY SAUSAGE" Freya screamed as she stopped to look behind her and started towards the grill.
She noticed it was burned to the point of no repair and she let out a desperate sigh and she threw the by now black sausage on Joey. "This is your fault" she muttered at him and put her middle finger up at him.

Henry who was sitting next to me chuckled and got up "come on let me help you so we can eat sometime today" he wrapped his hand around her shoulder and they both went to cook.
"Joey? What's up with all this alcohol?" I asked the energetic brunette sitting opposite of me.
"What do you mean? I usually buy that much" he furrowed his brows quizzically.
Me, Lauren, and Anya shook our heads in disagreement muttering no, you don't.

"Did Madeleine dump your ass?" Anya joked.
"She could never" he put his hands on his waist trying to seem offended.
"Then what's up my little dandelion?" Lauren started gently rubbing his shoulders.
"Why would you think something bad has happened?" Joey asked taking a sip from his own beer.
We all shrugged our shoulders not knowing what to answer him.
He let out a sigh sigh "I wanted us to play a drinking game since tomorrow we have a day off so we can all get drunk." He started getting excited.
"What is that game called?" I clapped my hands playfully.

He had a mischievous grin on his face "the assumption game".

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