Chapter 53

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Warning: Angst. 

Also, I decided to change from first to third person halfway there just to see if it's any better. Let me know which one you prefer.

My vision became blurry and I felt the thin sheet of paper trembling in my hands. Kal's runny nose on my hand made my sight a little clearer. The big ball of fur was shuffling around trying to get my attention but also trying to figure out what was wrong. Putting his paw on my thigh he tilted his head as he stuck his tongue out. The sight of him made me slightly chuckle and I gave his head a little rub. Only when my hand touched his rich fur did I realize how cold my hands actually were. I quickly rubbed my hands together, trying to blow hot air to them, but the letter fell from my waist to the floor and Kal was quick to snatch it with his mouth. 

"Kal, give it back!" I mouthed at him, trying to chase him as he was running away, but I managed to tackle him, getting on top of the little bear and yanking the letter from his mouth. "Don't do that again!" I warned him as I scrunched up the letter and put it in the back pocket of my trousers and then gave Kal a little apology pat because I felt I was a bit harsh on him.

I heard footsteps coming closer before they reached a stop and a small cough, turning back I see Henry in just a white apron, his legs and torso were bare so I had a suspicion that he was naked underneath. Before I could even say anything Henry raised his hand which was holding a spatula and raised his brow "dinner's ready." And with that Kal jumped up and started running towards the kitchen, tongue out with saliva drooling all over the place. Both me and Henry chuckled at the sight before he came closer to me giving me a hand to get up. I grabbed his hand tightly and pecked his lips as soon as I got up. I felt him smiling as he wrapped his huge arms around my waist, giving me a small spin. "Hope you're hungry" he kissed my nose as he put me down. 

"I am, is the table ready?" I nodded rubbing my belly.

"Shit, I forgot the wine." he gasped and quickly headed back to the kitchen, revealing his bare ass. I raised my brow and ran behind him pinching his bubble butt. He got startled and almost jumped up in surprise. "Hey, dessert is after dinner." he looked back at me raising a warning finger before he headed to the fridge, trying to find the wine.

"But sausage is considered dinner." I pouted, wrapping my hands around my middle.

"Not with whipped cream on top." He cocked his eyebrow up as he turned back to me showing me that on one hand, he was holding the red wine, while on the other he had a can of whipped cream.

"Well, I can't argue with that." I smiled naughtily as I snatched the bottle of wine from his hand, and then open the cupboard next to him, grabbing two wine glasses. I heard him close the fridge door behind me and I placed the glasses on the table, next to the plates filled with food. Henry got the bottle from my hands and made me sit down with just his authoritative look and then he poured the wine into the glasses before he took a seat opposite me. 

"Fuck!" he hissed as soon as he sat down, trying to take off his apron and put it as a cover on the chair. I couldn't help but burst out laughing at his reaction, something that made Kal tilt his head at me in confusion. "It's not funny, that was cold." Henry was trying to contain his laugh as to sound serious, but that made me laugh even harder. "Oh, you're so gonna regret this later." he bit his lip, trying not to chuckle as he picked up his knife and fork and started eating.

 I managed to catch my breath and rested my back on the chair as I grabbed the glass of wine, taking a small sip "Oh, am I?". Henry looked at me with lust in his eyes and just nodded as he chewed the food. I copied his movements and started eating as well. The dinner was quiet and we just kept exchanging lustful gazes, after we were done, I put the dishes in the dishwasher while Henry put some food for Kal. He got the opportunity as I was leaning to get the dishwasher door to slap my ass before he picked me up bridal style, leading me upstairs.

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