Chapter 47

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Complying to his request I gave him my hand and he started to lead me outside taking off his apron and leaving the towel by the kitchen counter. Before stepping out to the garden he came behind me and closed my eyes, his other hand was gently guiding the way. He slowly guided me down the deck stairs and I felt the grass on my feet as we came to a full stop. 

Removing his hand from my eyes I saw that he had put on the fire on the fire pit table and had made roast beef with potatoes. He urged me to sit down while he poured some red wine on the glasses and sat down next to me. Giving me my glass he lifted his in a toast. 

"Welcome home." he couldn't contain his smile and I felt myself blush. We cheered and had a sip of our drink. "This smells amazing." I confessed taking a deep inhale. "Wait till you try it." He winked at me proudly, and with that, I took my knife and fork cutting through the beef. "This fucking amazing." my mouth was half full as I closed my eyes to savor the rest of the bite. Taking another bite of the potatoes I see henry staring at me with a grin on his face. "What?" I raised my brows at him "it's so good I can't help it." I continued as I swallowed my last bite. "I'm glad you're enjoying it." He chuckled as he took a sip of his wine and I copied his movement. "I think I might leave the cooking to you from now on." I joked as I stole some of Henry's food since I had already finished mine. "Hey that is mine!" he exclaimed as he tried to eat the food off the fork but I was quicker and the beef was now in my mouth as I gave him a guilty smile. He smiled mischievously and started moving towards me, his hands going to tickle me. "Oh no, we're not doing this." I raised my finger to warn him as I got up taking small steps backwards. But he got p as well ready to run towards me "oh yes we are" his voice almost a whisper as he sprinted towards me. I tried to run away but he was faster. Grabbing me by the waist he spun me around before putting me on his shoulders again before putting me carefully down onto something soft. Looking around me I see that Henry had laid a red and black checkered blanket on the grass, with candles all around it and he had also turned on the bottle string lights. 

I couldn't contain the smile forming on my face and I wrapped my hands around his neck bringing him down to my level and I connected my lips to his. He never broke contact as he deepened the kiss, his hand was gently brushing my cheek as he lowered me further to the ground until I was fully laid down. He was now fully on top of me, his one hand cupping my face and the other squeezing my thigh. I tangled my one hand around his curls while the other was resting on his bicep. His tongue was fighting for dominance which I gladly gave him. I let out a small moan as I felt his crotch rubbing on me and I playfully bit his lower lip making him groan in pleasure. His hands start exploring my body as he grabbed my ass and his other hand moved inside of my top squeezing my waist. 

Kal nudged us letting out a small woof. Henry broke the kiss huffing as he told Kal to go away. After he felt he drove him away he went for my neck but Kal would have none of that. He put his paw on Henry and was now barking at us. Letting out a big sigh Henry gave me an apologetic look and got up to see what Kal wanted. The furry dog was running towards the door but kept stopping to look back making sure that Henry was following him. Henry though kept looking back me mouthing sorry while wiping the sweat off his forehead. As he got inside and disappeared out of my sight I finally let out the sigh I've been holding on for so long. It was a proud sigh, proud because I've started to let myself to be more open towards him. If it wasn't for Kal we would have probably been having sex by now. And the fact that I was comfortable enough to have sex with him after being without it for so long made me happy. And I hoped it made Steph happy as well, I was hoping she looked down at me and she smiled.

After a while I saw Kal running towards but not Henry, I formed a quizzical brow as I got up to see what Henry was doing. Patting Kal on the back as we went in I heard some chatter.

"Mum, I love you, but you came at a really bad time." Henry was whispering. 

His mum was here? He had talked to me about her. He loved her dearly. But her name escaped me every time. Was it Marianne? 

I softly knocked on the wooden door making myself present and gave a warm smile to Henry's mum. The small and petite blonde woman smiled brightly at me opening her thin arm widely embracing me in a hug.

"Oh dear, you must be Mia. Henry has told me so much about you." She broke the hug cupping my shoulders taking a better look at me.

"I hope he only told you nice things." I joked and her laughter filled the room "of course dear, if he had said anything bad I would have smack his bum." she answered giving Henry a warning look.  "Now I understand why he said that I came at a bad time." she chuckled giving Henry a naughty smile. "It's not a bad time at all." I brushed the back of my neck nervously. "Henry actually cooked this really nice roast beef and you can join us for dinner if you want to." I smiled warmingly at her and she gave me a proud smile in return. "I would love to sweetheart, but I need to get to Jersey. I came to tell you that Charlie and his family are coming over next week and I was thinking we should all have a family time back home." She was looking at us with pleading eyes. "And Mia, I would love to if you came as well." she cupped my face. "I wouldn't miss it." I confessed to her and she let out an excited gasp as she embraced me in another hug. "Great, I'll see you three in a week then, love you." She kissed mine and Henry's cheeks and headed to the door, closing it behind her.

"You ready to meet my family then?" he asked nervously while putting his hands in his pockets.

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