Chapter 38

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*Warning: Mentions of death, angst*

The flight was short, after about an hour we had landed. My aunt, my dad's sister, would pick us up and drive us to my house. 

It was a three-story building, where on the ground floor me, my mum, my sister, and our stepdad lived. The middle was occupied by my uncle, my mum's brother, his wife, and their son. While on the top floor lived my mum's parents. The drive from the airport was not long and after 15 minutes I noticed the familiar white three-story building at the foot of the green and gray mountain. On the front door everyone was waiting for me. Me and Henry walked through the garden to get to the house, but my little cousin met us halfway. Last time I saw him he was 4 years old and was still mumbling his words. Now he has grown taller and mumbled no more. My grandma would always video call us when she was babysitting him so he wouldn't forget our faces. Something which clearly worked.

"Mia, Mia!" He shouted, running towards me, lifting his arms up in the air so I would hug him. I let my suitcase down, getting down to my knees to get to his level. He crashed onto me with such force that I almost lost me balance, but I hugged him really tight. Wrapping my arms around him I carefully lift him up. He was heavier than the last time I did this. I was planting small kisses on his cheeks and neck making him giggle. "Mia, who is this man?" he asked pointing at Henry. "He's my friend Henry, but he doesn't speak Greek, so why don't you show him what you've learned?". My uncle and his wife were teaching him English since last year and he already knew the basics. "Hey, Henry" he waved at him, now speaking in English. Henry seemed taken aback by my cousin's sudden change in language. "Hey there, what's your name?" , Henry couldn't help the smile forming on his lips. "I'm Michael." the 6-year-old smiled brightly, proud of himself for being able to understand what the tall curly-haired man said. My uncle's wife then stepped forward introducing herself "I'm Monica, that's my husband George, my mother-in-law Demeter, and her husband Michael as well." she offered her hand in a handshake, something which Henry returned. "Nice to meet you, so did you name your son after your  father-in-law?" Henry asked confused. We all nodded "that's common here, kids get their grandparents' names'. I have my grandma's name on my dad's side, while my sister has this grandma's name." I explained pointing at my blonde short curled grandma. 

Everyone took their turns hugging me, and saying how much they missed me. They also gave me condolences, letting me know that they loved Steph like their own and couldn't believe that she's not here anymore. "Okay, we'll leave you two to get settled and we are going to be waiting for you upstairs for dinner."  My grandma kissed my cheek "Ohh, also your mum and Demeter are coming tomorrow." She exclaimed before turning her back at me and walking away towards the stairs.

I didn't know they would be coming. How did they find out? Did my mum talk with Martha? I hadn't talked with my mum since I left. I bet she would be angry.

Henry wrapped his arms around my waist, gently rubbing my back, something that snapped me back into reality. "You ok? I lost you for a second there." he asked concerned. I nodded my head in agreement "yeah, I just found out that my mum and sister will be coming tomorrow as well." Confusion settled on his eyebrows "and why is that a problem?". I huffed at the thought "I just haven't talked to her since I left for Hungary and we had an argument as I was about to leave." I let out a big sigh getting my keys and unlocking the door. The sudden cold breeze hit my face as soon as I entered. 


I walked in and I'm surprised that the house was still intact after all these years. The beige and black walls making a great contrast with the grey marble floor. On my left, the living room, with the two black corner sofas , and the wingback chair. In the middle of the living room a wooden framed coffee table with clear glass on top. In the middle of the wall the black TV was standing on a wooden stand. Underneath it, was enough space for the turntable and my step dad's old records. Next to the Tv on both sides were standing two wooden display cabinets. Filled with cutlery, glasses, and plates for special occasions. Many were porcelain and crystal. On the other corner of the wall a 7-foot wooden bar was resting, still filled with all kinds of drinks.

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