Chapter 14.

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He caught me off guard. I didn't know what to do, what to say even.
"So, did I " was all I managed to say cracking a smile.
"Goodnight little red" he replied smiling back.
"Goodnight Henry" I said as I got as quickly as I could in my trailer.
What. the. fuck
What the hell just happened?
Did he really just kiss me?
Did I seem so taken aback that I made him uncomfortable?
What is going on?
That's why I've stayed out of romantic relationships for 3 years now, they make me too panicky.
But is it a romantic relationship though?

A notification on my phone pushed my thoughts aside.
I went to check it and saw it was my best friend Steph requesting a video call. She was still living in Greece and I hadn't seen her in two years. We both had really busy lifestyles But we were still managing to keep in touch. She was also the one who knew everything about me, the antidepressants, the reasons why I haven't been in a romantic relationship in so long, everything.

Without hesitation, I picked up my phone and accepted the video call.
All my worries were gone at the moment as I was excited to see her and talk to her.

"Heyyyyyy, so I have good news "she exclaimed as soon as I picked up the phone.
"What's up?" I was smiling at her.

We may not have talked in a few weeks but when we ended up talking again everything is like we never stopped talking, and I loved that.

"I have some time free in 2 months and I was thinking of coming to visit you " she was smiling wide.
I couldn't contain my excitement "that's amazing, I haven't seen you in so long, but I'm at work right now, so you sure you don't mind following me around the set most of the day ?"
"Bitch, I haven't seen you in 2 years, I want to see you no matter the what ." She raised her brows sarcastically.
I laughed at her remark "sounds like a plan, I need to let my boss know first though and see if it's okay, I'll ask her tomorrow morning ".
She nodded in agreement.

We then started talking about what was new in our lives and how work was going.
And then somehow the talk came to Henry.
I told her everything, how I felt about the situation even, something I didn't like doing with anyone else, but it came so naturally with her.

She sighed heavily "Mia, you need to stop running from it. From what you told me he seems like a wonderful guy, stop letting your fears ruin this. I know you have really good reasons to be afraid but you're also throwing away your chance to be happy ".
"I am happy doing what I do now, being a photographer and traveling around the world" I say bluntly at her.
"Yet, you feel like something's missing, you try to ignore it, try to act like it's not there. But it is, I can see it. No matter how hard you try to fool yourself you can't fool me. You deserve happiness, Mia ." Steph stated as she was looking at me with those caring eyes.
"And you think Henry is gonna be my happiness?" I huffed.
"If not Henry, someone else is gonna be. The point is to stop running from your fears and actually facing them. Sometimes facing them is less scary than running away and not looking back. Plus you're so freaking sexy you can have any man you want " she was laughing by now.
I sighed "guess you're right, I'll think about it "
"You better do, cause if you don't I'm gonna smack your ass " she chuckled.
We continued talking for a bit until I needed to go to bed. We said our goodnights and hung up.

I was trying to sleep but I keep tossing and turning. I kept thinking about what Steph told me.
Am I making the situation bigger than it is?
Is it going to be less painful if I just face my fears?
What if it's worse and I won't be able to trust anyone ever again?
Or get close to anyone ever again?

Another text pushed me off my thoughts.
This time it was a direct message on Instagram.
"Hey, I know this is weird, but I can't really sleep and I was wondering if you wanted to go for a walk, that's if you're awake of course ."
It was a message request, so that meant I wasn't following that person
So, I looked at the person's username.
It was Henry.

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