Chapter 4.

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"I hope that wasn't meant for me "

I turn around and see a man in his costume, white hair which was obviously a wig, black armor, yellow contact lenses, around 6'1, slightly bearded but you could distinguish his chiseled features easily.

That must be Henry, the witcher Joey told me about.

I had to lift my head to face him since I was only 5'2. Damn, he definitely looked the part.

"Fuck, did I say that out loud ?" My embarrassment was showing.
"Kinda" he chuckled and then offered his hand. "Henry, the witcher, and you are ?" He said with a wide smile.
I accepted the handshake "Mia, the photographer " I replied.
"Nice to meet you, Mia, do you need some help with that ?" He looked concerned as he was pointing my gear scattered on the floor.

I hated the thought of someone helping me, I always managed fine by myself.

"No, thanks, I'll manage " but before I could say anything more Henry had picked up my stuff.
"So where do you want them ?" He had the warmest smile on his face.
"You really don't have to" I was feeling bad, because when you're a photographer for shows or movies you just try to stay out of everyone's way and try to not make their life hard.
He furrowed his eyebrows insisting.
I gave in and pointed to the place I needed to move my stuff, and he moved them gladly.
"Thanks," I say with half a smile
"No problem, please don't be afraid to ask for help next time" he was grinning at me.
"Noted" I was copying his grin.

Then we hear Lauren shouting for everyone to get in positions.

"I gotta go, I'll see you later " Henry was waving goodbye.
I waved back and got to work.

I was happy with myself because half an hour in I had managed to take some really good and advertise worthy photos.

"Hey, Mia" someone whispers behind me.
I turn around and see Anya waving at me and I got closer to her to see what she wanted.

"Hey is everything alright ?" I asked.
" Yeah I was just wondering if you wanted some company, I don't film until the day after tomorrow " I could see the hopefulness in her eyes.

It was weird, all of the people I worked with didn't really want to keep me company and just wanted me out of their way but I didn't want to be rude and just blow a chance to maybe have a friend around here.

"Yeah sure, I would love that " I gave her a reassuring smile.
And with that, we just started walking around the set for me to find good angles to take photos.

"Let me know if I'm in your way or something " she looked down in embarrassment.
"You're really not and also it's nice having someone around, all of the other people I worked with acted like I didn't exist, so its a nice change " I admitted.
Her face lit up and she gave me a hug.

I had to start to get used to that around here.

We were talking about everything and nothing at the same time.
"So have you watched man of steel ?" She asks out of a sudden.
I looked at her confused " yeah why ?".
She looked at me in disbelief "Henry is superman" she said still in disbelief.
"I knew he reminded me of someone" I chuckled.
"Though I'm more of a marvel fan" I continued as I gave her a sorry look.
"He doesn't need to know " she winked as she chuckled back.
"So do you know that his ex is here as a stunt double for Emma?" Her tone now changed to a gossiping one.
"No, but why do we care ?" I say not really in the mood to dive into gossip, I didn't like it, plus most of the gossip was untrue and made the person look bad.
She huffed "we care cause I saw the way he looked at you earlier and how much he wanted to help you ", she paused for a moment "also she's a bitch, really rude I'm telling you ".

I couldn't help but chuckle at her remark and proceeded to answer her
"he didn't look at me in any way but a friendly one, you're clearly overthinking this" I was raising my brow at her.

"Am I? Cause as far as I know friends don't stare for that long" she says as her eyes point to Henry starring at me.

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