Chapter 30

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I giggled at myself when I saw the contact name and remembering that was Henry.
"Who is it?" Steph asked confused.
"It's Henry, he asks if everything is alright" I utter to her as I knew she would ask what he said.
"What did you answer him?" She giggled excitedly.
I give her a sarcastic smile while I show her what I typed.

Me: yeah everything's good, just Steph is a sadistic bitch

Steph put her hands on her chest trying to seem offended.
"Wait, how does he know about me?" She questioned after a while lifting her brows in confusion.
"I have talked to him about you obviously" I was smirking at her. And then I got another message.

DC Douchebag: aww why do you say that?
Me: Because she spammed with all these messages making me think that something had happened to her and when I tried to call her she was sleeping
DC Douchebag: aww, did you at least find out what she wanted?
Me: yeah, she wanted to tell me that she booked the tickets. Can you believe that bitch? Don't worry though I got my revenge and woke her up.

"What is he sayinggg?" Steph muttered in desperation as she noticed that I kept messaging Henry. I showed her the texts but as she was reading another text came and she jumped up in excitement. "Say yes" she squealed. I furrowed my eyebrows at her in confusion not knowing what she was on about until I checked the message myself.

DC Douchebag: I'm glad you got your revenge. Uh hey listen, I can't really sleep so I was thinking of coming over and maybe we could have a look at some furniture for the house? If that's okay with you of course.

I looked up to Steph as if looking for approval and she nodded her head while clapping her hands. "Tell him to come over, I'll let you two to your thing." She winked at me and said her goodnight, I waved her goodbye while shaking my head in disbelief.

Me: Sure you can come, should I make coffee?

DC Douchebag: Yes please, I'll be there in two minutes.


And with that I got up to get to the coffee maker, I changed the water, put a new filter on and filled it with coffee and I waited for the hot liquid to start dripping. Then the door knocked letting me know that Henry was here.

"It's open" I yelled while I poured the coffee on a spare mug, Henry popped his head in but Kal was more excited and rushed in jumping on me. I quickly let the mug on the counter while the little bear got on his two back feet while resting his front on my shoulders trying to find his balance and started licking my face. I cupped his fluffy face petting him while trying to get away from his constant licking. "Okay, that's enough baby boy, get down now" I put Kal down in a high pitched tone.

"I am pretty sure he loves you more than me, I could barely hold him, he got so excited when he realized we were coming here." Henry let out a small laugh as he motioned to Kal to sit down. I chuckled at him as I did a little victory dance and handed Henry his warm drink. I took a sip of mine as I sat on the sofa with him.

"So what actually happened with Steph then?" Henry asked concerned as he put his mug on the small coffee table.
I sighed letting out a small chuckle "She can get really excited about some things and she just wants to share the news straight away and that's why all the spamming. She was excited that she booked the tickets and just wanted to tell right at that instant." I admitted to him.
"She must really miss you" His voice gentle and caring. "I hope she does" I sarcastically joked. "So is Steph your only friend? Because she's the only one I've heard you talk about'' he was curious by now. "No, I've got another 4 friends but I and Steph kept the most contact after I left and she was the only one who bothered to visit so.." I answered him as I took another sip of my coffee and got my laptop on to turn it on.

"So have you thought about what kind of furniture you want?" I asked him as I started typing on google. He looked at me with guilty puppy eyes shaking his head in disagreement "I was hoping you could help me?" His question sounded more like a statement.

I huffed at him shaking my head in disapproval but I gave in to his puppy eyes "Okay should we do room by room first? I was thinking maybe start with the living room."

"I know what I definitely want in the living room. A big TV so I can watch the rugby matches." He buttoned in excitedly. I couldn't help but laugh at his excitement "Okay, that's a start I guess. Do you want it built-in, or in a stand?" I started searching for TVs and I noticed that Henry was furrowing his brows at me in confusion. "What difference does it make?" He was trying to sound confident but his face was giving away that he had no idea what I was on about. "Okay so, built-in TV allows you to have more space in the room, while one with a stand takes some space but you can always get a stand with shelves so you can store things there." Henry seemed to be deep in thought until he reached his decision "Okay, I think I'll go with the built-in, Kal likes to sleep underneath the TV when I'm watching so it would be beneficial for both of us." He had a small smile on his face. I returned the smile while I changed the search filters to only show built-in TVs. "Wait, what is your budget?" I exclaimed as soon as I saw the prices and I realized I had been an idiot for not asking it sooner. He licked his lips while starring on the ceiling "guess it's unlimited, I have money for a reason." He let out a hearty laugh as soon as he finished his sentence and I chuckled along with him. "Oh yeah, I forgot you're rich" I muttered sarcastically at him while I showed him a 43 inch 4k TV and he gave me an approving nod so I bookmarked the page.

"You said Kal likes to sleep beside the TV right? So why don't you get him a sleeping mat?". I asked him after a while as I had already started searching for dog mats. "That's probably a good idea." He pressed his lips together. "But he needs a big one." Kal let out a disapproving woof which made us both chuckle. "Okay, I got it" I exclaimed loudly and I turned my laptop around so I could show Henry what I found. "Look it's about a meter and a half long, fluffy like our little bear plus it has built-in cooling pads so he won't get too hot." Henry looked at Kal as if seeking his approval, the little black and white bear lifted his ear and let out a happy woof; which was the only thing we needed to hear and so I put that one on my bookmarks as well.


After that, we managed to roughly see what else we could put to all the other areas as well while Kal was letting out disapproving or approving woofs which made us laugh every single time.
We went over what we had bookmarked so far and suddenly Henry exclaimed.
''What about your room?''

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