Chapter 54

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 The walls were closing in around her, a teardrop left her eye, the black and white plaid tiles were forming odd shapes as the whole room started spinning. It was whirling in circles, changing direction every time; it was going faster and faster until the only thing Mia could see was blackness. The note was still hovering at the end of her fingerprints, but she was no longer standing up, her knees couldn't hold her any longer, and she collapsed to the floor still staring into the emptiness. Her hands were as cold as the tiled floor beneath her, but the tears gushing down her face made her hot and even dizzier. Her hands and knees became numb as the melody Henry sang to her last night kept playing in her head. She closed her eyes, trying to focus on her breathing, but a bang on the door startled her.

"Mia, you okay?" Anya's loud voice buzzed in her ears. She tried to cover them because of the constant banging and screaming pierced through her brain. But it wasn't long after when Freya's voice could be heard as well, softer but still too loud for her. She brought her knees on her face, wrapping her arms around herself as she let out a silent scream. Freya and Anya's voices now became more distorted, and Mia suddenly felt nauseous. Lifting the toilet seat, she vomited, and she quickly cleaned her face. Now everything became clear to her, her head was no longer pounding, the walls had stopped spinning, and her friends' voices were no longer piercing through her. She looked down on the floor where the note was laying, she quickly scrunched it and put it on her back pocket, quickly looked at herself on the mirror wiping the residual tears and she opened the door. As soon as she stepped out, both Freya and Anya embraced her in a firm hug.

"Are you okay?" The raven-haired woman asked her as she softly brushed Mia's hair. "Did you pass out? We couldn't get a hold of you in a while." Anya was concerned, as she cupped Mia's face, thoroughly inspecting it.

The redhead gave her a faint smile "yeah, I must have, I also got a bit sick" she rubbed at her stomach "must have been the food." She hated lying to them, but she couldn't have them worry.

The older man stepped in, giving Mia a bottle of water which she gladly accepted and started gulping it down. "Sounds like a pregnancy to me. I know how's that like, I've got five kids." He declared with a smug smile. Mia almost choked on her water, as the girls widened their eyes in surprise, expecting an answer from her.

"I'm not!" Mia comforted them "I'm on contraceptives."

"Oh, I never trusted that stuff, they mess with your hormones, and you're such a young girl to be messing with them." he stated disapprovingly. "The quicker you get off them, the better.'' He raised a warning finger at her before he disappeared to the store.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Freya asked warmly. Mia nodded before she took another sip of her water. "And you're 100% sure that you're not pregnant?"

Mia, this time did choke on her water, covering her mouth as she coughed "you need to stop asking me that when I'm drinking you know!" They all snickered before the redhead continued "I'm not." She wasn't so sure. But she did a good job making the girls think that she was. She couldn't remember getting her pills yesterday, but she tried not to worry as she had enough on her plate already.

The girls made sure she got home safely, and they only let her alone when they saw Henry and Kal at the threshold of the door, with worry written all over his face. He and the big furry ball ran towards them, embracing Mia in a hug and mouthing a silent thank you to the girls.

"I'm fine Hen." she gave him a faint smile, slightly breaking away from the hug.

"You passed out! That's not fine. You could have hurt yourself somehow." He babbled as he started examining her face and arms for any possible injuries.

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