chapter twenty four

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"All of you move to the back of the class quietly and don't even try touching your locker or belongings i will know".

Mr Shola had ordered us to move to the back of the class with the exception of Ola and Amanda since they were going to help with the search.

With his supervision of course.

"Guy if them beat me today ehh i go change am for you". Tobi spat at an incredibly amused Munir as we all walked to the back of the class.
Will he chill for a minute? Did he really think Munir would lead us all to our deaths with him included. Honestly how dumb could one person be. I'm sure he doesn't even know he's attracted to my best friend. I need to remember to confront him on that.

We all obeyed the man and dragged ourselves quite noisily to the back of the class Medina and I both leaning at the back against the wall.
"This is going to be interesting". She mused and I just hummed in response my eyes set on the back of Munir's infuriating pretty head. The minutes dragged on with a lot of murmuring and slamming of lockers. Untill they were finally almost done. Thank God.

"Next role". Mr Shola barks at our class monitors. They are currently on the last role which is Munir's role and he's pretty pissed that not a single evidence has been found.

Amanda slams the last locker close.

" Sir there's nothing here either". He frowns deeply swiftly turning to lock eyes with Munir.

" It seems you were right Munir there's no evidence to implicate you or your classmates". The class exploded in series of hoots and praises at Munir but was immediately shut up when Mr Shola yelled. "Enough! didn't write it yes,but you didn't clean it either". He spat pointing an accusing finger at all of us but keeping his eyes on Munir's light brown ones. "So,you will still be punished. All of you to the dinning hall. I want all the dishes washed and floors cleaned and make sure you scrub this rubbish on the board,I don't want to see it by the time I come back here". Grumbling and mumbling rang through the class as Mr Shola exited but not before giving us one last scorching glare.

"Mychewwww this man sef." Medina hissed and I grinned. I just remembered something that happened before all this.

"Why you smiling jorh we are going to serve punishment." She frowned looking me over and even making a show of touching my forehead to feel my temperature. I swatted her hand away and pouted. I was going to tell her about Khalil.

"I met someone in the bathroom's today." We were already on our way out of the class and heading for the dinning hall. Meanwhile Amanda and the three witches of the west were trying to get the stain off the board with bleach. Apparently Samuel threatened to shave off their brows in their sleep if they didn't. They were the reason why we were in this mess in the first place so this is the least they can do.

Medina perked up at my statement "who did you meet?".
Immediately black curly hair ,soft brown eyes and pink lips pulled back in a grin clouded my mind. He really was cute.

"His name is Khalil,he saw me cursing in the bathroom and approached me and then....." I was rudely cut off by a panicked looking Medina.

"Khalil!!....are u serious right now". she practically yelled in my ear.  Ouchhhhh!

I look over at her. Slightly annoyed and slightly confused.
"why what's wrong?" I questioned curiosity getting the best of me.

"Khalil Abdulrahman, as in Abdulrahman does that ring a bell". Oh she knew him, She was really emphasising on the surname though. What's up with that?

I just stared stupidly at her as if a second head was sprouting on her shoulder. She groaned in frustration and spun me around and pointed at the back of Munir's head. Why was she pointing at Munir. Is she crazy he could see us. I caught her hand and pinned it at her side.
"Stop pointing it's rude". She just rolled her eyes at me and gave me a 'come on figure it out' look.
What does Khalil Abdulrahman have to do with Munir Abdulrahman.
Wait oh shit....... realization hit me like a brick to the head.
The stupid shiny curly hair, those brown eyes and most of all that damn sexy jawline. They were related but in what way I had no idea.
The similarities were so un canny though and now am wondering why it took me so long to put two and two together.

"They are related." I murmured to myself but Medina caught it.

" They are cousins babe, immediate family to be exact. But they don't get along ever." She voiced. I turned to look at the boy I've always had my eyes on since day one. He had his hands in his pockets with a laid back expression on his face as the Igbo brothers in our class spoke to him. His face suddenly split into a smile and then he burst out into fits of laughter, hunching over and all. I've never seen him laugh like that before. It sounded so beautiful. He was so beautiful.

"Munir you can handle,but Munir and Khalil no. That's just asking for trouble my friend". She slapped a hand on my shoulder pulling me close to her small frame.
" Especially when both of them have their eyes on you". I snapped my head to the side to glare at her.
"They certainly do not have their eyes on me" I cried out.
She just laughed at my facial expression and kept walking dragging me along with her. The dinning hall in our line of sight. I've forgotten how big this school is. We've been walking for 15 minutes straight.

"Keep telling yourself that,me Sha my advice is that you should becareful those boys are trouble. Big ones."
Munir, yes. His face practically screamed 'mess with me and I'll rip your head clean off your neck'. But Khalil on the other hand although having facial similarities with Munir looked more carefree and soft like he couldn't hurt a fly even if he tried.

"When have you ever advised me otherwise" I laughed while she playfully glared at me from the side.

"Shut up am helping you,you should be saying thank you and not being sarcastic".
I shrugged her off and dashed into the dinning hall which was already occupied by our classmates. My eyes immediately locked on his. His stare was teasing and I noticed a slight quirk of his lips.
Why the hell was he looking at me like that?
"Hey guys". He said out of the blue and everybody was quiet all of a sudden. What dimension are we in again? Because I don't think I ever ever heard Munir talk publicly especially to our classmates without provocation. Like ever.
" Are you not Wondering why they couldn't find the sharpies earlier". His husky deep voice asked not breaking eye contact with me even for a second. Ohh shit I forgot about the sharpies in my stockings. Is he seriously trying to embarrass me right now. That's a cheap shot Munir... cheap shot.

"Common Ella tell us were you kept them because I don't think a pack of markers can just magically disappear into thin air". Now everyone was looking at me. Even Medina. Were they expecting me to just whip it out or something.
I glared at Munir with all the hatred I could muster up and the idiot just grinned like the devil. Ahhhhh fuck this....I dug my hands into my basketball boxers and pulled out the pack earning gasps and hoots from the boys and also a round of laughs.

"Guy this babe get sense ohh." one of those Igbo boys that sit at the back commented. And suddenly I was surrounded by the boys telling me how awesome I am and praising me and shit. Well that turned out less embarrassing as I thought it would.
I just smiled and blushed here and there at their comments before Amanda arrived with supplies and a list of our names and our work stations.

Medina appeared at my side at an Instant "that was Interesting." she mumbled,folding her arms across her chest.
" Everything is interesting to you Medina." I chuckled and she just wrapped a hand around my shoulder again grinning like a loon. This girl.

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