chapter forty two

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Getting comfortable on my bed after laying it with my monster house cartoon bedsheets. I turned to look at Medina who was sat on the chair in the corner as she babbled on and on about how the new years party we had attended was the bomb. Well too bad we were back to hell also known as school.

Last week was New years day and Munir, Medina, Rolake and I went bowling, played arcade games, VR games and finally partied till dawn at Ayra starr's concert. The girl was a diva and I absolutely adored her fashion sense and that fiery hair she has going on for her.

We had a lot of fun and I got to see Munir's goofy side more. He was really funny when he put his mind to it. I mean twerking to bloody samaritan and singing off key as Medina hyped him up,  it was really a sight to see.

We took so many pictures and videos my phone memory cried. I could swear my side got stitches from laughing so much that day. I made sure to post on my instagram and Munir's cause the nigga had fucking followers now. Remember that coffee date we went to were I opened an account for him? Well he got dozens of likes and followers just for that picture alone and now he has upto eleven thousand followers and more each day. A lot of modeling agencies have asked for him to be their sponsorship partner but he has always told me to decline it. But since I was the one managing the account for him I still accepted a few and begged him to do it. It was nothing too risky just some skincare products. He whined about it at first but later let me use him as my lab rat. It was absolutely fun taking pictures of him in a robe.

But now the fun was over and we were back to school. Jamb, waec and Neco was around the corner so that means it's all business now. Munir hasn't resumed yet and I was bummed to hear that. Medina said he normally comes back on Mondays so I have to wait till tomorrow to see him. God I sound so whipped. What the fuck is happening to me.

And I also can't stop thinking about what he said to me the time he was at my house for grandma's Christmas party.

I have this nagging feeling that his statement has something to do with his past. But he told me he would share when the time was right. I just hope he won't chicken out and build his walls back up because we've gotten so far now. But who I'm I to talk when I have my own secrets. But I'm sure I'll tell him one day. I just have to build up the courage to do it. And hopefully he won't judge me.

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"Hold this thing for me abeg I want to remove fraps and don't move from behind me you here." I held the water bottle Medina handed to me and placed my hand over my mouth not to laugh.

"Remove what!?" I asked baffled. She shushed me, whipping her head from side to side to see if any of our classmates on the hallways noticed us. I'm pretty sure they didn't though. Everyone was pretty occupied with their own lives to pay attention to us. From gisting about the latest songs released, to who got who pregnant and who's sex tape got leaked.

So yeah no one noticed us.

"Just stay in one place please." She pleaded. I gave a quick nod of my head and watched in amusement as she reached behind her well ironed skirt and pinched the material at her butt and pulled. She gave a sigh of relief and cursed the person who made panties as I laughed at her predicament.

We got to class finally and took our normal seats. I noticed that the classrooms were already cleaned out and there wasn't any sign of dust or debris so I asked Medina. She then told me that the proprietor hires cleaners for sanitation a day before we resume so that's why the classrooms, toilets and dorms were clean.
I hummed and pulled out a can of pringles from my bag and started to eat the crunchy snack using nutella as a dip.

"Another combination Ella? Last year it was eclairs and freshyo this year it's pringles and nutella shebi you're iron woman you don't have period pains." She chastised.

"First of all there's no such thing as iron woman, secondly I do have period pains I just take meds for them." I shrugged.

"Hey, Tony stark's wife was literally iron woman I mean she had a suit and everything and she could use it. And this drug that you take can I get a prescription I literally hate my periods I always feel like I'm about to die." She frowned as she said that last part.

Yhhhh, so here's the thing, these meds that I take are actually birth control. My parents got me on them ever since you know what and also because they help with cramps so I just went with it since it was a bonus so how the fuck do I tell my bestfriend I'm actually taking birth control medication.

She arched a brow as she awaited my response, making me bite my lip in thought. I mean I could just tell her the truth but part of it. I honestly hope it doesn't blow up in my face. I feel so guilty that I have to keep all these secrets from her so it's better if I just tell her this one.

"Ok so like you know in the America pre marital sex is like a thing. My parents aren't keen on it obviously but they still wanted me to be safe so my mom put me on birth control and since it also helps with the cramps it was a bonus so I kept on taking them." I rambled quickly chewing my chip so loudly am sure Medina was grossed out.

"So you're saying that you're on birth control like the things adults take to not get pregnant." She asked slowly.

"Yeah that's exactly what I'm say...."

"Who's on birth control!" Sam suddenly yelled in my face making me back away and Medina to shriek like a banshee.

"Samuel are you mad? You scared us." She slapped him on the arm and the idiot had the audacity to feign pain.

"Ouchhhh stop maltreating me, but seriously who's on birth control and can I get a prescription." He asked eagerly glancing from Medina and I.

"None of your business dimwitt now fuck off." I almost growled making Sam smirk in amusement

"Ahh you're almost as scary as your boyfriend ohh.. Ehenn, is he the reason you're on birth control? dont tell me you and Munir have started..... " He raised his hands to make obscene gestures making blood rush to my cheeks and Medina to slap him on the head this time.

I was about to tell him to go to hell when that deep voice that had been on my mind all day suddenly spoke.

"Munir and who have started what?"

Oh boy...

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