chapter forty four

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On getting back to class I realized it was empty except for the fact that Tobi was sitting on his sit sulking and looking like his puppy got kicked in the face. Noticing he wasn't the only person in the classroom he looked up and met my gaze from across the room. I rose a questioning brow at him and got a sneer in return. I was about to laugh at him but instead settled for a grin. The classroom has started to fill up once again and I leaned by the door and scanned the hoard of students for Medina. Seriously the girl was so short I didn't even know why I bothered looking for her. I didn't even try to look for Munir. I was super mad at him so he could kiss my black ass.

While I was lost in thought I didn't notice my bestfriend creep behind me untill she tickled my sides making me squeak in fear. I've always hated been so ticklish. And how the hell did she get into the class without me seeing and sneak up on me like that. Oh I forgot, she was a fucking munchkin.

"Stop doing that. I almost had a heart attack mumu." I chastised. Instead of apologizing she hugged me instead and dragged me with her from the door untill we sat on our desks.

"So spill I saw you and Munir getting cozy in the back seats and I'm sure you guys didn't sit there cause of the view." she grinned mischievously, pumping her brows in a suggestive manner. I blushed and swatted her arm and unconsciously turned to look at our class boys from across the room with Munir in the middle of them. I had no idea what Samuel and Obinna were describing to the group but it seemed like it was something interesting with the way they kept on laughing. I tore my eyes away from him before he noticed me looking at him and they immediately landed on another pair.

Tobi had set his eyes on the back of my bestfriend's head and kept looking at her with what I could only describe as longing. So he still has a crush on her. I definitely had to play matchmaker now.

You see last term when Tobi and Tomiwa broke up he had distanced himself from everyone and became a loner but I guess this term he couldn't keep away any longer and has reunited with his cliq and now that Munir was amongst them he had to tolerate him too. But I noticed there wasn't any bad blood between them. They weren't buddy buddy but they were okay with being in each other's presence without killing each other so I guess that's fine. Infact he had mellowed down with his crass attitude and douche bag habit that I myself have started to tolerate him.
He had mistakenly stepped on me yesterday when he wasn't looking and he apologized profusely and even cleaned my shoes with his black bandana. I had to stop him before he could continue and assure him it was fine. He barely smiled but he was polite and that was what mattered. At least he was changing. Maybe Munir's numerous punches arranged a few loose knots in his brain. Yeah that's probably it.

Meanwhile Sarah, Tomiwa and Khadijat were still the same old characters they were before. I actually thought the fight between Munir and Tobi would make Tomiwa realize her friends weren't good for her but I guess old habits die hard. She was back to been her old snobby self and I couldn't say I was impressed. I did thank God that they had stayed clear of me and Medina. Not bothering us anymore. Good for them.

I looked back to my bestfriend who was shaking my shoulders to get me to spill to her all my deepest darkest secrets but decided to divert the subject from me to her.

"And what about you ehh? We seriously need to find you a boyfriend so you can stop disturbing me about details concerning my sex life. I would really like to hear yours too." I smirked at her dumbfounded face. She recoiled into her seat and I swear if she wasn't a woman of colour her cheeks and ears would have been as red as a tomato.

" I...I don't want any boy in my life. I am perfectly happy like this...... Alone." You see Medina was always comfortable when asking me about my encounters with Munir but when it was her turn she would back peddle so fast and run into her shell to hide from everyone. But she was also a hopeless romantic like me. She has read all the books I had lent her and would talk about how she wished someone like peter kavinsky with a dash of Hardin scott would sweep her off her feet. So yeah hopeless romantic.

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