chapter twenty two

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Am on fire tonight 🤭🔥. Enjoy😂

My brows furrowed in confusion. I scanned the class for a familiar face and saw her sitting next to Amanda looking right at the culprits a smug smile on her face.
Nope , this is definitely the right class.

I looked at the board again then at the hands of Tomiwa, Sarah, Khadijat and those Igbo boys who sit at the back of the class Obinna and whatever the others were called. Are those my sharpies?.

If they were that means these idiots had gone through my locker. I felt enraged. They actually had the guts to go through my stuff.

"What are you guys doing with my sharpies". I growled out. The class was so quiet I could hear my own breathing.

" What?" Khadijat asked clearly confused. Of course she didn't know what they were. If she did she wouldn't have written on the board with them. I forgot how stupid she is really.

"Sharpie you idiot. A sharpie". I snapped, snatching it out of their hands as I stormed back to my locker.
"Did you just call me an idiot". Khadijat screeched in her stupid high pitched voice. I gave her a 'duh' look

" Yes you're an idiot if you weren't you wouldn't have drawn rubbish with them on a white board". I said slowly as though i was explaining to a child that it wasn't good to eat candy before dinner.

" So because of your stupid markers or sharpies or whatever you're now calling us idiots". Sarah snarled coming into my personal space.
Hol'up... Was she the one I called an idiot or was it Khadijat.
I face palmed. Can they seriously not keep up with what am saying for once.

Why do I even bother....

I was about to retort with another snarky remark telling her to go to hell when Medina beat me to it.

"Sister Sarah, clearly her statement was" sharpie you idiot" not "sharpie you idiots" with the 'S' ". she emphasized. "So maybe you're guilty of been an idiot that's why you're getting aggressive over nothing". She finished.

Wow..... Go best friend!
I grinned wildly as Sarah's mouth fell open in shock.

Obinna and his friends were cracking up behind the class and the rest joined in.

Hey, when did they leave the front of the board.

"So tomboy just because you don dey learn small oyinbo English from this kekere you wan come dey form say you don't arrive ahbi. No try me ohh I go lesh you now now now"[so tomboy, just because you're learning small American English from this chewing stick, you want to show me you have arrived. Don't try my patience or else I will bash your body in]
Sarah threatened as she stalked towards Medina, giving me breathing space.


Medina didn't look phased at all by the empty threat.No signs of nervousness. But I knew she was uncomfortable because she hated violence or confrontation so that's why I quickly intervained.

"Well at least she was learning English. Meanwhile you guys were busy wasting your time writing with permanent markers on a white board. Now tell me that's not stupid". I butt in.

" What do you mean permanent marker". Tomiwa finally spoke, vigourously scrubbing the board with her hand.
It didn't come off. At all.

The three of them shifted there gazes to me in disbelief then back at each other as their eyes widened. They immediately started to scrub the board, which in response made squeaking noises. There was no sign of ink on their palm when they rose it to their faces. They stared back at the board like it was it most interesting thing in the world.

Honestly, it was so funny I forgot I was mad and started laughing. Then I looked closer at the board, noticing what they actually drew.

They had drawn boobs, even coloured the nipples and written 'comman suck' underneath it.
My eyes widened in horror as I saw the next drawing. It was a really big....

"Whose hairy ball sack is that?". The class started laughing. Did I just say that out loud?.Shit!
I joined them and laughed too as I got closer to the board scrutinizing the drawing.
"It's Sam's own, you know he likes to keep it natural for the ladies". Obinna yelled quirking his brows in a suggestive manner causing more laughter to erupt round the class. But Sam didn't find it funny.

He shot up from his chair chasing Obinna around the class as he yelled "how do you know that's how my balls look like? Fucking faggot".
I was seriously dying from laughter right now, tears were literally falling from my eyes. As I wiped them up with my sleeve and I looked up, my gaze locked on brown ones. His lips were turned up in amusement but that was the only sign or emotion I got that he was enjoying the show. I smiled and he smirked back at me.

Typical Munir.

I broke eye contact first and walked back to my seat arranging the sharpies in their pack. I looked to the front and saw Sarah and co still staring at the board. She looked composed but her followers had fear written across their faces like a post sign.
I shook my head in disgust. Stupid girls.

Sam and Obinna had stopped their cat and mouse play and we're breathing heavily like dogs sweat already forming on their foreheads. He was about going out of the class and when he stopped by my seat and yelled "wagwan".[personal person] Giving me a high five.
"I liked what you did to those mumu's. Serves them right". He said chuckling. I just smiled and mumbled a thanks as I continued to arrange my stuff.
"Abeg lemme Goan piss". He blurted out running out of class.

That boy. Always voicing his thoughts. I shook my head and smiled slightly.

Not a second later Sam burst back into the class whispering on top of his voice the name that all ss3 students feared.

"Mr Shola, Mr Shola". My first instinct was to shove my sharpie pack inside my thigh high socks. Don't ask me why I did it I have no idea either.

Right now the class was as silent as a cemetery. Hell, the whole block was so silent if someone farted from C class you could hear it.

As he walked into our class everybody was on edge especially Sarah and her leaches. I mean if I was in their shoes, I would be too.
We all stood up to greet him. At first we thought he didn't notice the board. But then he grimaced and all hope was lost when his voice thundered.
"All of you on your knees". I knew right then we were roasted meat.

As the seelie queen in Shadowhunters said to Simon. We were officially Dead,Dead,Dead........

Four chapters in one night 🌃.
I hope this compensates for my lazy ass not updating early.

Bye bye my lovelies😌😴😴❤️

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