chapter twenty nine

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It was like we were having a staring contest as our gaze's never wavered. I was the first to look away before turning towards Tobi who was still kneeling on the floor as sam and Tomiwa tried to help him up.

"Stay in class Tobi and don't come out till the bell rings." I ordered. He glared at me already opening his mouth to spit nonsense.

" Who the hell do you think you are?."

I noticed Munir trying to get to him but  placed my hand on his chest stopping him. I ignored the tingles that shot up my arm and butterflies raging in my stomach at the thought of touching him and glared back at Tobi.

"Maybe you're forgetting I knocked you on your ass and if you want another go I will happily oblige." I smirked as he turned his head away from me, jaw clenched and eyes hard, taking a seat with Sam and brushing Tomiwa off him. She looked hurt but didn't say anything and I kind of felt bad for her but then I remembered that she was the one who told that snitch khadijat about what happened in the morning and anger flared in my gut.

"Tomiwa." I called out , she turned her head towards me, eyes red and swollen.

"Becareful who you share your secrets with, some people are just born without a mouth filter. " I spoke looking directly into khadijat's eyes. She gasped looking at expectantly as if she will defend her. Tomiwa who had disappointment on her face, shook her head and walked out of the class.

"I didn't do anything wrong......" khadijat screeched like a banshee.

I tuned her out immediately and grabbed a hold of Munir's hand and dragged him out of the class as the people who had gathered earlier parted for us, some of them going out of the class since the show was obviously over.

Once we were out the door, I lead him towards the taps. He needed to wash his injury which thankfully was only a split on his left eyebrow. The rest were just small scratches, his bruised knuckles and then my hand print which was starting to show on his cheek. At least he didn't look half as bad as Tobi did.

I just hope teachers won't notice tomorrow.

As we got to the taps, there wasn't any one there so I turned on one of the heads and beckoned him to put his bleeding face under. He did so without complaining placing his hands on his knees to support him.

When he rose to his full height, I noticed the blood on his split eyebrow was not washed off completely. I think I have some disinfectant wipes and a band aid In my bag. But we would have to go back to class for it. And I didn't want him going back there yet. Tobi was still in there.

I opened my mouth to tell him to wait here for me till I got back but was immediately cut off by Munir taking off his white shirt which was torn in several places.

My eyes widened as I took his chest in. His shoulders were broad and wide, stretching out as he took his arms out of the battered shirt.
The expanse of his chest was glistening with the residue of water, droplets dripping down to his tight abdomen and disappearing into the band of his Nike underwear which was noticeably peeking from his pants.
Tearing the shirt into tiny pieces the fucker decided to torture me more by wiping his body clean of water, then proceeding to the tap once more and dipping the clothe under water and cleaning his wounds.
The muscles in his lean arms flexing with ever movement.

I gulped slowly when he looked up, his eyes roaming my face before landing on my shocked ones. His lips instantly broke into a heart stopping grin. He's eyes glistening with mirth. He just caught me oggling him and his smiling.

"What!?" I snapped. I already knew why he was looking at me like that but I needed to show him that he didn't affect me in the slightest even if it meant yelling at him.

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