chapter eighteen

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Well Monday finally arrived and Medina and I are heading back to class from the dinning hall after a healthy breakfast of bread and eggs. I didn't like the tea so I gave it to Medina who downed it at a go. Sometimes her appetite scares the shit out of me. Since today is an assembly day we had breakfast as early as possible and not the usual time which is 9:00 am.

"Let's go drop our bags sharp sharp before Mr shola comes with his koboko. I'm not ready to be lashed this cold morning". Medina was practically power walking and I had to jog to keep up with her. For God's sake her legs were so short. How was she walking so fast.

"Slow down,you're going to make me sprain my ankle with the way you're walking". But she was right. It was almost 7:30 am and Mr shola would be here anytime screaming profanities and chasing us with that big fat whip of his. The man was crazy as fuck. So I avoided him like the plague. He only came for us seniors because according to him we were hard-headed trouble makers who didn't adhere to rules. He had it for us and telling you.

As soon as we had dropped our bags, screaming and screeching of girls vibrated the whole block. Medina's terrified gaze met my equally terrified one and before I could say Jack Robinson I was being dragged out of the class by her. We came to a stop once we were outside and were graced with the presence of an over weight man yelling and whipping kids on their backs. Like I said he was one crazy mother fucker. Medina dragged me once more and I almost lost my footing but maintained my balance and followed her to the lines before he got to where we were standing.

"Thank God". She let out a breath,laughing slightly and I laughed along side her,the adrenaline slowly wearing off. Well that was some exercise,I thought as I hunched over with my hands on my knees,trying to regulate my beating heart.

I turned around to look at the unfortunate victims who were still being chased down like dogs by Mr shola. But to my greatest suprise... Not.

Tobi and his crew were walking magestically towards the lines and guess who was right behind them. Munir of course.

And yes,Tobi and his boys were bouncing like Kings to the line but Munir was walking like a god. He was walking like he owned the school and no one else mattered but him. He oozed of so much confidence and gracefulness that I thought I would get high. I don't know why Mr shola wasn't flogging them. But he wasn't. Infact he had retreated to the front of the lines were all the staff stood. Maybe he didn't have it in him to deal with the boys. Well for one,they were stubborn as hell and no amount of flogging would ever make them Change,even I would get tired.

"You're looking to much my dear". Medina mocked. A shit eating grin gracing her features.
I felt heat rush to my cheeks. Shit,she caught me staring at him as usual.

"Shut up". I whisper yelled,nudging her to face her front as I turned back to the front of the lines as well. She just threw her head back and let out a soundless laugh.

"The national anthem after the count of two,1..2 sing". The head boy trailed off.

Classes rolled by pretty fast, luckily for me I didn't have any encounters with that irritating shit face Sarah. And that was something I was thankful to God for. Medina had to meet up with Amanda again,leaving me all by myself in the almost  empty classroom. Since we still had 30 minutes till lunch they decided to just complete the last of their essay during that period. So in attempts to pass time I decided to read a book which ended up in me falling asleep with my head on the desk.

But then not five minutes after I'd fallen asleep, I felt like I was been watched. I've always been a light sleeper. The moment something or someone comes close to me I feel it's presence and I wake up almost immediately. But for some strange reason,I wanted to wait and see what this person wanted to do. So when the person sat on the seat next to me and that infuriating musky scent mixed with Axe body spray wafted through my nose. I froze in my seat almost holding my breath. Munir.

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