chapter forty three

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Steamy chapter you guys...😎💦💦
Get your holy water ready ohh😁👀👀👀

Groaning in annoyance of having to walk all the way to the computer labs for last period, I scanned the hoard of students also known as my classmates. Everyone was on a single file trooping into the lab so as not to cause inconvenience.
Munir was right behind me with his left arm wrapped around my shoulder from the back and his chin on top of my head. And I couldn't find Medina anywere. Maybe she was in front. She has a thing for front seats.
Once we had entered the lab, he dragged me all the way to the back seats close to the wall and then we sat at our cubicle.

So I know you're wondering what happened when Sam had stupidly made that statement about birth control yesterday and me and Munir doing whatever.....

So in other to dismiss the conversation I had ran over to a very confused Munir, hugging him close to me as tight as I could as all our classmates ohhhhed and hollered. He immediately relaxed into the hug and pressed a kiss on the top of my head as more hoots echoed the class. It was a really nice but embarrassing experience for me. And I hated the attention to be honest. But I was glad he didn't push me away. And that's how I escaped that uncomfortable conversation.

Our computer studies teacher Mr okonkwo was an average looking man with his plaid shirt and washed baggy jeans. He was actually one of the teachers whom I liked besides our english teacher Mr kola, because he taught well and he was funny. Halfway into the class he made Ola our class captain to turn off the lights since we were going to use the projector. He then moved to his macbook to play a movie that was about Artificial intelligence,  since it was under the topic we were treating. Too engrossed in the movie I didn't notice Munir moving closer untill I felt his warm breath on my neck and his left hand on my thigh. I gasped and turned to give him a questioning look to which he replied by placing his index finger on his lips.

What the fuck was he doing?

I held my breath as his hand moved further up, hiking my skirt higher up my thighs. The last time something like this ever happened was a traumatic experience for me but with Munir's touch I was surprised I hadn't flinched or felt the need to empty the contents of my breakfast on the desktop before me. Infact my tensed shoulders relaxed as he placed butterfly kisses on my neck and his large palms massaged my inner thighs.

"Is this okay?" He asked softly grazing my earlobe with his teeth. I gasped and nodded. If not for the fact that the room was dark and my lousy classmates kept shooting questions at our teacher every chance they got I'm sure someone would have noticed us by now. But then a bonus was that we sat at the back by the wall me on the left close to the wall and Munir on my right.

The sneaky bastard.... So this was why he sat us here.

I was about to curse him out in every language I knew when I felt deft fingers pressing against the hot flesh over my underwear. I groaned lowly, grabbing on to his hand which was delivering ministrations onto my nether parts for support. Never in my life have I felt this kind of pleasure just by being touched. I know Munir and I have explored kissing and a little humping but never have we tried anything like this. But I liked it. I liked it a lot.

"You like that?" As if reading my mind his husky voice whispered and I bit my lip and nodded in response, because I knew the moment I opened my mouth I would literally scream.

His fingers moved faster, switching between rubbing circles and putting pressure on my throbbing bundle of nerves. I almost cried out as he bit on the sensitive skin of my neck, licking, sucking and biting the soft flesh. My legs had started to shake uncontrollably and I was sure if I was so much as standing on my two feet, I would fall face first.

I squirmed as I felt myself almost tipping over the edge of the cliff I've never been taken to before. It was both scary and exciting but I wanted it and Munir was going to give it to me.

Holding on to his hand for dear life, my hips started to thrust into his hand finding a rhythm and flowing with it. Munir noticing this smirked into my neck. I turned to face him, the only light source in the room which was the light from the desktop reflected his beautiful features perfectly. God he was magnificent.

"You like fucking my fingers don't you? look how beautiful you look buttercup. Can you come on my fingers like this?" I never knew dirty talking could turn me on so much. I've read books were fictional characters like Christian Grey did it but I had found it so cringy I would laugh everytime.
But with Munir's slight arabian accent it sounded so fucking sexy I could melt.

"yes...." I whispered for only his ears and he grinned wildly before using his other hand to grip my waist stilling the movement of my hips.

"Tell me what you, Sam and Medina were talking about yesterday." He suddenly said, withdrawing his fingers slightly. I let out a whine as I tried to follow them, but then realized I couldn't since his other hand was restricting my movements.

"Wh....what are you talking about." I whispered out of breath.

He gave me a look of amusement one I have come to know that he used when he was playing one of his mind games.

Fuck me.....

"The thing you guys were saying before I walked in class yesterday. Tell me and I'll let you come." The he serious right now? he's just going to leave me high and dry just because of some stupid conversation I can't even remember right now.

But wait.... is he talking about the birth control thing. Ok hell no I'm not telling.

"I can't really remember." I lied smoothly looking him straight in the eye. Instead of getting mad, he actually looked amused. Shrugging his shoulders he pulled away from me completely.

"Okay." Was the only thing he said facing away from me and looking at the teacher. The fucker wasn't even concentrating this whole time.

I was two seconds away from screaming bloody murder at him when the lights turned on and the whole class started to file out of the lab.

So yeah, now my underwear was completely soaked, I was horny and pissed beyond measure.

Fuck you Munir!........And your stupid fucking beautiful face. I'm so gonna make you pay for this.

Was the last thing I thought to myself as I speed walked like my ass was on fire to the bathroom with my classmates giving me questioning looks and Munir laughing behind me.

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